#' make_ranking_violin_plot
#' Plot a panel of violin plots showing the distribution of the 'top' genes of
#' each of query group, across the reference dataset.
#' In the plot output, each panel correponsds to a different group/cluster in
#' the query experiment. The x-axis has the groups in the reference dataset.
#' The y-axis is the rescaled rank of each 'top' gene from the query group,
#' within each reference group.
#' Only the 'top' genes for each query group are plotted, forming the violin
#' plots - each individual gene is shown as a tickmark. Some groups have few
#' top genes, and so their uncertanty can be seen on this plot.
#' The thick black lines reprenset the median gene rescaled ranking for each
#' query group / reference group combination. Having this fall above the dotted
#' median threshold marker is a quick indication of potential similarity.
#' A complete lack of similarity would have a median rank around 0.5. Median
#' rankings much less than 0.5 are common though (an 'anti-cell-groupA'
#' signature), because genes overrepresented in one group in an experiment,
#' are likely to be relatively 'underrepresented' in the other groups.
#' Taken to an
#' extreme, if there are only two reference groups, they'll be complete
#' opposites.
#' Input can be either the precomputed \emph{de_table.marked} object for the
#' comparison, OR both \emph{de_table.test} and \emph{de_table.ref}
#' differential expression results to compare from
#' \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param de_table.marked The output of
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}}
#' for the contrast of interest.
#' @param de_table.test A differential expression table of the
#' query experiment,
#' as generated from \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param de_table.ref A differential expression table of the
#' reference dataset,
#' as generated from \code{\link{contrast_each_group_to_the_rest}}
#' @param log10trans Plot on a log scale? Useful for distinishing multiple
#' similar, yet distinct cell type that bunch at top of plot. Default=FALSE.
#' @param ... Further options to be passed to
#' \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}},
#' e.g. rankmetric
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @examples
#' # Make input
#' # de_table.demo_query <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_query_se, "demo_query")
#' # de_table.demo_ref <- contrast_each_group_to_the_rest(demo_ref_se, "demo_ref")
#' # This:
#' make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.test=de_table.demo_query,
#' de_table.ref=de_table.demo_ref )
#' # Is equivalent to this:
#' de_table.marked.query_vs_ref <-
#' get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups( de_table.test=de_table.demo_query,
#' de_table.ref=de_table.demo_ref)
#' make_ranking_violin_plot(de_table.marked.query_vs_ref)
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups}} To make
#' the input data.
#' @export
make_ranking_violin_plot <- function(
de_table.marked=NA, de_table.test=NA, de_table.ref=NA, log10trans=FALSE ,
... ) {
defined_de_table.marked <- any(!
defined_de_table.test <- any(!
defined_de_table.ref <- any(! )
if ( !defined_de_table.marked
& defined_de_table.test
& defined_de_table.ref ) {
de_table.marked <- get_the_up_genes_for_all_possible_groups(de_table.test,
... )
} else if (!( defined_de_table.marked
& !defined_de_table.test
& !defined_de_table.ref )) {
stop("Specify either 'de_table.marked' or both de_table.test ",
"AND de_table.ref (naming parameters)")
} #Else, de_table.marked provided, continue
if (log10trans) {
#happily, it'll never be 0
de_table.marked$rescaled_rank <- log10(de_table.marked$rescaled_rank)
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(de_table.marked,
fill='group')) +
ggplot2::geom_violin(ggplot2::aes_string(colour='group')) +
ggplot2::geom_point(alpha=0.5, size=3, pch='-', show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::scale_y_reverse() +
ggplot2::ylab("Test geneset rank in reference cluster") +
ggplot2::xlab("") +
ggplot2::stat_summary(fun.y = stats::median,
fun.ymin = stats::median,
fun.ymax = stats::median,
geom = "crossbar",
show.legend = FALSE) +
ggplot2::theme_bw() +
ggplot2::theme(panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90,
hjust = 1,
vjust=0.5)) +
return (p)
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