# Functions to parse GCTX files based on cmapR (R package that is not available
# on CRAN nor Bioconductor):
# io.R -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' An S4 class to represent a GCT object
#' @slot mat a numeric matrix
#' @slot rid a character vector of row ids
#' @slot cid a character vector of column ids
#' @slot rdesc a \code{data.frame} of row descriptors
#' @slot rdesc a \code{data.frame} of column descriptors
#' @slot src a character indicating the source (usually file path) of the data
#' @description The GCT class serves to represent annotated
#' matrices. The \code{mat} slot contains said data and the
#' \code{rdesc} and \code{cdesc} slots contain data frames with
#' annotations about the rows and columns, respectively
#' @seealso \url{} for more information on the GCT format
#' @inherit readGctxMeta source
#' @keywords internal
setClass("GCT", representation(
mat = "matrix", rid = "character", cid = "character", rdesc = "data.frame",
cdesc = "data.frame", version = "character", src = "character"))
#' Adjust the data types for columns of a meta data frame
#' @description GCT(X) parsing initially returns data frames
#' of row and column descriptors where all columns are of
#' type character. This is inconvenient for analysis, so
#' the goal of this function is to try and guess the
#' appropriate data type for each column.
#' @param meta a data.frame
#' @details This is a low-level helper function
#' which most users will not need to access directly
#' @return meta the same data frame with (potentially) adjusted column types
#' @keywords internal
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @inherit readGctxMeta source
fix.datatypes <- function(meta) {
for ( in names(meta)) {
field <- meta[[]]
# Check if string contains numeric values <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(field))
if (!any( {
field <-
if (is.numeric(field)) {
# Check if floats are actually integers <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(field))
if (!any( {
diffs <- field -
if (all(diffs == 0)) field <-
meta[[]] <- field
#' Parse row or column metadata from GCTX files
#' @param gctx_path the path to the GCTX file
#' @param dimension which metadata to read (row or column)
#' @param ids a character vector of a subset of row/column ids
#' for which to read the metadata
#' @param set_annot_rownames a boolean indicating whether to set the
#' \code{rownames} attribute of the returned \code{data.frame} to the
#' corresponding row/column ids.
#' @importFrom rhdf5 h5read
#' @return a \code{data.frame} of metadata
#' @keywords internal
#' @source \url{}
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
readGctxMeta <- function(gctx_path, dimension="row", ids=NULL,
set_annot_rownames=TRUE) {
if (!file.exists(gctx_path)) stop(paste(gctx_path, "not found"))
if (dimension=="column") dimension <- "col"
if (!(dimension %in% c("row", "col")))
stop("dimension can be either row or col")
if (dimension == "row")
name <- "0/META/ROW"
name <- "0/META/COL"
raw_annots <- h5read(gctx_path, name=name) # Returns a list
fields <- names(raw_annots)
# Empty data frame of the correct dimensions
annots <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(raw_annots[[fields[1]]]),
names(annots) <- fields
# Loop through each field and fill the annots data.frame
for (i in seq(length(fields))) {
field <- fields[i]
# Remove any trailing spaces and cast as vector
annots[,i] <- as.vector(gsub("\\s*$", "", raw_annots[[field]],
annots <- fix.datatypes(annots)
# Subset to the provided set of identifiers, if any
if (is.null(ids))
ids <- as.character(annots$id)
ids <- ids
annots <- subsetToIds(annots, ids)
annots$id <- as.character(annots$id)
if (set_annot_rownames) rownames(annots) <- annots$id
#' Read GCTX row or column ids
#' @param gctx_path path to the GCTX file
#' @param dimension which ids to read (row or column)
#' @return a character vector of row or column ids from the provided file
#' @keywords internal
#' @inherit readGctxMeta source
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
readGctxIds <- function(gctx_path, dimension="row") {
if (!file.exists(gctx_path)) {
stop(paste(gctx_path, "not found"))
if (dimension=="column") dimension <- "col"
if (!(dimension %in% c("row", "col"))) {
stop("dimension can be either row or col")
if (dimension == "row") {
name <- "0/META/ROW/id"
} else {
name <- "0/META/COL/id"
ids <- gsub("\\s*$", "", h5read(gctx_path, name=name), perl=TRUE)
ids <- as.character(ids)
#' Return a subset of requested GCTX row/column ids
#' out of the universe of all ids
#' @details This is a low-level helper function
#' which most users will not need to access directly
#' @param ids vector of requested ids. If \code{NULL}, no
#' subsetting is performed
#' @param all_ids vector of universe of ids
#' @param type flag indicating the type of ids being processed
#' @return a list with the following elements
#' \code{ids}: a character vector of the processed ids
#' \code{idx}: an integer list of their corresponding indices in \code{all_ids}
#' @inherit readGctxMeta source
#' @family GCTX parsing functions
#' @keywords internal
processIds <- function(ids, all_ids, type="rid") {
if (!is.null(ids)) {
if (is.numeric(ids)) {
# Check if numeric
idx <- ids
is_invalid_idx <- (idx > length(all_ids)) | (idx <= 0)
invalid_idx <- idx[is_invalid_idx]
if (all(is_invalid_idx)) {
stop(paste("none of the requested", type,
"indices were found in the dataset"))
if (any(is_invalid_idx)) {
# Requested indices are outside of the possible range
"the following ", type,
" were are outside possible range and will be ignored:\n",
paste(invalid_idx, collapse="\n"), sep=""))
idx <- idx[!is_invalid_idx]
} else {
# Assume it is a character
idx <- match(ids, all_ids)
if (all( {
stop(paste("none of the requested", type,
"were found in the dataset"))
if (any( {
ids_not_found <- ids[]
warning(paste("multiple", type,
"were not found and will be ignored"))
idx <- idx[!]
} else {
# NULL IDs: just return an index vector along all_ids
idx <- seq_along(all_ids)
# Subset the character identifiers to the ones we want
id_keep <- as.character(all_ids[idx])
return(list(idx=idx, ids=id_keep))
# Define the initialization method for the GCT class
setMethod("initialize", signature = "GCT", definition = function(
.Object, mat=NULL, rdesc=NULL, cdesc=NULL, src=NULL, rid=NULL, cid=NULL,
set_annot_rownames=FALSE, matrix_only=FALSE, verbose=TRUE) {
if (!is.null(src)) src <- as.character(src)
time <- Sys.time()
# Use both matrix and annotation (if supplied)
if (!is.null(mat)) {
.Object@mat <- mat
.Object@rid <- rownames(mat)
if (!is.null(cid))
.Object@cid <- cid
.Object@cid <- colnames(mat)
if (!is.null(rdesc)) .Object@rdesc <- rdesc
if (!is.null(cdesc)) {
.Object@cdesc <- cdesc
} else if (!is.null(src)) {
if (! (grepl(".gct$", src) || grepl(".gctx$", src) ))
stop("either a .gct or .gctx file must be given")
if (grepl(".gct$", src)) {
if ( ! is.null(rid) || !is.null(cid) ) {
msg <- paste(
"Ignoring rid and cid values (which are only relevant for",
".gctx files)")
.Object@src = src
# Get the GCT version from the first line
.Object@version = scan(src, what = "", nlines = 1, sep = "\t",
quiet = TRUE)[1]
# Get matrix dimensions from the second line
dimensions = scan(src, what = double(0), nlines = 1, skip = 1,
sep = "\t", quiet = TRUE)
nrmat = dimensions[1]
ncmat = dimensions[2]
if (length(dimensions)==4) {
if (verbose) message("Parsing as GCT v1.3...")
nrhd <- dimensions[3]
nchd <- dimensions[4]
} else {
if (verbose) message("Parsing as GCT v1.2...")
nrhd <- 0
nchd <- 0
if (verbose) {
message(paste(src, nrmat, "rows,", ncmat, "cols,", nrhd,
"row descriptors,", nchd, "col descriptors"))
# Read header
header <- scan(src, what="", nlines=1, skip=2, sep="\t", quote=NULL,
# Prepare row and column identifiers from header
if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
rhd <- header[2:(nrhd+1)]
cid <- header[-(nrhd+1):-1]
col_offset <- 1
else {
if (any(grepl("description", header, {
# Check description column in v1.2 files
col_offset <- 2
} else {
col_offset <- col_offset <- 1
rhd = NULL
cid = header[(1+col_offset):length(header)]
# Read next set of headers (column annotations), shape into a matrix
if ( nchd > 0 ) {
header = scan(src, what = "", nlines = nchd, skip = 3,
sep = "\t", quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
header = matrix(header, nrow = nchd,
ncol = ncmat + nrhd + 1, byrow = TRUE)
# Extract column header and descriptions
chd = header[,1]
cdesc = header[,-(nrhd+1):-1]
# Transpose in the case there is only one column annotation
if ( nchd == 1 ) cdesc = t(cdesc)
} else {
chd = NULL
cdesc = data.frame()
# Read data matrix and row descriptions, shape into a matrix
mat = scan(src, what = "", nlines = nrmat,
skip = 3 + nchd, sep = "\t", quote = NULL, quiet = TRUE)
mat = matrix(mat, nrow = nrmat, ncol = ncmat + nrhd + col_offset,
byrow = TRUE)
# if (verbose) message(paste(dim(mat), collapse="\t"))
# Extract the row identifiers and descriptions, and data matrix
rid = mat[,1]
if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
# Use as.matrix for when there is only one row annotation
rdesc = as.matrix(mat[,2:(nrhd + 1)])
mat = matrix(as.numeric(mat[,-(nrhd + 1):-1]),
nrow = nrmat, ncol = ncmat)
else {
rdesc = data.frame()
mat = matrix(as.numeric(mat[, (1+col_offset):ncol(mat)]),
nrow = nrmat, ncol = ncmat)
# Assign names to the data matrix and the row/column descriptions
# if (verbose) message(paste(dim(mat), collapse="\t"))
dimnames(mat) = list(rid, cid)
if ( nrhd > 0 ) {
dimnames(rdesc) = list(rid,rhd)
rdesc =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if ( nchd > 0 ) {
cdesc = t(cdesc)
dimnames(cdesc) = list(cid,chd)
cdesc =, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Assign to the GCT slots
.Object@mat = mat
.Object@rid = rownames(mat)
.Object@cid = colnames(mat)
if (!matrix_only) {
# Return annotations as well as matrix
.Object@rdesc = fix.datatypes(rdesc)
.Object@cdesc = fix.datatypes(cdesc)
# Add column identifiers to rdesc and cdesc
.Object@rdesc$id <- rownames(.Object@rdesc)
.Object@cdesc$id <- rownames(.Object@cdesc)
} else {
if (verbose) message(sprintf("Reading %s...", src))
.Object@src = src
# Get all row and column identifiers
all_rid <- readGctxIds(src, dimension="row")
all_cid <- readGctxIds(src, dimension="col")
# Only read rows/columns specified by rid/cid (if available)
processed_rids <- processIds(rid, all_rid, type="rid")
processed_cids <- processIds(cid, all_cid, type="cid")
# Read data matrix
.Object@mat <- h5read(src, name="0/DATA/0/matrix",
# Set the row and column identifiers, casting as characters
.Object@rid <- processed_rids$ids
.Object@cid <- processed_cids$ids
rownames(.Object@mat) <- processed_rids$ids
colnames(.Object@mat) <- processed_cids$ids
# Get metadata
if (!matrix_only) {
.Object@rdesc <- readGctxMeta(
src, dimension="row", ids=processed_rids$ids,
.Object@cdesc <- readGctxMeta(
src, dimension="col", ids=processed_cids$ids,
} else {
.Object@rdesc <- data.frame(id=.Object@rid,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
.Object@cdesc <- data.frame(id=.Object@cid,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
diff <- Sys.time() - time
if (verbose) {
msg <- sprintf("Successfully read data from %s in %s", src,
format(diff, digits=3))
#' Close open handles
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
#' @return Closes all open identifiers
#' @keywords internal
closeOpenHandles <- function() {
if(packageVersion('rhdf5') < "2.23.0")
# utils.R ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Check whether \code{test_names} are columns in the \code{\link{data.frame}}
#' @param test_names a vector of column names to test
#' @param df the \code{\link{data.frame}} to test against
#' @param throw_error boolean indicating whether to throw an error if
#' any \code{test_names} are not found in \code{df}
#' @return boolean indicating whether or not all \code{test_names} are
#' columns of \code{df}
#' @inherit readGctxMeta source
#' @keywords internal
checkColnames <- function(test_names, df, throw_error=TRUE) {
# Check if test_names are valid; throw error if specified
diffs <- setdiff(test_names, names(df))
if (length(diffs) > 0) {
if (throw_error) {
stop(paste("the following column names are not found in",
deparse(substitute(df)), ":",
paste(diffs, collapse=" "), "\n"))
} else {
} else {
#' Do a robust \code{\link{data.frame}} subset to a set of ids
#' @param df \code{\link{data.frame}} to subset
#' @param ids the ids to subset to
#' @return a subset version of \code{df}
#' @inherit readGctxMeta source
#' @keywords internal
subsetToIds <- function(df, ids) {
checkColnames("id", df)
newdf <- data.frame(df[match(ids, df$id), ])
names(newdf) <- names(df)
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