#' Merging all individual esets and merging them into a big eset
#' @param esets The list containing all GSE file that need to be merged.
#' @param method either "unique" or "intersect" is use to for selecting geneid
#' @param standardization choose between "quantile", "robust.scaling", "scaling"
#' or "none"
#' @param nthread number of threads (1 by default)
#' @return The merging eset
#' @importFrom limma normalizeBetweenArrays
#' @import Biobase
dataset.merging <-
function (esets,
method = c("union", "intersect"),
standardization = c("quantile", "robust.scaling", "scaling", "none"),
nthread = 1) {
## function merging all individual esets and merging them into a big eset
# Args:
# esets: The list containing all GSE file that need to be merged.
# duplication.checker: A marker, either TRUE or FALSE if you you want
# to verify whether or not you have duplicate
# samples into your master gene expression matrix.
# survdata: For t.fs and e.fs
# time.cens: maximum follow up (years)
# Method: either "unique" or "intersect" is use to for selecting geneid
method <- match.arg(method)
standardization <- match.arg(standardization)
## all unique Entrez gene ids
## gene ids
ugid <- lapply(esets, function(x) {
ugid <-, ugid)
ugid <-
ugid[![, "EntrezGene.ID"]) &
!duplicated(ugid[, "EntrezGene.ID"]), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(ugid) <-
gsub(sprintf("(%s).", paste(names(esets), collapse = "|")), "",
switch (method,
"union" = {
feature.merged <- ugid
"intersect" = {
feature.merged <-
lapply(esets, function(x) {
Biobase::fData(x)[, "EntrezGene.ID"]
feature.merged <- table(unlist(feature.merged))
feature.merged <-
names(feature.merged)[feature.merged == length(esets)]
feature.merged <-
ugid[match(feature.merged, base::trimws(
as.character(ugid[, "EntrezGene.ID"]))),
drop = FALSE]
stop("Unknown method")
## expression data
exprs.merged <- lapply(esets, function (x, y) {
ee <- Biobase::exprs(x)[is.element(rownames(exprs(x)),
eem <-
nrow = length(y),
ncol = ncol(ee),
dimnames = list(y, colnames(ee))
eem[rownames(ee), colnames(ee)] <- ee
return (eem)
}, y = rownames(feature.merged))
exprs.merged <-, exprs.merged)
## clinical info
ucid <-
lapply(esets, function(x) {
ucid <- table(unlist(ucid))
ucid <- names(ucid)[ucid == length(esets)]
clinicinfo.merged <- lapply(esets, function (x , y) {
ee <- Biobase::pData(x)[, y, drop = FALSE]
}, y = ucid)
clinicinfo.merged <-, clinicinfo.merged)
# if a data.source column already exists, remove it
clinicinfo.merged$data.source <- NULL
which(colnames(clinicinfo.merged) == "source")
] <- "data.source"
rownames(clinicinfo.merged) <- colnames(exprs.merged)
# rownames(clinicinfo.merged) <- gsub( sprintf("(%s).",
# paste(names(esets), collapse="|")), "", rownames(clinicinfo.merged)
# ## create a merged expressionSet object
eset.merged <-
assayData = exprs.merged,
phenoData = AnnotatedDataFrame(data = clinicinfo.merged),
featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(data = feature.merged)
experimentData(eset.merged)@preprocessing <-
list("normalization" = "mixed",
package = "unspecified",
version = "0")
annotation(eset.merged) <- "mixed"
## subtyping
# Note that experimentData does not subset according to other
# ExpressionSet fields. For now, this section is commented out.
# sbtn <- lapply(esets, function (x) {
# return (colnames(getSubtype(eset=x, method="fuzzy")))
# })
# if (!all(sapply(sbtn, is.null))) {
# sbtn <- table(unlist(sbtn))
# if (!all(sbtn == length(esets))) {
# stop("Different subtyping across esets")
# }
# sclass <- lapply(esets, getSubtype, method="class")
## nn <- unlist(sapply(sclass, names))
## sclass <- unlist(sclass)
## names(sclass) <- nn
## names(sclass) <- names(esets)
# sclass <- unlist(sclass)
# names(sclass) <- unlist(sapply(esets, sampleNames))
# sfuzzy <-, lapply(esets, getSubtype, method="fuzzy"))
# rownames(sfuzzy) <- sampleNames(eset.merged)
# scrisp <-, lapply(esets, getSubtype, method="crisp"))
# message("going to set the subtype")
# eset.merged <- setSubtype(eset=eset.merged, subtype.class=sclass,
# subtype.fuzzy=sfuzzy, subtype.crisp=scrisp)
# rownames(fData(eset.merged)) <- fData(eset.merged)[,"EntrezGene.ID"]
# message("set the subtype complete for merged")
# }
## standardization
"none" = {
## do nothing
"quantile" = {
## robust scaling followed by quantile normalization
ee <- exprs(eset.merged)
# ee <- apply(ee, 2, genefu::rescale)
splitix <-
parallel::splitIndices(nx = ncol(ee), ncl = nthread)
mcres <-
parallel::mclapply(splitix, function(x, data) {
res <- apply(data[, x, drop = FALSE], 2, function (dx) {
return ((genefu::rescale(
dx, q = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE
) - 0.5) * 2)
return (res)
}, data = ee, mc.cores = nthread)
ee <-, mcres)
## quantile normalization
ee <-
normalizeBetweenArrays(object = ee, method = "quantile")
exprs(eset.merged) <- ee
"robust.scaling" = {
## robust scaling
ee <- exprs(eset.merged)
# ee <- apply(ee, 2, genefu::rescale)
splitix <-
parallel::splitIndices(nx = ncol(ee), ncl = nthread)
mcres <-
parallel::mclapply(splitix, function(x, data) {
res <- apply(data[, x, drop = FALSE], 2, function (dx) {
return ((genefu::rescale(
dx, q = 0.05, na.rm = TRUE
) - 0.5) * 2)
return (res)
}, data = ee, mc.cores = nthread)
ee <-, mcres)
exprs(eset.merged) <- ee
"scaling" = {
## traditional scaling
# robust scaling
ee <- exprs(eset.merged)
# ee <- apply(ee, 2, genefu::rescale)
splitix <-
parallel::splitIndices(nx = ncol(ee), ncl = nthread)
mcres <-
parallel::mclapply(splitix, function(x, data) {
return(apply(data[, x, drop = FALSE], 2, scale))
}, data = ee, mc.cores = nthread)
ee <-, mcres)
exprs(eset.merged) <- ee
stop("Unknown data standardization method")
return (eset.merged)
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