#.fmImport import fusions from FusionMap
#.ffImport import fusions from FusionFinder
#.fhImport import fusions from FusionHunter
#.msImport import fusions from MapSplice
#.thfImport import fusions from TopHat-fusion
#.dfImport import fusions from deFuse
#.chimeraSeqs generates the fusion nucleotide sequence
chimeraSeqs <- function(fset, extend=1000, type="transcripts"){
grl <- fusionGRL(fset)
#defining the junction as a point object
# start(grl[[1]]) <- end(grl[[1]])
# end(grl[[2]]) <- start(grl[[2]]) <- elementMetadata(grl[[1]])$KnownGene <- elementMetadata(grl[[2]])$KnownGene
chimera <- paste(,, sep=":")
chr.sym <- as.list(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)
chimera.tmp <- strsplit(chimera,":")
g1 <- chimera.tmp[[1]][1]
eg1 <- names(chr.sym[which(chr.sym == g1)])
g2 <- chimera.tmp[[1]][2]
eg2 <- names(chr.sym[which(chr.sym == g2)])
eg.lst <- list(gene_id=eg1)
eg.trs.n <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, filter=eg.lst, columns=c("tx_id", "tx_name"))
cat("\nERROR: The Entrez gene id returns an empty GenomicRange object\n")
#getting only the trs encompassing fusion position
fusion.trs <- findOverlaps(grl[[1]], eg.trs.n, type = "any", select = "first", ignore.strand = T)
cat("\nThe location of the fusion does not seems to fit the location of the donor end gene\n")
return(GRangesList(donor.fusion=grl[[1]], donor.end.gene=eg.trs.n))
eg.trs.n <- eg.trs.n[fusion.trs]
tmp.tx <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_id) <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_name)
tmp.gene1 <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(tmp.tx)){
tmp.seq <- .buildFusion(type="donor.end", grl, tmp.tx[i])
tmp.gene1 <- c(tmp.gene1, tmp.seq$seq)
cat(paste("\nIntron ",tmp.seq$intron.location," was used as donor end\n",sep=""))
names(tmp.gene1) <-
eg.lst <- list(gene_id=eg2)
eg.trs.n <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, filter=eg.lst, columns=c("tx_id", "tx_name"))
cat("\nERROR: The Entrez gene id returns an empty GenomicRange object\n")
fusion.trs <- findOverlaps(grl[[2]], eg.trs.n, type = "any", select = "first", ignore.strand = T)
cat("\nThe location of the fusion does not seems to fit the location of the acceptor start gene\n")
return(GRangesList(acceptor.fusion=grl[[2]], donor.end.gene=eg.trs.n))
eg.trs.n <- eg.trs.n[fusion.trs]
tmp.tx <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_id) <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_name)
tmp.gene2 <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(tmp.tx)){
tmp.seq <- .buildFusion(type="acceptor.start", grl, tmp.tx[i])
tmp.gene2 <- c(tmp.gene2, tmp.seq$seq)
cat(paste("\nIntron ",tmp.seq$intron.location," was used as acceptor start\n",sep=""))
names(tmp.gene2) <-
fusions <- NULL
fusions.names <- NULL
for(i in 1: length(tmp.gene1)){
for(j in 1: length(tmp.gene2)){
fusions <- c(fusions, paste(as.character(tmp.gene1[[i]]), as.character(tmp.gene2[[j]]),sep="",collapse=""))
fusions.names <- c(fusions.names, paste(paste(names(tmp.gene1[i]),length(tmp.gene1[[i]]),sep="-"), paste(names(tmp.gene2[j]), length(tmp.gene2[[j]]), sep="-"), sep=":"))
fusions <- DNAStringSet(unlist(fusions))
names(fusions) <- fusions.names
}else if(type=="gene"){
cat("\nNot implemented\n")
}else if(length(chimera.tmp[[1]])==3){
tmp <- grep("chr",chimera.tmp[[1]])
if(tmp == 2){
g1 <- chimera.tmp[[1]][1]
eg1 <- names(chr.sym[which(chr.sym == g1)])
eg.lst <- list(gene_id=eg1)
eg.trs.n <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, filter=eg.lst, columns=c("tx_id", "tx_name"))
#getting only the trs encompassing fusion position
fusion.trs <- findOverlaps(grl[[1]], eg.trs.n, type = "any", select = "first", ignore.strand = T)
eg.trs.n <- eg.trs.n[fusion.trs]
tmp.tx <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_id) <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_name)
tmp.gene1 <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(tmp.tx)){
tmp.gene1 <- c(tmp.gene1, .buildFusion(type="donor.end", grl, tmp.tx[i]))
names(tmp.gene1) <- #list of seqs
grl2 <- GRangesList()
cat("\nAcceptor gene start does not fit the expected start on the detected fusion\nFusion is located outside gene exons. Fusion sequence is assembled using:")
end(grl[[2]]) <- end(grl[[2]]) + extend
cat(paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[2]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[2]]), end(grl[[2]]),sep="-")),"\n")
grl2[[1]] <- grl[[2]]
names(grl2) <- paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[2]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[2]]), end(grl[[2]]),sep="-"))
acceptorGeneList <- list()
z <- 1
for(i in 1:length(grl2)){
gr2.tmp <- grl2[i]
acceptorGene <- NULL
for(j in 1:length(gr2.tmp[[1]])){
acceptorGene[j] <- getSeq(Hsapiens, seqnames(gr2.tmp[[1]][j]), start=start(ranges(gr2.tmp[[1]][j])), end=end(ranges(gr2.tmp[[1]][j])), as.character=TRUE)
acceptorGeneList[[z]] <- paste(acceptorGene, collapse="")
z <- z+1
names(acceptorGeneList) <- names(grl2)
fusions <- NULL
fusions.names <- NULL
for(i in 1: length(tmp.gene1)){
for(j in 1: length(acceptorGeneList)){
fusions <- c(fusions, paste(as.character(tmp.gene1[[i]]), as.character(acceptorGeneList[[j]]),sep="",collapse=""))
fusions.names <- c(fusions.names, paste(paste(names(tmp.gene1[i]),length(tmp.gene1[[i]]),sep="-"), paste(names(acceptorGeneList[j]), extend,sep="-"), sep=":"))
fusions <- DNAStringSet(unlist(fusions))
names(fusions) <- fusions.names
}else if(tmp == 1) {
grl1 <- GRangesList()
cat("\nDonor gene end does not fit the expected end on the detected fusion.\nFusion is located outside gene exons. Fusion sequence is assembled using:")
start(grl[[1]]) <- start(grl[[1]]) - extend
cat(paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[1]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[1]]), end(grl[[1]]),sep="-")),"\n")
grl1[[1]] <- grl[[1]]
names(grl1) <- paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[1]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[1]]), end(grl[[1]]),sep="-"))
#extracting seq
donorGeneList <- list()
z <- 1
for(i in 1:length(grl1)){
gr1.tmp <- grl1[i]
donorGene <- NULL
for(j in 1:length(gr1.tmp[[1]])){
donorGene[j] <- getSeq(Hsapiens, seqnames(gr1.tmp[[1]][j]), start=start(ranges(gr1.tmp[[1]][j])), end=end(ranges(gr1.tmp[[1]][j])), as.character=TRUE)
donorGeneList[[z]] <- paste(donorGene, collapse="")
z <- z+1
names(donorGeneList) <- names(grl1)
g2 <- chimera.tmp[[1]][3]
eg2 <- names(chr.sym[which(chr.sym == g2)])
eg.lst <- list(gene_id=eg2)
eg.trs.n <- transcripts(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene, filter=eg.lst, columns=c("tx_id", "tx_name"))
#getting only the trs encompassing fusion position
fusion.trs <- findOverlaps(grl[[2]], eg.trs.n, type = "any", select = "first", ignore.strand = T)
eg.trs.n <- eg.trs.n[fusion.trs]
tmp.tx <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_id) <- as.character(elementMetadata(eg.trs.n)$tx_name)
tmp.gene2 <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(tmp.tx)){
tmp.gene2 <- c(tmp.gene2, .buildFusion(type="acceptor.start", grl, tmp.tx[i]))
names(tmp.gene2) <- #list of seqs
fusions <- NULL
fusions.names <- NULL
for(i in 1: length(tmp.gene2)){
for(j in 1: length(donorGeneList)){
fusions <- c(fusions, paste(as.character(donorGeneList[[j]]), as.character(tmp.gene2[[i]]) ,sep="",collapse=""))
fusions.names <- c(fusions.names, paste(paste(names(donorGeneList[j]), extend, sep="-"), paste(names(tmp.gene2[j]), length(tmp.gene2[[j]]), sep="-"), sep=":"))
fusions <- DNAStringSet(unlist(fusions))
names(fusions) <- fusions.names
}else if(type=="gene"){
cat("\nNot implemented, yet\n")
}else if(length(chimera.tmp[[1]])==4){
grl1 <- GRangesList()
cat("\nDonor gene end does not fit the expected end on the detected fusion.\nFusion is located outside gene exons. Fusion sequence is assembled using:")
start(grl[[1]]) <- start(grl[[1]]) - extend
cat(paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[1]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[1]]), end(grl[[1]]),sep="-")),"\n")
grl1[[1]] <- grl[[1]]
names(grl1) <- paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[1]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[1]]), end(grl[[1]]),sep="-"))
#extracting seq
donorGeneList <- list()
z <- 1
for(i in 1:length(grl1)){
gr1.tmp <- grl1[i]
donorGene <- NULL
for(j in 1:length(gr1.tmp[[1]])){
donorGene[j] <- getSeq(Hsapiens, seqnames(gr1.tmp[[1]][j]), start=start(ranges(gr1.tmp[[1]][j])), end=end(ranges(gr1.tmp[[1]][j])), as.character=TRUE)
donorGeneList[[z]] <- paste(donorGene, collapse="")
z <- z+1
names(donorGeneList) <- names(grl1)
grl2 <- GRangesList()
cat("\nAcceptor gene start does not fit the expected start on the detected fusion\nFusion is located outside gene exons. Fusion sequence is assembled using:")
end(grl[[2]]) <- end(grl[[2]]) + extend
cat(paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[2]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[2]]), end(grl[[2]]),sep="-")),"\n")
grl2[[1]] <- grl[[2]]
names(grl2) <- paste(as.character(seqnames(grl[[2]])), sep=":",paste(start(grl[[2]]), end(grl[[2]]),sep="-"))
acceptorGeneList <- list()
z <- 1
for(i in 1:length(grl2)){
gr2.tmp <- grl2[i]
acceptorGene <- NULL
for(j in 1:length(gr2.tmp[[1]])){
acceptorGene[j] <- getSeq(Hsapiens, seqnames(gr2.tmp[[1]][j]), start=start(ranges(gr2.tmp[[1]][j])), end=end(ranges(gr2.tmp[[1]][j])), as.character=TRUE)
acceptorGeneList[[z]] <- paste(acceptorGene, collapse="")
z <- z+1
names(acceptorGeneList) <- names(grl2)
#building fusions
fusions <- list()
names.fusions <- NULL
z <- 1
for(i in 1:length(donorGeneList)){
for(j in 1:length(acceptorGeneList)){
fusions[z] <- paste(donorGeneList[[i]], acceptorGeneList[[j]], sep="")
names.fusions[z] <- paste(names(donorGeneList)[i], names(acceptorGeneList)[j], sep=":")
z <- z + 1
names(fusions) <- names.fusions
fusions <- DNAStringSet(unlist(fusions))
}else if(type=="gene"){
cat("\nNot implemented, yet\n")
chimeraSeqSet <- function(list, parallel=FALSE){
require(BiocParallel) || stop("\nMission BiocParallel library\n")
p <- MulticoreParam()
trs <- bplapply(list, function(x){
tmp <- chimeraSeqs(x, type="transcripts")
tmp.names <- names(tmp)
tmp <- tmp[[1]]
return(list(seq=tmp, names=tmp.names))
trs.names <- sapply(trs, function(x)x[2])
trs <- sapply(trs, function(x)x[1])
# trs <-DNAStringSet(trs)
names(trs) <- as.character(trs.names)
for(i in 1:length(trs)){
names(trs[[i]]) <- as.character(trs.names)[i]
trs <- lapply(list, function(x){
tmp <- chimeraSeqs(x, type="transcripts")
tmp.names <- names(tmp)
tmp <- tmp[[1]]
return(list(seq=tmp, names=tmp.names))
trs.names <- sapply(trs, function(x)x[2])
trs <- lapply(trs, function(x)DNAStringSet(x[1]))
# trs <-DNAStringSet(trs)
names(trs) <- as.character(trs.names)
for(i in 1:length(trs)){
names(trs[[i]]) <- as.character(trs.names)[i]
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