
context("Network creation")

mzfile <- system.file("standards.mzXML", package = "cliqueMS")
mzraw <- readMSData(files = mzfile, mode = "onDisk")
cpw <- CentWaveParam(ppm = 15, peakwidth = c(5,20), snthresh = 10)
mzData <- findChromPeaks(object = mzraw, param = cpw)
netlist = createNetwork(mzData, chromPeaks(mzData),
                        filter = TRUE)

test_that("Network is of class igraph", {
    expect_identical(class(netlist$network), "igraph")

test_that("Network has not any edge with weigth zero", {
    expect_equal(sum(igraph::E(netlist$network)$weight == 0), 0)

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cliqueMS documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:36 p.m.