#' Extract coverage information for a set of regions
#' This function extracts the raw coverage information calculated by
#' [fullCoverage] at each base for a set of regions found with
#' [calculatePvalues]. It can further calculate the mean coverage per
#' sample for each region.
#' @param fullCov A list where each element is the result from
#' [loadCoverage] used with `returnCoverage = TRUE`. Can be generated
#' using [fullCoverage]. Alternatively, specify `files` to extract
#' the coverage information from the regions of interest. This can be
#' helpful if you do not wish to store `fullCov` for memory reasons.
#' @param regions The `$regions` output from [calculatePvalues]. It
#' is important that the seqlengths information is provided.
#' @param totalMapped The total number of reads mapped for each sample.
#' Providing this data adjusts the coverage to reads in `targetSize`
#' library. By default, to reads per 80 million reads.
#' @param targetSize The target library size to adjust the coverage to. Used
#' only when `totalMapped` is specified.
#' @inheritParams fullCoverage
#' @param ... Arguments passed to other methods and/or advanced arguments.
#' Advanced arguments:
#' \describe{
#' \item{verbose }{ If `TRUE` basic status updates will be printed along
#' the way.}
#' }
#' Passed to [extendedMapSeqlevels] and [define_cluster].
#' When `fullCov` is `NULL`, `...` has the advanced argument
#' `protectWhich` (default 30000) from [loadCoverage]. Also
#' `...` is passed to [fullCoverage] for loading the data on the fly.
#' This can be useful for loading the data from a specific region (or small
#' sets of regions) without having to load in memory the output the coverage
#' information from all the genome.
#' @return a list of data.frame where each data.frame has the coverage
#' information (nrow = width of region, ncol = number of samples) for a given
#' region. The names of the list correspond to the region indexes in
#' `regions`
#' @author Andrew Jaffe, Leonardo Collado-Torres
#' @seealso [fullCoverage], [calculatePvalues]
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges seqnames
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlevels renameSeqlevels
#' mapSeqlevels seqlevelsInUse
#' @importMethodsFrom GenomicRanges names 'names<-' length '[' coverage sort
#' width '$'
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpmapply
#' @details When `fullCov` is the output of [loadCoverage] with
#' `cutoff` non-NULL, [getRegionCoverage] assumes that the regions
#' come from the same data. Meaning that [filterData] was not used again.
#' This ensures that the regions are a subset of the data available in
#' `fullCov`.
#' If `fullCov` is `NULL` and `files` is specified, this function
#' will attempt to read the coverage from the files. Note that if you used
#' 'totalMapped' and 'targetSize' before, you will have to specify them again
#' to get the same results.
#' You should use at most one core per chromosome.
#' @examples
#' ## Obtain fullCov object
#' fullCov <- list("21" = genomeDataRaw$coverage)
#' ## Assign chr lengths using hg19 information, use only first two regions
#' library("GenomicRanges")
#' regions <- genomeRegions$regions[1:2]
#' seqlengths(regions) <- seqlengths(getChromInfoFromUCSC("hg19",
#' as.Seqinfo = TRUE
#' ))[
#' mapSeqlevels(names(seqlengths(regions)), "UCSC")
#' ]
#' ## Finally, get the region coverage
#' regionCov <- getRegionCoverage(fullCov = fullCov, regions = regions)
getRegionCoverage <- function(fullCov = NULL, regions, totalMapped = NULL,
targetSize = 80e6, files = NULL, ...) {
## Advanged arguments
# @param verbose If \code{TRUE} basic status updates will be printed along the
# way.
verbose <- .advanced_argument("verbose", TRUE, ...)
names(regions) <- seq_len(length(regions)) # add names
## Use UCSC names for homo_sapiens by default
regions <- renameSeqlevels(
extendedMapSeqlevels(seqlevels(regions), ...)
## TODO check seqlengths are properly given in 'regions'
## Load data if 'fullCov' is not specified
if (is.null(fullCov)) {
fullCov <- .load_fullCov(
files = files, regs = regions,
fun = "getRegionCoverage", ...
## Fix naming style
names(fullCov) <- extendedMapSeqlevels(names(fullCov), ...)
# split by chromosome
regions.chrs <- as.factor(seqnames(regions))
## Make sure the order matches the one from the fullCov names
regions.chrs <- factor(regions.chrs, levels = names(fullCov))
grl <- split(regions, regions.chrs)
## Define args
moreArgs <- list(totalMapped = totalMapped, verbose = verbose)
## Define cluster
BPPARAM <- define_cluster(...)
counts <- bpmapply(function(chr, covInfo, g, totalMapped, verbose) {
## Parallel by chr, so no point in using mc.cores beyond the number of chrs
if (verbose) {
message(paste(Sys.time(), "getRegionCoverage: processing", chr))
ind <- rep(names(g), width(g)) # to split along
## Check whether fullCov has been filtered, then subset
if (all(c("coverage", "position") %in% names(covInfo))) {
if (!is.null(g$indexStart) & !is.null(g$indexEnd)) {
## Subset if appropriate
yy <- covInfo$coverage[IRanges(start = g$indexStart, end = g$indexEnd), ]
ind <- rep(names(g), g$indexEnd - g$indexStart + 1) # to split along
} else if (is.null(covInfo$position)) {
yy <- covInfo$coverage[ranges(g), ]
} else {
stop("It seems that you have filtered the coverage but your 'regions' object is missing the 'indexStart' and 'indexEnd' information produced by findRegions().")
} else {
yy <- covInfo[ranges(g), ] # better subset
# depth-adjust, like for plotting
if (!is.null(totalMapped) & targetSize != 0) {
yy <- DataFrame(mapply(
function(x, d) x / d,
yy, totalMapped / targetSize
), check.names = FALSE)
ind <- factor(ind, levels = unique(ind)) # make factor in order
# split(yy,ind) # 'CompressedSplitDataFrameList', faster but
# less clear how to unlist below, so leave out
res <- split(, ind)
if (verbose) {
Sys.time(), "getRegionCoverage: done processing",
## Done
}, names(fullCov), fullCov, grl,
MoreArgs = moreArgs, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
covList <-"c", counts) # collect list elements into one large list
# put in original order
names(covList) <- sapply(
strsplit(names(covList), "\\."),
"[", 2
theData <- covList[order(as.numeric(names(covList)))]
# if (sum(sapply(theData, nrow)) != sum(width(regions))) {
# stop('The total width of the regions did not match with the dimensions of the extracted coverage data.')
# }
## Helper function that runs fullCoverage
.load_fullCov <- function(files, regs, fun, ...) {
if (.advanced_argument("verbose", TRUE, ...)) {
message(paste(Sys.time(), fun, ": attempting to load coverage data from 'files'."))
## If no protection was specified for calculating the coverage, then
## specify it. Details in loadCoverage()
protectWhich <- .advanced_argument("protectWhich", NULL, ...)
chrs <- seqlevelsInUse(regs)
if (is.null(protectWhich)) {
fullCov <- fullCoverage(
files = files, chrs = chrs, protectWhich = 3e4,
which = regs, ...
} else {
fullCov <- fullCoverage(files = files, chrs = chrs, which = regs, ...)
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