#' Find sets of samples that stay together across clusterings
#' Find sets of samples that stay together across clusterings in order to define
#' a new clustering vector.
#' @name makeConsensus
#' @rdname makeConsensus
#' @param x a matrix with samples on the rows and different clusterings on the
#' columns or \code{\link{ClusterExperiment}} object.
#' @param clusterFunction the clustering function to use (passed to
#' \code{\link{mainClustering}}); currently must be of type '01' and accept as
#' input matrices of type "cat" (see details of ?ClusterFunction).
#' @param minSize minimum size required for a set of samples to be considered in
#' a cluster because of shared clustering, passed to
#' \code{\link{mainClustering}}
#' @param proportion The proportion of times that two sets of samples should be
#' together in order to be grouped into a cluster (if <1, passed to
#' mainClustering via alpha = 1 - proportion)
#' @param propUnassigned samples with greater than this proportion of assignments
#' equal to '-1' are assigned a '-1' cluster value as a last step (only if
#' proportion < 1)
#' @param ... arguments to be passed on to the method for signature
#' \code{matrix,missing}.
#' @param whenUnassign (provided for back compatibility with previous versions).
#' Must be one of "before" or "after", indicating at what point are samples
#' with a proportion of assignments of -1 greater than \code{propUnassigned}
#' forced to have a '-1' value. If "before", then these samples are removed
#' and not used for clustering. If "after", these samples are included in the
#' clustering step, but then the cluster values they receive are assigned a
#' '-1. These choices may result in different clusterings, because if these
#' samples are included in the clustering (i.e. \code{whenUnassign="after"},
#' then these samples may affect the cluster assignments of other samples. The
#' default is currently "before", but previous to version 2.5.4, there was no
#' such option and the code internally set to "after", so for reproducibility
#' with older results, users may need to set this option.
#' @inheritParams clusterSingle
#' @inheritParams clusterMany
#' @param clusterArgs list of arguments to be passed to the call to
#' \code{\link{mainClustering}} that is used to cluster the proportion
#' overlap between samples.
#' @inheritParams getClusterIndex
#' @details This function was previously called \code{combineMany} (versions <=
#' 2.0.0). \code{combineMany} is still available, but is considered defunct
#' and users should update their code accordingly.
#' @details The function tries to find a consensus cluster across many different
#' clusterings of the same samples. It does so by creating a \code{nSamples} x
#' \code{nSamples} matrix of the percentage of co-occurance of each sample and
#' then calling mainClustering to cluster the co-occurance matrix. The function
#' assumes that '-1' labels indicate clusters that are not assigned to a
#' cluster. Co-occurance with the unassigned cluster is treated differently
#' than other clusters. The percent co-occurance is taken only with respect to
#' those clusterings where both samples were assigned. Then samples with more
#' than \code{propUnassigned} values that are '-1' across all of the
#' clusterings are assigned a '-1' regardless of their cluster assignment.
#'@details The method calls \code{\link{mainClustering}} on the proportion
#' matrix with \code{clusterFunction} as the 01 clustering algorithm,
#' \code{alpha=1-proportion}, \code{minSize=minSize}, and
#' \code{evalClusterMethod=c("average")}. See help of
#' \code{\link{mainClustering}} for more details.
#'@return If x is a matrix, a list with values \itemize{
#' \item{\code{clustering}}{ vector of cluster assignments, with "-1" implying
#' unassigned}
#' \item{\code{percentageShared}}{ a nSample x nSample matrix of the percent
#' co-occurance across clusters used to find the final clusters. Percentage is
#' out of those not '-1'} \item{\code{noUnassignedCorrection}{ a vector of
#' cluster assignments before samples were converted to '-1' because had
#' >\code{propUnassigned} '-1' values (i.e. the direct output of the
#' \code{mainClustering} output.)}} }
#' @return If x is a \code{\link{ClusterExperiment}}, a
#' \code{\link{ClusterExperiment}} object, with an added clustering of
#' clusterTypes equal to \code{makeConsensus} and the \code{percentageShared}
#' matrix stored in the \code{coClustering} slot.
#' @examples
#' data(simData)
#' cl <- clusterMany(simData,nReducedDims=c(5,10,50), reduceMethod="PCA",
#' clusterFunction="pam", ks=2:4, findBestK=c(FALSE), removeSil=TRUE,
#' makeMissingDiss=TRUE, subsample=FALSE)
#' #make names shorter for plotting
#' clMat <- clusterMatrix(cl)
#' colnames(clMat) <- gsub("TRUE", "T", colnames(clMat))
#' colnames(clMat) <- gsub("FALSE", "F", colnames(clMat))
#' colnames(clMat) <- gsub("k=NA,", "", colnames(clMat))
#' #require 100% agreement -- very strict
#' clCommon100 <- makeConsensus(clMat, proportion=1, minSize=10)
#' #require 70% agreement based on clustering of overlap
#' clCommon70 <- makeConsensus(clMat, proportion=0.7, minSize=10)
#' oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mar=c(1.1, 12.1, 1.1, 1.1))
#' plotClusters(cbind("70%Similarity"=clCommon70, clMat,
#' "100%Similarity"=clCommon100), axisLine=-2)
#' #method for ClusterExperiment object
#' clCommon <- makeConsensus(cl, whichClusters="workflow", proportion=0.7,
#' minSize=10)
#' plotClusters(clCommon)
#' par(oldpar)
#' @aliases makeConsensus,matrix-method
#' @export
f = "makeConsensus",
signature = signature(x = "matrix"),
definition = function(x, proportion,
minSize=5, propUnassigned=.5,
clusterArgs=NULL) {
if(proportion >1 || proportion <0) stop("Invalid value for the 'proportion' parameter")
if(propUnassigned >1 || propUnassigned <0) stop("Invalid value for the 'propUnassigned' parameter")
## Now define as unassigned any samples with >= propUnassigned '-1' values in x
## Doing >= means that all -1 will be in -1 cluster, no matter what
## (protects against chance that they get assigned to a cluster)
whUnassigned <- which(apply(x, 1, function(dat){
if(length(whUnassigned)>0 && whenUnassign=="before") {
x<-x[-whUnassigned, ,drop=FALSE]
if(length(whUnassigned)==N && whenUnassign=="after"){
#Skip clustering altogether if just going to assign all to -1
if(proportion == 1) {
#have to repeat from mainClustering because didn't
if(!is.numeric(minSize) || minSize<0)
stop("Invalid value for the 'minSize' parameter in determining the minimum number of samples required in a cluster.")
else minSize<-round(minSize) #incase not integer.
cl<-.uniqueCluster(inputMatrix=t(x), minSize=minSize)
} else{
if(is.character(clusterFunction) || is(clusterFunction,"ClusterFunction")){
typeAlg <- algorithmType(clusterFunction)
stop("clusterFunction must be either a builtin clusterFunction name or a ClusterFunction object")
if(typeAlg!="01") {
stop("makeConsensus is only implemented for '01' type clustering functions (see ?ClusterFunction)")
if(!"cat" %in% inputType)
stop("makeConsensus is only implemented for clustering functions that permit inputType 'cat'.")
#overwrites alpha if given
if(!"evalClusterMethod" %in% names(clusterArgs) &&
cl <- mainClustering(inputMatrix=t(x),
minSize=minSize, format="vector",
if(is.character(cl)) {
stop("coding error -- mainClustering should return numeric vector")
if(whenUnassign!="never" && length(whUnassigned)>0){
if(whenUnassign=="after") cl[whUnassigned]<- -1
#put back in the -1 values
#' @rdname makeConsensus
#' @export
#' @param clusterLabel a string used to describe the type of clustering. By
#' default it is equal to "makeConsensus", to indicate that this clustering is
#' the result of a call to makeConsensus. However, a more informative label can
#' be set (see vignette).
f = "makeConsensus",
signature = signature(x = "ClusterExperiment"),
definition = function(x, whichClusters, eraseOld=FALSE,clusterLabel="makeConsensus",...){
whichClusters <- getClusterIndex(x,
.mynote("no clusters specified to combine, using results from clusterMany")
stop("no clusters specified to combine, please specify.")
whichClusters <-getClusterIndex(x,
outlist <- makeConsensus(clusterMatrix(x,whichClusters), ...)
newObj <- ClusterExperiment(x, outlist,
#add "c" to name of cluster
clusterLabels(newObj) <- clusterLabel
# ## FIXME: the function no longer returns this object.
# need to the index of clusterings used for the makeConsensus?
# Or save it only if plot it (i.e. calculate it)?
# if(!is.null(outlist$percentageShared)) {
# coClustering(newObj) <- Matrix::Matrix(outlist$percentageShared,sparse=TRUE)
# }
##Check if pipeline already ran previously and if so increase
newTypeToAdd="makeConsensus", newLabelToAdd=clusterLabel)
coClustering(x) <- whichClusters
retval<-.addNewResult(newObj=newObj, oldObj=x) #make decisions about what to keep.
else retval<-.addBackSEInfo(newObj=newObj,oldObj=x)
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