
Defines functions coExp

Documented in coExp

#' co-expressed gene-set enrichment analysis
#' Co-expressed gene-set enrichment analysis. Gene sets could be 
#' Pathway, Gene ontology. The gene co-expression is obtained by various
#' clustering methods.
#' For metric parameter, "hierarchical","kmeans","diana","fanny","pam" and 
#' "agnes" can use all the metrics.
#' "clara" uses "manhattan" or "euclidean", other metric will be changed as 
#' "euclidean".
#' "sota" uses "correlation" or "euclidean", other metric will be changed as 
#' "euclidean".
#' "model" uses its own metric and "som" and "ap" uses euclidean only, which is 
#' irrelative with metric.
#' method:
#' Available distance measures are (written for two vectors x and y):
#' \itemize{
#' \item euclidean Usual square distance between the two vectors (2 norm).
#' \item maximum Maximum distance between two components of x and y 
#' (supremum norm).
#' \item manhattan Absolute distance between the two vectors (1 norm).
#' \item canberra \eqn{sum(|x_i - y_i| / |x_i + y_i|)} Terms with zero 
#' numerator and denominator are omitted from the sum and treated as if the 
#' values were missing.
#' \item binary (aka asymmetric binary): The vectors are regarded as binary 
#' bits, so non-zero elements are 'on' and zero elements are 'off'. The 
#' distance is the proportion of bits in which only one is on amongst those in 
#' which at least one is on.
#' \item pearson Also named "not centered Pearson" 
#' \eqn{1 - sum(x_i y_i) / sqrt [sum(x_i^2) sum(y_i^2)]}.
#' \item abspearson Absolute Pearson 
#' \eqn{1 - |sum(x_i y_i) / sqrt [sum(x_i^2) sum(y_i^2)] |}.
#' \item correlation Also named "Centered Pearson" \eqn{1 - corr(x,y)}.
#' \item abscorrelation Absolute correlation \eqn{1 - | corr(x,y) |}.
#' \item spearman Compute a distance based on rank.
#' \item kendall Compute a distance based on rank. 
#' \eqn{\sum_{i,j} K_{i,j}(x,y)} with \eqn{K_{i,j}(x,y)} is 0 if \eqn{x_i}, 
#' \eqn{x_j} in same order as \eqn{y_i}, \eqn{y_j}, 1 if not.
#' \item NMI normalised mutual information. (use correlation instead so far!)
#' \item biwt  a weighted correlation based on Tukey's biweight
#' }
#' @param obj Differentially expressed gene (DEG) expression profilings. Either 
#' a numeric matrix, a data.frame, or an ExpressionSet object. Data frames must
#' contain all numeric columns. In all cases, the rows are the items to be 
#' clustered (e.g., genes), and the columns are the samples.
#' @param nClust A numeric vector giving the numbers of clusters to be 
#' evaluated. e.g., 2:6 would evaluate the number of clusters ranging from 
#' 2 to 6.
#' @param clMethods A character vector giving the clustering methods. The 
#' default is "hierarchical". Available options are "hierarchical", "kmeans", 
#' "diana", "fanny", "som", "model", "sota", "pam", "clara", "apcluster", 
#' and "agnes", with multiple choices allowed.
#' @param metric the distance measure to be used. This should be one of 
#' "euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "pearson", 
#' "abspearson", "correlation", "abscorrelation", "NMI", "biwt", "spearman" or
#' "kendall". Any unambiguous substring can be given. In detail, please 
#' reference the parameter method in amap::Dist. Some of the cluster methods
#' could use only part of the metric. See Detail.
#' @param method For hierarchical clustering (hierarchical and agnes), the 
#' agglomeration method used. The default is "complete". Available choices are
#' "ward", "single", "complete", and "average".
#' @param ncore Number of core used. The default is 2.
#' @param verbose verbose.
#' @param ... to interal function vClusters.
#' @return a genecl object
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase exprs
#' @import amap
#' @import apcluster
#' @import biwt
#' @import devtools
#' @seealso \code{\link{clEnrich}}
#' @examples
#' data(Psoriasis)
#' #cogena parameters
#' # the number of clusters. A vector.
#' nClust <- 2:6
#' # the number of cores. 
#' ncore <- 2
#' # the clustering methods
#' clMethods <- c("hierarchical","kmeans")
#' # the distance metric
#' metric <- "correlation"
#' # the agglomeration method used for hierarchical clustering (hierarchical 
#' #and agnes)
#' method <- "complete"
#' # See examples of clEnrich function
#' # the co-expression analysis
#' \dontrun{
#' genecl_result <- coExp(DEexprs, nClust=nClust, clMethods=clMethods, 
#' metric=metric, method=method, ncore=ncore, verbose=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export

coExp <- function(obj, nClust, clMethods="hierarchical",metric="correlation", 
    method="complete", ncore=2, verbose=FALSE,...) {

    #Checking parameters
    if (any(as.numeric(nClust)<2)) {
        stop("argument 'nClust' must be a positive integer vector")
    nClust <- as.character(nClust)
    clMethods <- match.arg(clMethods, c("hierarchical","kmeans","diana","fanny",
        "som","model","sota","pam","clara","agnes", "apcluster"), several.ok=TRUE)

    ## used for hierarchical, kmeans, diana, fanny, agnes, pam
    metric <- match.arg(metric,c("euclidean", "correlation", "abscorrelation",
        "manhattan", "spearman", "maximum", "kendall", "canberra", "binary", 
        "pearson", "abspearson", "NMI", "biwt"))

    ## for hclust, agnes
    method <- match.arg(method,c("ward", "single", "complete", "average")) 

        matrix = mat <- obj,
        ExpressionSet = mat <- Biobase::exprs(obj),
        data.frame = {
                stop("data frame 'obj' contains non-numeric data")
            mat <- as.matrix(obj)
        stop("argument 'obj' must be a matrix, data.frame, or ExpressionSet 

    if(is.null(rownames(mat))) {
        stop("rownames of data must be present")

    # Calculating distance
    if (metric == "biwt") {
        Distmat <- stats::as.dist(biwt::biwt.cor(mat, output="distance"))
    } else if (metric == "NMI") {
        #NMI from infotheo package
        #nmi <- infotheo::nMI(infotheo::discretize(t(mat)), method= "emp")
        #Distmat <- as.dist(1-nmi)
        Distmat <- amap::Dist(mat, method="correlation", nbproc=ncore)
    } else {
        Distmat <- amap::Dist(mat, method=metric, nbproc=ncore)
    if (verbose) {print("Dist caculation done")}

    # Cluster Analysis
    clusterObjs <- vector("list",length(clMethods))
    for (i in clMethods) {
        if (verbose) print(paste("# The clMethod,", i, "starts #"))

        pClusters_res <- pClusters(mat, Distmat , i, nClust, method=method, 
            metric=metric, ncore=ncore, verbose=verbose, ...)
        names(pClusters_res) <- nClust
        clusterObjs[[i]] <- pClusters_res
        if (verbose) print(paste("The clMethod,", i, "done"))

    res <- new("genecl", mat=mat, Distmat=Distmat, clusterObjs=clusterObjs, 
        clMethods=clMethods, labels=rownames(mat),
        nClust=as.numeric(nClust), metric=metric, method=method, ncore=ncore,
    return (res)

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cogena documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:54 p.m.