
Defines functions plot_condition plot_frequency

Documented in plot_condition plot_frequency

#' Plot frequencies as a function of input DNA concentration
#' Plots the frequencies of selected sequence features vs. each sample's DNA concentration.
#' @param seqtab (Required). \code{Integer matrix} or \code{phyloseq} object.
#' A feature table recording the observed abundances of each sequence feature (e.g. OTUs or ASVs or
#' or genus or ortholog or...) in each sample.
#' Rows should correspond to samples, and columns to sequences (or OTUs).
#' If a phyloseq object is provided, the otu-table component will be extracted.
#' @param taxa (Required). \code{character}.
#' The names of the sequence features to include in this plot. Should match \code{colnames(setab)}
#' if a \code{matrix} was provided, or \code{taxa_names(seqtab)} if a \code{phyloseq} object was provided.
#' @param conc (Required). \code{numeric}.
#' A quantitative measure of the concentration of amplified DNA in each sample prior to sequencing.
#' All values must be greater than zero. Zero is assumed to represent the complete absence of DNA.
#' If \code{seqtab} was provided as a \code{phyloseq} object, the name of the sample variable in the
#' \code{phyloseq} object can be provided.
#' @param neg (Optional). \code{logical}. Default NULL.
#' TRUE if sample is a negative control, and FALSE if not.
#' If \code{seqtab} was provided as a phyloseq object, the name of the appropriate sample-variable in that
#' phyloseq object can be provided. NULL indicates no samples should be condired negative controls.
#' @param normalize (Optional). \code{logical}. Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, the input \code{seqtab} is normalized so that each row sums to 1 (converted to frequency).
#' If FALSE, no normalization is performed (the data should already be frequencies or counts from
#' equal-depth samples).
#' @param showModels (Optional). \code{logical}. Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, the contaminant (red, dashed line) and non-contaminant (black, solid line) models are
#' shown in the plot.
#' @param log (Optional). \code{logical}. Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, the axes are log10-scaled.
#' @param facet (Optional). \code{logical}. Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, multiple sequence features will be plotted in separate facets.
#' @return A \code{\link{ggplot}2} object.
#'  Will be rendered to default device if \code{\link{print}ed},
#'  or can be stored and further modified.
#'  See \code{\link{ggsave}} for additional options.
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats pchisq
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # MUC is a phyloseq object, MUC.conc is the vector of sample concentrations
#' MUC <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "MUClite.rds", package="decontam"))
#' MUC.conc <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "MUCconc.rds", package="decontam"))
#' plot_frequency(MUC, "Seq1", conc=MUC.conc)
#' # The concentration can also be reference directly as the quant_reading sample variable in MUC
#' plot_frequency(MUC, "Seq1", conc="quant_reading")
#' plot_frequency(MUC, c("Seq1", "Seq10", "Seq33"), conc="quant_reading", log=FALSE)
plot_frequency <- function(seqtab, taxa, conc, neg=NULL, normalize=TRUE, showModels=TRUE, log=TRUE, facet=TRUE){
  # Validate input
  if(is(seqtab, "phyloseq")) {
    ps <- seqtab
    seqtab <- as(ps@otu_table, "matrix")
    if(ps@otu_table@taxa_are_rows) { seqtab <- t(seqtab) }
    if(is.character(conc) && length(conc)==1) { conc <- getFromPS(ps, conc) }
    if(is.character(neg) && length(neg)==1) { neg <- getFromPS(ps, neg) }
  } else {
    ps <- NULL # No phyloseq object
  if(any(rowSums(seqtab) == 0)) { # Catch and remove zero-count samples
    zero.count <- rowSums(seqtab) == 0
    seqtab <- seqtab[!zero.count,]
    conc <- conc[!zero.count]
    if(!is.null(neg)) neg <- neg[!zero.count]
    warning("Removed ", sum(zero.count), " samples with zero total counts (or frequency).")
  if(normalize) seqtab <- sweep(seqtab, 1, rowSums(seqtab), "/")
  if(!(is.numeric(conc) && all(conc>0))) stop("conc must be positive numeric.")
  if(is.null(neg)) neg <- rep(FALSE, length(conc)) # Don't ignore any samples
  if(is.character(taxa)) {
    seqtab <- seqtab[,colnames(seqtab) %in% taxa,drop=FALSE]
  } else {
    stop("taxa must be a vector of taxa names.")
  ntax.plot <- ncol(seqtab)
  if(ntax.plot == 0) stop("None of the provided taxa were present in seqtab.")
  # Prepare plotting data.frame
  if(is.null(ps)) {
    plotdf <- cbind(data.frame(seqtab, check.names=FALSE), DNA_conc=conc, Type=ifelse(neg, "Negative", "Sample"))
  } else {
    plotdf <- cbind(data.frame(seqtab, check.names=FALSE), as(ps@sam_data, "data.frame"),
                    DNA_conc=conc, Type=ifelse(neg, "Negative", "Sample"))
  plot_melt <- melt(plotdf, measure.vars=1:ntax.plot, variable.name="taxa", value.name="taxon_abundance")

  taxon_levels <- taxa
  plot_melt$taxa <- factor(plot_melt$taxa, levels = taxon_levels)

  if(showModels) {
    #    moddf <- data.frame(DNA_conc=seq(min(plotdf$DNA_conc), max(plotdf$DNA_conc), length.out=200))
    mod_melts <- split(plot_melt, plot_melt$taxa)
    logc <- log(seq(min(plotdf$DNA_conc), max(plotdf$DNA_conc), length.out=1000))
    for(tax in names(mod_melts)) {
      # Code copied in from isContaminantFrequency
      # Should really consider functionalizing this to avoid issues with the duplicated code
      newdata <- data.frame(logc=logc, taxa=tax, DNA_conc=exp(logc))
      freq <- mod_melts[[tax]]$taxon_abundance
      conc <- mod_melts[[tax]]$DNA_conc
      df <- data.frame(logc=log(conc), logf=log(freq))
      df <- df[!neg | is.na(neg),]
      df <- df[freq>0,]
      if(sum(freq>0)>1) {
        lm1 <- lm(logf~offset(-1*logc), data=df)
        lm0 <- lm(logf~1, data=df)
        newdata$contam <- exp(predict(lm1, newdata=newdata))
        newdata$non.contam <- exp(predict(lm0, newdata=newdata))
      } else {
        newdata$contam <- NA
        newdata$non.contam <- NA
      mod_melts[[tax]] <- newdata
    mod_melt <- do.call(rbind, mod_melts)

  p1 <- ggplot(data=plot_melt, aes(DNA_conc, taxon_abundance)) + xlab("DNA Concentration")
  p1 <- p1 + ylab(ifelse(normalize, "Frequency", "Relative Abundance"))
  if(log) p1 <- p1 + scale_x_log10()
  if(log) p1 <- p1 + scale_y_log10(limits=c(NA, ifelse(normalize || all(plot_melt$DNA_conc <= 1), 1, NA)))
  if(nlevels(factor(neg))>1) p1 <- p1 + aes(color=Type)
  if(facet && ntax.plot > 1) p1 <- p1 + facet_wrap(~taxa)
  if(showModels) p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data=mod_melt, aes(y=contam), color="red", linetype="solid")
  if(showModels) p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data=mod_melt, aes(y=non.contam), color="black", linetype="dashed")
  p1 + geom_point()

#' Plot DNA concentrations as a function of experimental conditions.
#' Plots DNA concentration as a function of experimental conditions. This function is intended as a
#' convenient exploration of potential covariation between DNA concentrations and conditions that
#' could influence the community composition, as this could lead to higher rates of false-positive
#' contaminant identifications.
#' @param seqtab (Required). \code{Integer matrix} or \code{phyloseq} object.
#' A feature table recording the observed abundances of each sequence feature (e.g. OTUs or ASVs or
#' or genus or ortholog or...) in each sample.
#' Rows should correspond to samples, and columns to sequences (or OTUs).
#' If a phyloseq object is provided, the otu-table component will be extracted.
#' @param condition (Required). \code{numeric} or any type coercible to a \code{factor}. Default NULL.
#' If provided, should be a vector of length equal to the number of input samples which specifies the
#' experimental condition of interest for each sample (e.g. pH).
#' If \code{seqtab} was provided as a phyloseq object, the name of the appropriate sample-variable in that
#' phyloseq object can be provided.
#' @param conc (Required). \code{numeric}.
#' A quantitative measure of the concentration of amplified DNA in each sample prior to sequencing.
#' All values must be greater than zero. Zero is assumed to represent the complete absence of DNA.
#' If \code{seqtab} was provided as a \code{phyloseq} object, the name of the sample variable in the
#' \code{phyloseq} object can be provided.
#' @param batch (Optional). \code{factor}, or any type coercible to a \code{factor}. Default NULL.
#' If provided, should be a vector of length equal to the number of input samples which specifies which batch
#' each sample belongs to (eg. sequencing run). Contaminants identification will be performed independently
#' within each batch.
#' If \code{seqtab} was provided as a phyloseq object, the name of the appropriate sample-variable in that
#' phyloseq object can be provided.
#' @param log (Optional). \code{logical}. Default TRUE.
#' If TRUE, the axes are log10-scaled.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # MUC is a phyloseq object, MUC.conc is the vector of sample concentrations
#' MUC <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "MUClite.rds", package="decontam"))
#' MUC.conc <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "MUCconc.rds", package="decontam"))
#' plot_condition(MUC, "Habitat", MUC.conc)
#' # Plot against random quantitative variable
#' plot_condition(MUC, runif(length(MUC.conc)), MUC.conc, log=TRUE)
plot_condition <- function(seqtab, condition, conc, batch=NULL, log=FALSE) {
  # Validate input
  if(is.character(condition) && length(condition)==1) { cstr <- condition } else { cstr <- "Condition" }
  if(is.character(batch) && length(batch)==1) { bstr <- batch } else { bstr <- "Batch" }
  if(is(seqtab, "phyloseq")) {
    ps <- seqtab
    seqtab <- as(ps@otu_table, "matrix")
    if(ps@otu_table@taxa_are_rows) { seqtab <- t(seqtab) }
    if(is.character(conc) && length(conc)==1) { conc <- getFromPS(ps, conc) }
    if(is.character(condition) && length(condition)==1) { condition <- getFromPS(ps, condition) }
    if(is.character(batch) && length(batch)==1) { batch <- getFromPS(ps, batch) }
  } else {
    ps <- NULL # No phyloseq object
  if(!(is.numeric(conc) && all(conc>0))) stop("conc must be positive numeric.")
  neg <- rep(FALSE, length(conc)) # Don't ignore any samples, unused in this function for now
  batch <- factor(batch)

  if(is.null(ps)) {
    plotdf <- cbind(data.frame(seqtab, check.names=FALSE), DNA_conc=conc, Type=ifelse(neg, "Negative", "Sample"))
  } else {
    plotdf <- cbind(data.frame(seqtab, check.names=FALSE), as(ps@sam_data, "data.frame"),
                    DNA_conc=conc, Type=ifelse(neg, "Negative", "Sample"))
  plotdf[,"Condition"] <- condition
  plotdf[,"Batch"] <- batch
  p <- ggplot(data=plotdf, aes(x=Condition, y=DNA_conc))
  if(is.numeric(condition)) {
    p <- p + geom_point()
  } else {
    p <- p + geom_boxplot()
  if(!is.null(batch)) {
    p <- p + facet_wrap(~Batch)
  if(log) p <- p + scale_y_log10()
  p + ylab("DNA Concentration") + xlab(cstr)

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decontam documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 10:58 p.m.