## ##########################################################################
#' Downshift from DF to matrix
#' This function takes a data.frame with chr, start, end and numerical data and turns
#' it into a matrix with row names chr:start-end
#' @param df This is a data frame whose first three columns are chr, start and end and
#' whose remaining columns are numerical data
#' @return A matrix of numerical data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' m = downshiftDFtoMatrix(miniSEDF)
downshiftDFtoMatrix = function(df)
tags = sprintf('%s:%d-%d',df$chr,df$start,df$end)
m = data.matrix(df[,4:ncol(df)])
rownames(m) = tags
## ##########################################################################
#' Get the size factors for count normalization
#' This function takes a data frame giving chr, start, end and count for experimental
#' replicates and returns the size factors for each of the replicates for use in
#' normalization
#' @param countsDF A data frame whose first three columns are chr, start and end, and
#' whose remaining columns are count data for experimental replicates
#' @return The size factors for the columns of countsDF
#' @export
#' @importFrom DESeq2 estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData<-
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment SummarizedExperiment colData assays assay rowRanges
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment ranges seqnames start end
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays<- rowRanges<- mcols<-
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes geom_col ggtitle scale_discrete_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text theme xlab
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges seqnames isDisjoint findOverlaps
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges width intersect mcols
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges from to width findOverlaps ranges
#' @examples
#' sf = getSizeFactorsDF(miniSEDF)
getSizeFactorsDF = function(countsDF)
m = downshiftDFtoMatrix(countsDF)
sizeFactors = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(m)
## ##########################################################################
#' Get the size factors for SummarizedExperiment
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment with an assay counts and returns
#' this object with a column sizeFactors added to its colData
#' @param se A SummarizedExperiment with an assay counts
#' @return The same SummarizedExperiment with an additional column in its colData
#' giving the size factors for counts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' miniSEWithSizeFactors = getSizeFactorsSE(miniSE)
getSizeFactorsSE = function(se)
colData(se)$sizeFactors = estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(assays(se)[['counts']])
## ##########################################################################
#' Get normalized counts
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment giving the the counts
#' for each replicate of the two treatments and computes and affixes
#' an assay giving the normalized version of these counts.
#' @param se A SummarizedExperiment with an assay called counts giving
#' the raw counts for each replicate of the two treatments.
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment including a an assay of the
#' normalized counts called normalizedCounts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' miniSENormalized = getNormalizedCountsSE(miniSE)
getNormalizedCountsSE = function(se)
if(!'sizeFactors' %in% names(colData(se)))
se = getSizeFactorsSE(se)
assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']] = assays(se)[['counts']]
for(i in seq_len(ncol(assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']])))
assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']][,i] =
assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']][,i] / colData(se)$sizeFactors[i]
## ##########################################################################
#' Make mean treatment summarized experiment:
#' Get the mean normalized counts for each treatment
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment. It looks for an assay called
#' normalizedCounts. If this assay is missing, it creates it by normalizing
#' using the size factors. By default, it takes the mean for each value of
#' colData$treatment
#' @param countsSE A SummarizedExperiment containing an assay 'counts' and
#' optionally an assay 'normalizedCounts'
#' @param byTreatment = 'treatment' This gives the column of colData to use for
#' taking averages
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment giving mean normalized counts for each value of
#' byTreatment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' meanNormalizedCountSE = getMeanNormalizedCountsSE(miniSE)
getMeanNormalizedCountsSE = function(countsSE,byTreatment='treatment')
if(! 'normalizedCounts' %in% names(assays(countsSE)))
countsSE = getNormalizedCountsSE(countsSE)
treatments = unique(colData(countsSE)[,byTreatment])
rho = length(treatments)
assay = assays(countsSE)[['normalizedCounts']]
m = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(assay),ncol=rho)
rownames(m) = rownames(assay)
colnames(m) = treatments
for(tr in treatments)
idx = colData(countsSE)[,byTreatment] == tr
## ######################################
## If there's only one column, it's the answer:
if(sum(idx) == 1)
m[,tr] = assay[,idx]
} else {
m[,tr] = rowMeans(assay[,idx])
colData = data.frame(treatment=treatments,
meanNormalizedCountsSE = SummarizedExperiment(assays=list(mean=m),
## ##########################################################################
#' Make delta summarized experiment:
#' This function takes a SummarizedExperiment with count data and produces
#' a SummarizedExperiment of the delta track. There should exactly two values
#' for treatment, i.e., byTreatment
#' @param countsSE A summarized experiment with assay counts and optionally assay normalized
#' counts
#' @param byTreatment = 'treatment' Allows for specifying some other condition than 'treatment'
#' @return A summarized experiment with a single assay consisting of a single column, the
#' delta mean normalized counts.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aSmallDeltaSE = getDeltaSE(miniSE)
getDeltaSE = function(countsSE,byTreatment='treatment')
numTreatments = length(unique(colData(countsSE)[,byTreatment]))
if(numTreatments != 2)
msg = paste('There should be 2 treatments. This SummarizedExperiment has',
meanNormalizedCountsSE = getMeanNormalizedCountsSE(countsSE,byTreatment)
meanCounts = assay(meanNormalizedCountsSE)
delta = matrix(meanCounts[,1] - meanCounts[,2],ncol=1)
colData = data.frame(delta=sprintf('%s - %s',
deltaSE = SummarizedExperiment(assay=list(delta=delta),
rowRanges(deltaSE) = rowRanges(meanNormalizedCountsSE)
## ##########################################################################
#' Get the binning factors for one set of GRanges into another
#' This function takes two GRanges, one representing a set of bins and the other representing
#' data to be pro-rated over those bins and returns a data frame giving the overlaps, various widths
#' and the fractions for pro-rating scores
#' @param bins a set of GRanges to be used for binning data.
#' @param gr the GRanges of the data to be binned
#' @param checkDisjoint = FALSE if this is TRUE it will check to see that the ranges in each of
#' bins and gr are disjoint
#' @return A data frame giving index pairs for the intersections, widths of the intersections
#' and the fraction of each gr range meeting each bin
#' @export
#' @examples
#' overlapWeights = getOverlapWeights(weightsExampleBins,weightsExampleGr)
getOverlapWeights = function(bins,gr,checkDisjoint=FALSE)
if(! isDisjoint(bins))
stop('Attempting to bin data into overlapping bins.')
meets = findOverlaps(bins,gr)
L = length(meets)
meetsDF = data.frame(from=numeric(L),
meetsDF$from = from(meets)
meetsDF$to = to(meets)
meetsDF$fromWidth = width(bins[from(meets)])
meetsDF$toWidth = width(gr[to(meets)])
for(i in seq_len(L))
meetsDF$overlap[i] = width(intersect(bins[meetsDF$from[i]],gr[meetsDF$to[i]]))
meetsDF$fraction = meetsDF$overlap / meetsDF$toWidth
meetsDF = meetsDF[,c('from','to','overlap','fraction')]
## ##########################################################################
#' Bin a Summarized experiment into a set of bins given by a GRanges object
#' This function takes a set of bins given by a GRanges object and a
#' RangedSummarizedExperiment and produces a new RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' with the bins as its rowRanges
#' @param bins a GRanges object whose ranges should be disjoint
#' @param se a RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @param checkDisjoint = FALSE if set to true will check that the bins
#' are disjoint
#' @return a RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' binnedSummarizedExperiment = binSummarizedExperiment(smallSetOfSmallBins,smallerDeltaSE)
binSummarizedExperiment = function(bins,se,checkDisjoint=FALSE)
if(! isDisjoint(bins))
stop('Attempting to bin data into overlapping bins.')
overlapsDF = getOverlapWeights(bins,rowRanges(se))
binnedAssays = list()
rows = length(bins)
cols = ncol(assays(se)[[1]])
for(n in names(assays(se)))
m = matrix(0,nrow=rows,ncol=cols)
val = nrow(overlapsDF)
for(i in seq_len(val))
whichRow = overlapsDF$from[i]
m[whichRow,] = m[whichRow,] +
overlapsDF$fraction[i] * assays(se)[[n]][overlapsDF$to[i],]
binnedAssays[[n]] = m
binnedSE = SummarizedExperiment(assays=binnedAssays,
## ##########################################################################
#' Rebin a SummarizedExperiment to a multiple of its bin width
#' This is a faster way of rebinning when the old bins are consecutive
#' and constant width and the new bins are to be a multiple of that width
#' @param se a RangedSummarizedExperiment to be rebinned
#' @param multiple the factor by which to fatten the bins
#' @param deleteShort = FALSE when set to true if the final bin is short
#' it will be deleted
#' @return a RangedSummarizedExperiment
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rebinnedSummarizedExperiment = rebinToMultiple(binnedSummarizedExperiment,10)
rebinToMultiple = function(se,multiple,deleteShort=FALSE)
## ######################################
## Bins should be constant width:
W = width(ranges(se))
if(length(unique(W)) != 1)
stop('Bins should be of equal length.')
W = W[1]
## ######################################
## Bins should be on one chromosome:
if(length(unique(seqnames(se))) != 1)
stop('Data should be binned into bins on a single chromosome.')
## ######################################
## Bins should be consecutive:
n = length(se)
theJumps = start(se)[2:n] - end(se)[seq_len(n-1)]
theJumps = unique(theJumps)
if(length(theJumps) !=1 |
theJumps != 1)
stop('Data should be binned into bins which are consecutive.')
n = multiple * floor(length(se) / multiple)
se = se[seq_len(n)]
startRangeIdx = seq(1,length(se),by=multiple)
endRangeIdx = startRangeIdx + multiple - 1
N = length(startRangeIdx)
endRangeIdx[N] = min(endRangeIdx[N],length(se))
gr = GRanges(seqnames=seqnames(se)[1],
binnedAssays = list()
rows = N
cols = ncol(assay(se))
for(n in names(assays(se)))
m = matrix(0,nrow=rows,ncol=cols)
for(i in seq_len(N))
m[i,] = sum(assays(se)[[n]][(startRangeIdx[i]:endRangeIdx[i]),])
binnedAssays[[n]] = m
binnedSE = SummarizedExperiment(assays=binnedAssays,
## ##########################################################################
#' Generate permutation for permutation testing
#' This function takes a set of row ranges and an inner region and
#' generates a permutation which is symmetric on the inner region and
#' arbitrary on the remainder
#' @param gr a GRanges object which should be ordered
#' @param innerRegion a GRanges object which should be a single interval
#' @return a permutation of 1:length(gr)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' permutations = generatePermutation(smallBins,viewpointRegion)
generatePermutation = function(gr,innerRegion)
## ######################################
meets = findOverlaps(gr,innerRegion)
meetsIdx = meets@from
bigIdx = seq_len(length(gr))
m = min(bigIdx[meetsIdx])
n = max(bigIdx[meetsIdx])
permutation = bigIdx
## ######################################
## Permute the inner region:
val = ceiling(n-m) / 2
for(i in seq_len(val))
if(stats::runif(1) < .5)
I = m + i
J = n - i
permutation[I] = J
permutation[J] = I
## ######################################
## Permute the remainder:
a = seq_len(m-1)
b = (n+1):length(permutation)
outer = c(a,b)
outer = sample(outer,length(outer),replace=FALSE)
permutation[a] = outer[a]
permutation[b] = outer[m:length(outer)]
## ##########################################################################
#' Get the runs and their values
#' This function finds the runs of consecutive ranges in which the
#' sign of the data does not change. It returns a GRanges object
#' containing the contiguous ranges and the weighted sum of data in
#' each.
#' @param se a SummarizedExperiment whose first assay has a column named
#' colName. Typically this will be a one-column matrix with delta.
#' @param innerRegion a Granges object defining the region surrounding
#' the viewpoint to be excluded from run total calculations
#' @param colName defaults to 'delta'
#' @return a GRanges object giving the contiguous regions and their
#' respective sums
#' @export
#' @examples
#' runTotals = getRunTotals(binnedDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
getRunTotals = function(se,innerRegion,colName='delta')
## ######################################
## We turn the SummarizedExperiment into a GRanges object:
gr = rowRanges(se)
mcols(gr)[,colName] = assay(se)[,1]
## ######################################
## Subset to miss the inner region:
idx = end(gr) < min(start(innerRegion))
firstHalf = gr[idx]
idx = max(end(innerRegion)) < start(gr)
secondHalf = gr[idx]
## ##########################################################################
#' A helper function for getRunTotals
#' This takes a GRanges object for binneed data and a column name
#' designating where to find the relevant data in the mcols and
#' returns a GRanges giving the consecutive runs of constant sign and
#' their run totals. It is not exported.
#' @param gr a GRanges object whose mcols gives the relevant binned
#' data
#' @param colName This designates the column in mcols with the relevant
#' data
#' @return a GRanges object giving the contiguous regions and their
#' respective sums.
.getRunsAndTotals = function(gr,colName)
## ######################################
## Pick up the first value, first sign, first total:
runTotals = c()
start = c()
end = c()
finger = 1
values = mcols(gr)[,colName]
currentValue = values[finger]
start = c(start,start(gr)[finger])
currentTotal = currentValue
if(currentValue >= 0)
currentSign = 1
currentSign = -1
## ######################################
## Iterate through. At each step we either update
## the total or save the total, change the sign, and
## start a new total:
while(finger < length(gr))
finger = finger + 1
currentValue = values[finger]
if(currentValue * currentSign >= 0)
currentTotal = currentTotal + currentValue
runTotals = c(runTotals,currentTotal)
end = c(end,end(gr)[finger-1])
start = c(start,start(gr)[finger])
currentSign = - currentSign
currentValue = values[finger]
currentTotal = currentValue
## ######################################
## Pick up the last running total:
runTotals = c(runTotals,currentTotal)
end = c(end,end(gr)[finger])
chr = rep(unique(seqnames(gr)),length(start))
runTotals = GRanges(seqnames=chr,
## ##########################################################################
#' Get the lopsidedness statistic
#' This function looks at the sidedness around the viewpoint and
#' returns the absolute value of the difference between the sum of
#' the values before and after the viewpoint inside the viewpoint
#' region.
#' @param se a SummerizedExperiment giving the delta or permuted delta
#' @param viewpointRegion the region around the viewpoint in which to
#' investigate lopsidedness
#' @param colName defaults to 'delta'
#' @return the lopsidedness around the viewpointMid in the
#' viewpointRegion
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lopsidedness = getLopsidedness(binnedDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
getLopsidedness = function(se,viewpointRegion,colName='delta')
## ######################################
## We'll want the midpoint of the viewpointRegion:
viewpointMid = floor((start(viewpointRegion) +
end(viewpointRegion)) / 2)
## ######################################
## We turn the SummarizedExperiment into a GRanges object:
gr = rowRanges(se)
mcols(gr)[,colName] = assay(se)[,1]
## ######################################
## We want to restrict to the viewpointRegion:
window = findOverlaps(viewpointRegion,gr)
windowBins = to(window)
gr = gr[windowBins]
## ######################################
## We want to split this below and above the midpoint:
belowIdx = end(gr) < viewpointMid
aboveIdx = viewpointMid < start(gr)
below = gr[belowIdx]
above = gr[aboveIdx]
## ######################################
## We want the same number of bins below and above and
## if we need to discard bins, we want to do this furthest
## from the midpoint:
b = length(below)
a = length(above)
use = min(b,a)
below = below[(b-use+1):b]
above = above[seq_len(use)]
lopsidedness = abs(sum(mcols(below)[,colName]) -
## ##########################################################################
#' Get the distribution of run and lopsidedness statistics
#' @param scrambledDeltas a list of rebinned (i.e., to large bin size)
#' of scrambled deltas
#' @param viewpointRegion a GRanges object giving the region that is
#' reserved for lopsidedness
#' @param colName = 'delta'
#' @return a Nx4 matrix giving the min, max, max(abs(min),abs(max))
#' and lopsidedness for the run totals in the list of scrambled
#' deltas.
#' @export
getRunAndLopsidednessStatistics =
## ######################################
## We'll want the midpoint of the viewpointRegion:
viewpointMid = floor((start(viewpointRegion) +
end(viewpointRegion)) / 2)
scrambledRuns = lapply(scrambledDeltas,function(x)
m = getRunStatisticsDist(scrambledRuns)
lopsidedness = unlist(lapply(scrambledDeltas,function(x)
m = cbind(m,lopsidedness)
colnames(m)[4] = 'lopsidedness'
## ##########################################################################
#' This takes a list of (scrambled) runs and returns their run statistics
#' This function takes a list of (scrambled) runs and extracts their
#' run totals as a matrix with colnames 'min','max' and 'abs', the
#' latter being the max of the absolute values of the previous two
#' @param runTotalsList this is a list whose members are GRanges
#' objects giving the consecutive runs and their totals
#' @return a Nx3 matrix giving the min, max and max(abs(min),abs(max))
#' run totals
#' @export
getRunStatisticsDist = function(runTotalsList)
m = matrix(0,ncol=3,nrow=length(runTotalsList))
colnames(m) = c('min','max','abs')
val = length(runTotalsList)
for(i in seq_len(val))
m[i,] = getRunStatistics(runTotalsList[[i]])
## ##########################################################################
#' This function is called by getRunsStatisticsDist on the individual elements
#' of a list of scrambled runs.
#' This is a helper function. Currently not exported.
#' @param runTotals is a GRanges object giving the consecutive runs
#' and their totals.
#' @return a vector of the min, max and absolute value of the min and
#' max for the run totals.
getRunStatistics = function(runTotals)
totals = mcols(runTotals)[,'runTotals']
## ##########################################################################
#' This function returns the significance levels for min, max, "abs"
#' and lopsidedness.
#' Given an Nx4 matrix with columns 'min','max','abs' and
#' 'lopsidededness', this function returns the cutoff levels for a given
#' pValue.
#' @param runStats a matrix with columns 'min','max','abs' and
#' 'lopsidededness'
#' @param p =.05 the desired p-value
#' @return a vector with cutoff values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dimnames = list(c(),c('min','max','abs','lopsidedness'))
#' m = 10 * (matrix(runif(400),ncol=4,dimnames=dimnames) - 0.5)
#' cutoffs = getPValueCutoff(m,.05)
getPValueCutoff = function(runStats,p=.05)
N = nrow(runStats)
cutAt = ceiling((1-p) * N)
mins = runStats[,'min']
mins = mins[order(-mins)]
minCutoff = mins[cutAt]
maxs = runStats[,'max']
maxs = maxs[order(maxs)]
maxCutoff = maxs[cutAt]
abss = runStats[,'abs']
abss = abss[order(abss)]
absCutoff = abss[cutAt]
lops = runStats[,'lopsidedness']
lops = lops[order(lops)]
lopsCutoff = lops[cutAt]
## ##########################################################################
#' Get ths significant regions from delta data
#' This function takes delta data as a SummarizedExperiment and
#' required ancillary data and returns a GenomicRanges object whose
#' mcols indicate the significant regions.
#' @param deltaSE a ranged summarized experiment with a one-column
#' assay giving the delta mean count
#' @param regionOfInterest a GenomicRanges object specifying the
#' region of interest
#' @param viewpointRegion the region withheld from arbitrary
#' permutation
#' @param smallBinSize size to bin original data to for permutation
#' @param bigBinSize size to bin data to for significance testing. Must be a multiple of smallBinSize
#' @param numPermutations = 1000 the number of permutations to be used for
#' permutation testing
#' @param pValue the desired significance level
#' @return a GRanges object giving the bigBin binning of region of
#' interest whose mcols gives the values of delta and logicals
#' telling whether the bin is in the viewpoint regsion and whether
#' it rises to statistical significance
#' @export
getSignificantRegions = function(deltaSE,
## ##########################################################################
## Trim to region of interest:
chr = as.character(seqnames(regionOfInterest)[1])
fromHere = min(start(regionOfInterest))
toHere = max(end(regionOfInterest))
idx = (as.character(seqnames(deltaSE)) == chr &
fromHere <= start(deltaSE) &
end(deltaSE) <= toHere)
deltaSE = deltaSE[idx,]
## ##########################################################################
## Bin to small bin size. These give the start and end of each bin:
start = seq(from=fromHere,to=toHere,by=smallBinSize)
end = start - 1 + smallBinSize
gr = GRanges(seqnames=chr,
binnedDeltaSE = binSummarizedExperiment(gr,deltaSE)
## ##########################################################################
## Bin to big bin size:
lambda = bigBinSize / smallBinSize
bigBinDeltaSE = rebinToMultiple(binnedDeltaSE,lambda)
## ##########################################################################
## Get real runs:
realRunTotals = getRunTotals(bigBinDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
realLopsidedness = getLopsidedness(bigBinDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
scrambledDeltas = list()
scrambledRuns = list()
for(j in seq_len(numPermutations))
permutation = generatePermutation(binnedDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
m = matrix(assay(binnedDeltaSE)[permutation,],ncol=1)
scrambledDeltaSE = SummarizedExperiment(colData=colData,
## ##########################################################################
scrambledDeltas[[j]] = rebinToMultiple(scrambledDeltaSE,lambda)
scrambledRuns[[j]] = getRunTotals(scrambledDeltaSE,viewpointRegion)
## ##########################################################################
## Get run stats:
stats = getRunAndLopsidednessStatistics(scrambledDeltas,viewpointRegion)
runStats = getRunStatisticsDist(scrambledRuns)
## ##########################################################################
## Determine significant levels:
cutoffs = getPValueCutoff(stats,pValue)
## ##########################################################################
## Extract the results:
answers = rowRanges(bigBinDeltaSE)
mcols = data.frame(delta=assay(bigBinDeltaSE),
meets = findOverlaps(answers,viewpointRegion)
mcols$isViewpoint[from(meets)] = TRUE
## ##########################################################################
## Is lopsidedness significant?
if(realLopsidedness > cutoffs['lopsidedness'])
mcols$lopsidednessIsSignificant[mcols$isViewpoint] = TRUE
## ##########################################################################
## What about runs?
val = length(realRunTotals)
for(i in seq_len(val))
if(realRunTotals$runTotals[i] < cutoffs['min'])
meets = findOverlaps(answers,realRunTotals[i])
mcols$isSignificantByMin[from(meets)] = TRUE
if(realRunTotals$runTotals[i] > cutoffs['max'])
meets = findOverlaps(answers,realRunTotals[i])
mcols$isSignificantByMax[from(meets)] = TRUE
if(abs(realRunTotals$runTotals[i]) > cutoffs['abs'])
meets = findOverlaps(answers,realRunTotals[i])
mcols$isSignificantByAbs[from(meets)] = TRUE
mcols(answers) = mcols
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
#' This produces a plot of the region of interest showing regions of significance.
#' This function takes a input the GRanges object produced by
#' getSignificant regions and produces a ggplot of significant features
#' @param significantRegions a GRanges object as produced by
#' getSignificantRegions
#' @param significanceType = 'abs' a variable indicating whether to plot
#' significance according to min, max or abs.
#' @param title a title for the plot
#' @param xLabel = 'viewpoint' supplies an xlabel
#' @param legend = TRUE whether or not to show the legend
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' plotOfSignificantRegions = plotSignificantRegions(significantRegions)
plotSignificantRegions =
function(significantRegions,significanceType='abs',title='Significant Regions',xLabel='viewpoint',legend=TRUE)
sigNames = c(min="isSignificantByMin",
df = data.frame(significantRegions,
df$significance = 'not significant'
df$significance[df$lopsidednessIsSignificant] =
'lopsidedness is significant'
df$significance[df[,sigNames[significanceType]]] = 'significant'
df$ctr = (df$start + df$end) / 2
breaks = c('not significant','lopsidedness is significant','significant')
values = c('#F97465','#01BB34','#6998FF')
names(values) = breaks
g = ggplot(df,aes(x=ctr,y=delta,fill=significance)) +
geom_col() +
ggtitle(title) +
aesthetics=c('color','fill')) +
axis.title=element_text(size=16,face="bold")) +
if(! legend)
g = g + theme(legend.position='none')
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