#' get the enrichment table from a cogena object.
#' get the enrichment table from a cogena object with certain clustering
#' methods and number of clusters.
#' @inheritParams geneclusters
#' @param nCluster as nClust in cogena function.
#' @param CutoffNumGeneset the cut-off of the number of gene sets in the
#' return table
#' @param CutoffPVal the cut-off of p-value. The default is 0.05.
#' @param orderMethod the order method, default is max, other options are
#' "mean", "all", "I", "II" or a number meaning the ith cluster.
#' @param roundvalue The default is TRUE. whether or not round the data.
#' such as round(1.54, 1)=1.5
#' @param add2 enrichment score for add Up and Down reuglated genes.
#' @details
#' orderMethod:
#' \itemize{
#' \item max. ordered by the max value in clusters beside all
#' \item mean. ordered by the mean value in clusters beside all
#' \item All. ordered by all genes
#' \item I. ordered by the I cluster in two clusters (Up or Down-regulated, add2 should be TRUE)
#' \item II. ordered by the II cluster in two clusters (Up or Down-regulated, add2 should be TRUE)
#' \item a character number. like "3".
#' }
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname enrichment
#' @return a matrix with clusters in row and gene-sets in column.
#' @examples
#' data(Psoriasis)
#' annofile <- system.file("extdata", "c2.cp.kegg.v7.01.symbols.gmt.xz",
#' package="cogena")
#' \dontrun{
#' genecl_result <- coExp(DEexprs, nClust=2:3, clMethods=c("hierarchical","kmeans"),
#' metric="correlation", method="complete", ncore=2, verbose=TRUE)
#' clen_res <- clEnrich(genecl_result, annofile=annofile, sampleLabel=sampleLabel)
#' enrichment.table1 <- enrichment(clen_res, "kmeans", "3")
#' enrichment.table2 <- enrichment(clen_res, "kmeans", "3",
#' CutoffNumGeneset=10, orderMethod="mean")
#' }
setGeneric("enrichment", function(object, method, nCluster,
CutoffNumGeneset=Inf, CutoffPVal=0.05, orderMethod="max", roundvalue=TRUE,
#' @rdname enrichment
#' @aliases enrichment,cogena_methods
setMethod("enrichment", signature(object="cogena"),
function(object, method, nCluster,
CutoffNumGeneset=Inf, CutoffPVal=0.05,
orderMethod="max", roundvalue=TRUE, add2=TRUE) {
method <- match.arg(method, clusterMethods(object))
nCluster <- match.arg(nCluster, as.character(nClusters(object)))
score1 <- object@measures[[method]][[nCluster]]
if (is.logical(score1) ) {
# warning(paste("For", method, ", the number of clusters:", nCluster, "Nonexists!"))
return (score1)
} else if (is.null(score1)) {
stop(paste("For", method, "with ", nCluster, "clusters: Nonexists in the input cogena object!"))
# Gene numbers in each clusters, I, II and All.
NumGeneInCluster <- as.vector( table(geneclusters(object, method, nCluster)) )
NumGeneIncluster2 <- c(length(object@upDn$upGene), length(object@upDn$dnGene))
if (isTRUE(add2)) {
score <- score1[c(1:as.numeric(nCluster), c("Up", "Down", "All")),]
NumGeneInCluster <- c(NumGeneInCluster, NumGeneIncluster2, length(geneclusters(object, method, nCluster)))
} else {
score <- score1[c(1:as.numeric(nCluster), "All"),]
NumGeneInCluster <- c(NumGeneInCluster, length(geneclusters(object, method, nCluster)))
# colnames(score) <- tolower(colnames(score))
# the orderMethod options
orderMethod <- match.arg(orderMethod, c(rownames(score), "max", "mean", "each"))
if (orderMethod == "mean") {
score = score[,order(colMeans(score, na.rm=TRUE), decreasing=TRUE)]
index_above_cutoffPVal <- which(suppressWarnings(
apply(score, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)) > -log2(CutoffPVal))
} else if (orderMethod == "max") {
colMax <- function(X) {suppressWarnings(
apply(X, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE))}
score = score[,order(colMax(score), decreasing=TRUE)]
index_above_cutoffPVal <- which(suppressWarnings(
apply(score, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)) > -log2(CutoffPVal))
} else if (orderMethod %in% rownames(score)) {
score = score[, order(score[orderMethod,], decreasing=TRUE)]
index_above_cutoffPVal <-
which(score[orderMethod,] > -log2(CutoffPVal))
} else if (orderMethod == "each") {
gs_per_cluster <- round(CutoffNumGeneset/as.numeric(nCluster))
gs_i <- list()
for (i in rownames(score)) {
# print (i)
gs_i[[i]] <- names(sort(score[i,], decreasing = TRUE))[1:gs_per_cluster]
score <- score[,unlist(gs_i)]
index_above_cutoffPVal <- which(suppressWarnings(
apply(score, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE)) > -log2(CutoffPVal))
if (length(index_above_cutoffPVal) > CutoffNumGeneset){
score <- score[,c(1:CutoffNumGeneset)]
} else if (length(index_above_cutoffPVal) == 0){
score <- NA
return (score)
} else {
#drop para used as length(index_above_cutoffPVal)==1.
score <- score[,index_above_cutoffPVal, drop=FALSE]
# drop para used as length(index_above_cutoffPVal)==1.
score <- score[,ncol(score):1, drop=FALSE]
# Upper cell type and conc in CMAP
# if (grepl("@", colnames(score)[1])) {
# colnames(score) <- colnames(score)
# # colnames(score) <- paste(sapply(strsplit(colnames(score), "@"), "[", 1),
# # toupper(sapply(strsplit(colnames(score), "@"), "[", 2)),
# # sep="@")
# } else {
# # colnames(score) <- tolower(strtrim(colnames(score), 60))
# colnames(score) <- tolower(colnames(score))
# }
rownames(score) <- paste(rownames(score), as.character(NumGeneInCluster), sep="#")
if (roundvalue){
score <- round(score,1)
return (score)
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