# TODO: IO functions for jaspar and transfac position frequency matrices (pfm) and positions weight matrices (pwm) which can be used later in the analysis
# Author: rob <>
# Author: stefan <>
##for conversion from PFM to PWM (MEME format)
## function to read the pfm files from data folder
## and convert it to MEME PWM format (
# 2013-01-09: Is this an internal function?
setMethod("read.pfm", signature(x="configuration"),
function(x) {
file_path = x@pfm_path
# find all files in the given folder
pfm.files = list.files(file_path, pattern ="*.*", full.names=F, = TRUE)
if(length(pfm.files) < 1) {
warning('no files in pfm_path')
# create empty list of pwms
pwms.list = list()
count.pwms = 1 = NULL
cat('\n reading pfm files:',file_path,'...\n')
for(i in 1:length(pfm.files)){
tmp.path = file.path(file_path,pfm.files[i])
# test which type of file this is
ending = tail(unlist(strsplit(pfm.files[i], '\\.')), 1)
# case one: it's a *.pfm jaspar file (which has only one matrix as entry)
pfm = {
tmp.pfm = apply(as.matrix(read.table(tmp.path)),c(1,2), as.numeric); = sub(".pfm","", pfm.files[i])
rownames(tmp.pfm) = c("A", "C", "G", "T")
pwms.list = c(pwms.list,list(tmp.pfm))
names(pwms.list)[length(pwms.list)] =
# case two: it's a *.cm jaspar files (which also has the row names within)
cm = {
tmp.pfm = apply(as.matrix(read.table(tmp.path), row.names=1), c(1,2), as.numeric); = sub(".cm","", pfm.files[i])
rownames(tmp.pfm) = c("A", "C", "G", "T")
pwms.list = c(pwms.list,list(tmp.pfm))
names(pwms.list)[length(pwms.list)] =
# case three: it's a *.sites jaspar file (not yet implemented)
sites = {warning('The option of reading *.sites files is not yet implemented. The file is ignored ...')
# case: it's a *.tfpfm file that contains multiple matrices
tfpfm ={
tmp.pfm = read.transfac.pfm(tmp.path)
# = sub(".tfpfm","", pfm.files[i])
pwms.list = c(pwms.list,tmp.pfm)
# the default case - it's a transfac-file, which might have multiple matrices
tmp.pfm = read.transfac.pfm(tmp.path)
cat(pfm.files[i],' ignored - unknown PFM file ending.' ) = c(, c(pfm.files[i],"\n"))
next; #advance loop to next file
cat('ignored files:\n',,'\n')
# function queries motifDb package for pfms which are specified
# in pairs of the configuration file
# call motif by unique name in MotifDb via names(MotifDb)
query.motifDb <- function(x) {
if(!require('MotifDb')) {
warning('package MotifDb is reqired. Aborting...')
mat.names <- unique(unlist(sapply(x@pairs, function(p) strsplit(p,' '))))
cat('accessing MotifDb package for the requested ',length(mat.names),' PFMs...\n')
mat.idx <- c()
for(ma in mat.names) {
mat.idx <- c(mat.idx, grep(ma, names(MotifDb)))
# return(as.list(MotifDb[unique(match(mat.names, names(MotifDb)))]))
# function reads transfac's pfm format files and returns corresponding matrix
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
read.transfac.pfm = function(path) {
con = file(path)
# list of pfms read
res = list()
pfm = NA
# iterate through file
in.pfm = FALSE
while (length(line <- readLines(con, n = 1, warn = FALSE)) > 0) {
if(any(grep('^//$', line,{ # new pfm section starts
if(any(! # save previous pfm
res[[id]] = pfm
pfm = matrix(NA, nrow=4, ncol=0) # initialize new pfm
rownames(pfm) = c('A','C','G','T')
if(any(grep('^P0', line, {#pfm section starts
in.pfm = TRUE
if(any(grep('^ID', line,{ #pfm name
id = unlist(strsplit(line, split=" "))[2]
if(in.pfm & any(grep('^XX$', line, #pfm section ends
in.pfm = FALSE
pfm = cbind(pfm, as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(line, split=" "))[2:5]))
# save the last/only pfm (otherwise, they are not in the list)
res[[id]] <- pfm
# if(ncol(pfm) > 0) # if last pfm not terminated with //, add it from the buffer to the result
# res[[id]] = pfm
##function normalized matrix: all columns must have same column sum;
##nessecary to be appliable to other functions like Biostrings::PWM()
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
normalize.matrix.colSum = function(matrix){
if(length(unique(colSums(matrix))) > 1){
lcm = as.numeric(lcm.vector(colSums(matrix)))
matrix = t((lcm/colSums(matrix))*t(matrix))
# #w = log2 ( ( f + sqrt(N) * p ) / ( N + sqrt(N) ) / p )
# w - is a weight for the current nucleotide we are calculating
# f - is a number of occurences of the current nucleotide in the current column (e.g., "1" for A in column 1, "8" for C etc)
# N - total number of observations, the sum of all nucleotides occurences in a column (13 in this example)
# p - [prior] [background] frequency of the current nucleotide; this one usually defaults to 0.25 (i.e. one nucleotide out of four)
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
pfm2pwm = function(pfm) {
pfm <- normalize.matrix.colSum(pfm)
pwm = pfm
p = .25
for(x in 1:ncol(pfm)){
for(y in 1:4){
f = pfm[y,x]
n = colSums(pfm)[x]
pwm[y,x] = log2 ( ( f + sqrt(n) * p ) / ( n + sqrt(n) ) / p )
stop('PFM-PWM conversion produced NAs !')
else if(any(which(pwm == Inf)))
stop('PFM-PWM conversion produced Infs!')
else if(any(which(pwm == -Inf)))
stop('PFM-PWM conversion produced -Infs!')
else if(any(which(pwm == NaN)))
stop('PFM-PWM conversion produced NaN!')
# function converts for each input PWM the predicted TFBS hits into a PWM. function
# is intended to be used together with the sequence logo creation function
# 'plot.tfbslogo' in plot-methods.R
# as.pfm - if TRUE, the plain base counts of the predicted binding sites is returned. If FALSE, normalized pwm is returned
# 2013-01-09: Is this an internal function?
setMethod("predicted2pwm", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, as.pfm=FALSE) {
predPwm = list()
bs = x@binding_sites
pwms = setdiff(unique(bs$pwm),'0')
for( in pwms) {
#not using grep due to reserved chars in pwm ids...
# make reverse complement of the results from the '-' strand
hits = c(as.character(bs$seq[which(bs$pwm == & bs$strand == 1)]), unlist(lapply(as.character(bs$seq[which(bs$pwm == & bs$strand == 2)]), function(seq) as.character(reverseComplement(DNAString(seq))))))
if(length(hits)<1) {
cat('cannot make logo: PWM',,'has no hits in any sequence...\n')
pwm = consensusMatrix(DNAStringSet(hits), baseOnly=TRUE, as.prob=FALSE)
pwm.s = matrix(NA,nrow=0, ncol=ncol(pwm))
ps = c('A','C','G','T')
for(p in ps)
pwm.s = rbind(pwm.s, pwm[grep(paste('^',p,'$',sep=''),rownames(pwm),,])
rownames(pwm.s) = ps
if(as.pfm) { predPwm[[]] = pwm.s
} else {
for(i in 1:ncol(pwm.s))
pwm.s[,i] = pwm.s[,i]/colSums(pwm.s)[i]
predPwm[[]] = pfm2pwm(pwm.s)
# function returns the input PWM in the format required by the sequence logo
# creation function 'plot.tfbslogo' in plot-methods.R
# as.pfm - if TRUE, the plain base counts of the predicted binding sites is returned. If FALSE, normalized pwm is returned
setMethod("input.pwm", signature(x="cobindr"),
function(x, as.pfm=FALSE) {
#get list of input pwms used
pwms = x@pfm
if(length(pwms)<1) stop('object is missing the input id\'s')
# iterate over input pwms and convert to required format
inPwm = list()
for( in names(pwms)) {
pwm = pwms[[]]
if(as.pfm) {
inPwm[[]] <- pwm
} else {
inPwm[[]] <- pfm2pwm(pwm / matrix(colSums(pwm),ncol=ncol(pwm),nrow=nrow(pwm),byrow=T))
#function calculates least common multiple for a numeric vector
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
lcm.vector <- function(numvec){
tmp_lcm = numvec[1]
for(i in 2:length(numvec)){
tmp_lcm <- lcm.bigz(tmp_lcm,numvec[i])
# checks all combinations of PFMs for high similarity (i.e. redundancy)
# thr - kullback-leibler distance threshold below which two matrices are considered similar
# typical values: 0.2 high, 0.3 moderate, 0.4 low stringency
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
input.pfm.similarity <- function(pfms, thr=0.3) {
combs <- combn(1:length(pfms),2)
similar.matrices <- list()
for(i in 1:ncol(combs)) {
if(any(pfms[[combs[1,i]]]!=round(pfms[[combs[1,i]]]))) {
warning('matrix',names(pfms)[combs[1,i]],'is not a PFM (i.e. contains non-integers) and will be ignored...')
if(any(pfms[[combs[2,i]]]!=round(pfms[[combs[2,i]]]))) {
warning('matrix',names(pfms)[combs[2,i]],'is not a PFM (i.e. contains non-integers) and will be ignored...')
kl.mean.dist <- (kl.dist(pfms[[combs[1,i]]], pfms[[combs[2,i]]]) +
kl.dist(pfms[[combs[2,i]]], pfms[[combs[1,i]]])) / 2
if(kl.mean.dist < thr) {
mn <- c(names(pfms)[combs[1,i]], names(pfms)[combs[2,i]])
similar.matrices[[paste(mn, collapse='_')]] <-
list(mat1=mn[1], mat2=mn[2], mean.kl=kl.mean.dist)
# computes kullback-leibler distance between two matrices
# mat1 - count matrix 1
# mat2 - count matrix 2
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
kl.dist <- function(mat1, mat2) {
# if(!require('gplots')) {
# warning('package gplots required for this function, returning...')
# return()
# }
# functions only works with position frequency matrices, so check if only ints
for(i in 1:length(mat1)) {
if(mat1[i] != round(mat1[i])){
warning('problem with mat1: function only applicable to PFMs (integer counts)...')
for(i in 1:length(mat2)) {
if(mat2[i] != round(mat2[i])){
warning('problem with mat2: function only applicable to PFMs (integer counts)...')
# check if pseudocounts are necessary
if(any(mat1 == 0)) mat1 <- mat1 + 1
if(any(mat2 == 0)) mat2 <- mat2 + 1
# make probabilities
mat1 <- mat1 / matrix(rep(colSums(mat1),each=nrow(mat1)), nrow=nrow(mat1), ncol=ncol(mat1), byrow=FALSE)
mat2 <- mat2 / matrix(rep(colSums(mat2),each=nrow(mat2)), nrow=nrow(mat2), ncol=ncol(mat2), byrow=FALSE)
bases <- rownames(mat1)
l1 <- ncol(mat1) # matrix lengths
l2 <- ncol(mat2)
w <- min(l1, l2)
dists <- NULL
if(l1 == l2) {
mat1s <- list(mat1)
mat2s <- list(mat2)
} else if(l1 > l2) { # second mat is shorter
A <- seq(0,l1-l2,by=1)
mat1s <- lapply(A, function(x) mat1[,x:(x+l2)])
mat2s <- rep(list(mat2),length(A))
} else { # first mat is shorter
A <- seq(0,l2-l1,by=1)
mat1s <- rep(list(mat2),length(A))
mat2s <- lapply(A, function(x) mat2[,x:(x+l1)])
for(i in 1:length(mat1s))
dists <- c(dists, 1 / w * sum(sapply(1:w, function(j) {
sum(sapply(bases, function(b){mat1s[[i]][b,j] * log2(mat1s[[i]][b,j]/mat2s[[i]][b,j])} ))
# returns kullback-leibler distance matrix between two sets of matrices
# intended usage:
# compare input and predicted motifs - pfm.similarity(input.pwm(runObj, as.pfm=TRUE), predicted2pwm(runObj, as.pfm=TRUE))
# compare input motifs:
#heatmap.2( pfm.similarity(input.pwm(runObj, as.pfm=TRUE), input.pwm(runObj, as.pfm=TRUE)) , dendrogram='row')
# 2013-01-09: This function does not belong to any class.
# Is this an internal function?
pfm.similarity <- function(set1, set2) {
rm.idx = c()
for(i in 1:length(set1))
if(any(set1[[i]]!=round(set1[[i]]))) {
warning('matrix',names(set1)[i],'is not a PFM (i.e. contains non-integers) and will be ignored...')
rm.idx = c(rm.idx, i)
if(length(rm.idx)>0) set1 <- set1[-rm.idx]
rm.idx = c()
for(i in 1:length(set2))
if(any(set2[[i]]!=round(set2[[i]]))) {
warning('matrix',names(set2)[i],'is not a PFM (i.e. contains non-integers) and will be ignored...')
rm.idx = c(rm.idx, i)
if(length(rm.idx)>0) set2 <- set2[-rm.idx]
sims <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(set1),ncol=length(set2), dimnames=list(names(set1), names(set2)))
for(i in 1:length(set1))
for(j in 1:length(set2))
sims[i,j] <- (kl.dist(set1[[i]], set2[[j]]) + kl.dist(set2[[j]], set1[[i]])) / 2
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