## ----load package-------------------------------------------------------------
## ----load ENCODE samples, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------
# gene <- "EIF4G1"
# cellLine <- "HepG2"
# ENCODEmetadata <- downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata(cellLine, gene)
# table(ENCODEmetadata$`Experiment target`)
# length(unique(ENCODEmetadata$`Experiment target`))
# ENCODEsamples <- loadENCODEsamples(ENCODEmetadata)[[1]]
# counts <- prepareENCODEgeneExpression(ENCODEsamples)
## ----load data, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
## ----differential gene expression, eval=FALSE---------------------------------
# # Remove low coverage (at least 10 counts shared across two samples)
# minReads <- 10
# minSamples <- 2
# filter <- rowSums(counts[ , -c(1, 2)] >= minReads) >= minSamples
# counts <- counts[filter, ]
# # Convert ENSEMBL identifier to gene symbol
# counts$gene_id <- convertENSEMBLtoGeneSymbols(counts$gene_id)
# # Perform differential gene expression analysis
# diffExpr <- performDifferentialExpression(counts)
## ----t-statistics, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------
# # Get t-statistics of differential expression with respective gene names
# # (expected input for downstream analyses)
# diffExprStat <- diffExpr$t
# names(diffExprStat) <- diffExpr$Gene_symbol
## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
## ----CMap metadata conditions-------------------------------------------------
# Load CMap metadata (automatically downloaded if not found)
cmapMetadata <- loadCMapData("cmapMetadata.txt", type="metadata")
# Summarise conditions for all CMap perturbations
# Summarise conditions for CMap perturbations in HepG2 cell line
getCMapConditions(cmapMetadata, cellLine="HepG2")
# Summarise conditions for a specific CMap perturbation in HepG2 cell line
cmapMetadata, cellLine="HepG2",
perturbationType="Consensus signature from shRNAs targeting the same gene")
## ----CMap knockdown perturbations, eval=FALSE---------------------------------
# # Filter CMap gene knockdown HepG2 data to be loaded
# cmapMetadataKD <- filterCMapMetadata(
# cmapMetadata, cellLine="HepG2",
# perturbationType="Consensus signature from shRNAs targeting the same gene")
# # Load filtered data (data will be downloaded if not found)
# cmapPerturbationsKD <- prepareCMapPerturbations(
# metadata=cmapMetadataKD, zscores="cmapZscores.gctx",
# geneInfo="cmapGeneInfo.txt")
## ----CMap small molecule perturbations, eval=FALSE----------------------------
# # Filter CMap gene small molecule HepG2 data to be loaded
# cmapMetadataCompounds <- filterCMapMetadata(
# cmapMetadata, cellLine="HepG2", perturbationType="Compound")
# # Load filtered data (data will be downloaded if not found)
# cmapPerturbationsCompounds <- prepareCMapPerturbations(
# metadata=cmapMetadataCompounds, zscores="cmapZscores.gctx",
# geneInfo="cmapGeneInfo.txt", compoundInfo="cmapCompoundInfo.txt")
## ----load CMap perturbations, include=FALSE-----------------------------------
cmapPerturbationsCompounds <- cmapPerturbationsCompounds[
, grep("HEPG2", colnames(cmapPerturbationsCompounds))]
## ----compare knockdown, message=FALSE-----------------------------------------
compareKD <- rankSimilarPerturbations(diffExprStat, cmapPerturbationsKD)
## ----compare small molecules, message=FALSE-----------------------------------
compareCompounds <- rankSimilarPerturbations(diffExprStat,
## ----order knockdown perturbation comparison, fig.width=6, fig.asp=1----------
# Most positively associated perturbations (note that EIF4G1 knockdown is the
# 7th, 1st and 2nd most positively associated perturbation based on Spearman's
# correlation, Pearson's correlation and GSEA, respectively)
head(compareKD[order(spearman_rank)], n=10)
# Most negatively associated perturbations
# Plot list of compared pertubations
plot(compareKD, "spearman", n=c(10, 3))
plot(compareKD, "pearson")
plot(compareKD, "gsea")
plot(compareKD, "rankProduct")
## ----order small molecule perturbation comparison, fig.width=6, fig.asp=1-----
# Most positively and negatively associated perturbations
plot(compareCompounds, "rankProduct")
## ----perturbation info, fig.width=5, fig.asp=1--------------------------------
# Information on the EIF4G1 knockdown perturbation
EIF4G1knockdown <- grep("EIF4G1", compareKD[[1]], value=TRUE)
print(compareKD, EIF4G1knockdown)
# Information on the top 10 most similar compound perturbations (based on
# Spearman's correlation)
print(compareKD[order(rankProduct_rank)], 1:10)
# Get table with all information available (including ranks, metadata, compound
# information, etc.)
table <- as.table(compareKD)
# Obtain available raw information from compared perturbations
names(attributes(compareKD)) # Data available in compared perturbations
attr(compareKD, "metadata") # Perturbation metadata
attr(compareKD, "geneInfo") # Gene information
## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
attr(compareKD, "zscoresFilename") <- cmapPerturbationsKD
## ----plot knockdown comparison, message=FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.asp=1---------
# Plot relationship with EIF4G1 knockdown from CMap
plot(compareKD, EIF4G1knockdown, "spearman")
plot(compareKD, EIF4G1knockdown, "pearson")
plot(compareKD, EIF4G1knockdown, "gsea")
# Plot relationship with most negatively associated perturbation
plot(compareKD, compareKD[order(-spearman_rank)][1, 1], "spearman")
plot(compareKD, compareKD[order(-pearson_rank)][1, 1], "pearson")
plot(compareKD, compareKD[order(-GSEA_rank)][1, 1], "gsea")
## ---- echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
attr(compareCompounds, "zscoresFilename") <- cmapPerturbationsCompounds
## ----plot small molecule comparison, message=FALSE, fig.width=5, fig.asp=1----
# Plot relationship with most positively associated perturbation
plot(compareCompounds, compareCompounds[order(spearman_rank)][1, 1], "spearman")
plot(compareCompounds, compareCompounds[order(pearson_rank)][1, 1], "pearson")
plot(compareCompounds, compareCompounds[order(GSEA_rank)][1, 1], "gsea")
# Plot relationship with most negatively associated perturbation
plot(compareCompounds, compareCompounds[order(-spearman_rank)][1,1], "spearman")
plot(compareCompounds, compareCompounds[order(-pearson_rank)][1, 1], "pearson")
plot(compareCompounds, compareCompounds[order(-GSEA_rank)][1, 1], "gsea")
## ---- fig.width=5, fig.asp=1--------------------------------------------------
ctrp <- listExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation()[[2]]
assoc <- loadExpressionDrugSensitivityAssociation(ctrp)
predicted <- predictTargetingDrugs(diffExprStat, assoc)
plot(predicted, method="rankProduct")
# Plot results for a given drug
plot(predicted, predicted[[1, 1]], method="spearman")
plot(predicted, predicted[[1, 1]], method="gsea")
## ---- fig.width=5, fig.asp=1--------------------------------------------------
# Label by compound name
predicted, compareCompounds, column="spearman_rank")
# Label by compound's gene target
predicted, compareCompounds, column="spearman_rank", labelBy="target")
# Label by compound's mechanism of action (MOA)
predicted, compareCompounds, column="spearman_rank", labelBy="moa")
## ----drug set enrichment analysis, fig.width=5, fig.asp=1---------------------
descriptors <- loadDrugDescriptors("CMap", "2D")
drugSets <- prepareDrugSets(descriptors)
dsea <- analyseDrugSetEnrichment(drugSets, predicted)
# Plot the 6 most significant drug set enrichment results
plotDrugSetEnrichment(drugSets, predicted, selectedSets=head(dsea$pathway, 6))
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