#' Overlap with expression data
#' Get the expression values that overlap with each combinatorial state.
#' @param hmm A \code{\link{multiHMM}} or \code{\link{combinedMultiHMM}} object or file that contains such an object.
#' @param expression A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with metadata column 'expression', containing the expression value for each range.
#' @param combinations A vector with combinations for which the expression overlap will be calculated. If \code{NULL} all combinations will be considered.
#' @param return.marks Set to \code{TRUE} if expression values for marks instead of combinations should be returned.
#' @return A \code{\link{ggplot2}} object if a \code{\link{multiHMM}} was given or a named list with \code{\link{ggplot2}} objects if a \code{\link{combinedMultiHMM}} was given.
#' @author Aaron Taudt
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotting}}
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Load an example multiHMM
#'file <- system.file("data","multivariate_mode-combinatorial_condition-SHR.RData",
#' package="chromstaR")
#'model <- get(load(file))
#' ## Obtain expression data
#'## We need to get coordinates for each of the genes
#'ensembl <- useMart('ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL', host='',
#' dataset='rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl')
#'genes <- getBM(attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id', 'chromosome_name', 'start_position',
#' 'end_position', 'strand', 'external_gene_id',
#' 'gene_biotype'),
#' mart=ensembl)
#'expr <- merge(genes, expression_lv, by='ensembl_gene_id')
#'# Transform to GRanges
#'expression.SHR <- GRanges(seqnames=paste0('chr',expr$chromosome_name),
#' ranges=IRanges(start=expr$start, end=expr$end),
#' strand=expr$strand, name=expr$external_gene_id,
#' biotype=expr$gene_biotype,
#' expression=expr$expression_SHR)
#'# We apply an asinh transformation to reduce the effect of outliers
#'expression.SHR$expression <- asinh(expression.SHR$expression)
#'## Plot
#'plotExpression(model, expression.SHR) +
#' theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=0, hjust=0.5)) +
#' ggtitle('Expression of genes overlapping combinatorial states')
#'plotExpression(model, expression.SHR, return.marks=TRUE) +
#' ggtitle('Expression of marks overlapping combinatorial states')
plotExpression <- function(hmm, expression, combinations=NULL, return.marks=FALSE) {
hmm <- loadHmmsFromFiles(hmm, check.class=c(class.multivariate.hmm, class.combined.multivariate.hmm))[[1]]
## Variables
bins <- hmm$bins
if (is(hmm,class.combined.multivariate.hmm)) {
} else if (is(hmm,class.multivariate.hmm)) {
# Rename 'combination' to 'combination.' for coherence with combinedMultiHMM
names(mcols(bins))[grep('combination', names(mcols(bins)))] <- paste0('combination.', unique(hmm$info$condition))
conditions <- sub('combination.', '', grep('combination', names(mcols(bins)), value=TRUE))
if (is.null(combinations)) {
comb.levels <- levels(mcols(bins)[,paste0('combination.', conditions[1])])
} else {
comb.levels <- combinations
marks <- unique(unlist(strsplit(gsub('\\]','',gsub('\\[','',comb.levels)),'\\+')))
ggplts <- list()
for (condition in conditions) {
bins$combination <- mcols(bins)[,paste0('combination.', condition)]
exprlist <- list()
if (return.marks) {
for (mark in marks) {
mask <- grepl(paste0('\\<',mark,'\\>'),bins$combination)
expr.mark <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(expression, bins[mask])
exprlist[[mark]] <- expr.mark$expression
} else {
for (comb.level in comb.levels) {
mask <- bins$combination == comb.level
expr.combstate <- IRanges::subsetByOverlaps(expression, bins[mask])
exprlist[[comb.level]] <- expr.combstate$expression
df <- reshape2::melt(exprlist)
if (return.marks) {
names(df) <- c('expression', 'mark')
ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_boxplot(aes_string(x='mark', y='expression'))
} else {
names(df) <- c('expression', 'combination')
ggplt <- ggplot(df) + geom_boxplot(aes_string(x='combination', y='expression'))
ggplt <- ggplt + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90, hjust=1, vjust=0.5))
ggplts[[condition]] <- ggplt
if (is(hmm,class.multivariate.hmm)) {
} else if (is(hmm,class.combined.multivariate.hmm)) {
# #' Mean expression at percentage overlap
# #'
# #' Get the average expression for each percentage of overlap of combinatorial state with feature.
# #'
# #' @param multi.hmm A \code{\link{multiHMM}} or a file that contains such an object.
# #' @param expression A \code{\link{GRanges-class}} object with metadata column 'expression', containing the expression value for each range of the feature.
# #' @param combinations A vector with combinations for which the expression overlap will be calculated. If \code{NULL} all combinations will be considered.
# #' @return A list with vectors of mean expression values per percentile for each combinatorial state.
# #' @author Aaron Taudt
# #' @importFrom S4Vectors queryHits
# #' @export
# expressionAtPercentageOverlap <- function(multi.hmm, expression, combinations=NULL) {
# multi.hmm <- loadHmmsFromFiles(multi.hmm, check.class=class.multivariate.hmm)[[1]]
# ## Variables
# bins <- multi.hmm$bins
# if (is.null(combinations)) {
# comb.levels <- levels(bins$combination)
# } else {
# comb.levels <- combinations
# }
# nintervals <- 100
# expression.means <- array(NA, dim=c(nintervals+1, length(comb.levels), 2), dimnames=list(percentage=0:nintervals, combination=comb.levels, value=c('expression','weight')))
# for (icomb in 1:length(comb.levels)) {
# mask <- bins$combination == comb.levels[icomb]
# ind <- findOverlaps(expression, bins[mask])
# rle <- rle(S4Vectors::queryHits(ind))
# expression$num.bins <- 0
# expression$num.bins[rle$values] <- rle$lengths
# expression$genewidth <- width(expression)
# expression$percentage <- round(expression$num.bins*1000 / expression$genewidth * nintervals) # Normalize to genewidth
# expression$percentage[expression$percentage>=nintervals] <- nintervals
# splt <- split(expression$expression, expression$percentage)
# tab <- sapply(splt, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
# expression.means[names(tab),icomb,'expression'] <- tab #select by icomb instead of name because of potential '' states
# expression.means[names(tab),icomb,'weight'] <- sapply(splt, length)
# }
# return(expression.means)
# }
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