#' Get experiments files for a given control
#' @param control Character: control identifier
#' @param table Data frame
#' @return Character vector with respective experiment identifiers
#' @keywords internal
getENCODEcontrols <- function(control, table) {
sub <- table[table$`Experiment accession` == control, ]
exp <- sub$`File accession`
# exp <- paste(exp, collapse=", ")
#' Download metadata for ENCODE knockdown experiments
#' @param cellLine Character: cell line
#' @param gene Character: target gene
#' @param file Character: RDS file with metadata (if file doesn't exist, it will
#' be created)
#' @importFrom httr content GET
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @family functions related with using ENCODE expression data
#' @return Data frame containing ENCODE knockdown experiment metadata
#' @export
#' @examples
#' downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata("HepG2", "EIF4G1")
downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata <- function(cellLine=NULL, gene=NULL,
file="ENCODEmetadata.rds") {
if (!file.exists(file)) {
# Retrieve metadata for ENCODE KD experiments (JSON format) ------------
message("Downloading metadata for ENCODE knockdown experiments...")
url <- paste(
sep="&", "",
"searchTerm=knockdown", "limit=all", "frame=object", "format=json")
jsonMetadata <- content(GET(url))
# Parse an experiment's control ----------------------------------------
# E.g. for a given experiment, we will obtain the possible controls with
# strings such as "/experiments/ENCSR942UNX/"; strings are then parsed
# to retrieve but the control identifier (in this case, "ENCSR942UNX")
parseControl <- function(experiment) {
control <- experiment$"possible_controls"
control <- gsub("/experiments/(.*)/", "\\1", control)
control <- sapply(jsonMetadata$"@graph", parseControl)
names(control) <- sapply(jsonMetadata$"@graph", "[[", "accession")
# Retrieve metadata for ENCODE KD experiments (table format) -----------
url <- paste(
sep="&", "",
"limit=all", "searchTerm=knockdown/metadata.tsv")
table <- suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(fread(url)))
table <- table[table$`File assembly` == "hg19" &
table$`Output type` == "gene quantifications" &
table$Lab == "ENCODE Processing Pipeline", ]
# Retrieve gene quantification experiment files per control ------------
controlUnique <- unique(unlist(control))
controlExperiment <- sapply(controlUnique, getENCODEcontrols, table)
names(controlExperiment) <- controlUnique
controlExperiment2 <- sapply(controlExperiment, paste, collapse=", ")
# Add controls in a table column ---------------------------------------
controlCollapsed <- sapply(control, paste, collapse=", ")
table$Control <- controlCollapsed[table$`Experiment accession`]
controlAll <- control[table$`Experiment accession`]
controlAll[sapply(controlAll, length) == 0] <- NA
# Parse control-specific experiment files and add in a table column ----
index <- rep(seq(controlAll), sapply(controlAll, length))
exp <- controlExperiment2[unlist(controlAll)]
exp <- split(exp, index)
table$`Control Experiments` <- sapply(exp, paste, collapse=", ")
# Sanitize experiment targets ------------------------------------------
term <- "Non-specific target control-human"
control <- table$`Experiment target` == term
table$`Experiment target` <- gsub(
"\\-.*", "", table$`Experiment target`)
table$`Experiment target`[control] <- term
saveRDS(table, file)
} else {
table <- readRDS(file)
if (!is.null(gene)) table <- table[table$`Experiment target` == gene, ]
if (!is.null(cellLine)) table <- table[
tolower(table$`Biosample term name`) == tolower(cellLine), ]
#' Load ENCODE sample
#' @param metadata Data frame: ENCODE metadata
#' @param replicate Number: replicate
#' @param control Boolean: load control experiment?
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @return Data table with ENCODE sample data
#' @keywords internal
loadENCODEsample <- function (metadata, replicate, control=FALSE) {
metadata <- metadata[metadata$`Biological replicate(s)` == replicate, ]
if (control) {
sample <- sapply(strsplit(metadata$`Control Experiments`, ", "),
`[`, replicate)
} else {
sample <- metadata$`File accession`
sample <- paste0(sample)
outfile <- paste0(sample, ".tsv")
link <- sprintf("",
sample, sample)
downloadIfNotFound(link, outfile)
#' Load ENCODE samples
#' Samples are automatically downloaded if they are not found in the current
#' working directory.
#' @param metadata Character: ENCODE metadata
#' @importFrom pbapply pblapply
#' @family functions related with using ENCODE expression data
#' @return List of loaded ENCODE samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Load ENCODE metadata for a specific cell line and gene
#' cellLine <- "HepG2"
#' gene <- c("EIF4G1", "U2AF2")
#' ENCODEmetadata <- downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata(cellLine, gene)
#' # Load samples based on filtered ENCODE metadata
#' loadENCODEsamples(ENCODEmetadata)
#' }
loadENCODEsamples <- function(metadata) {
loadENCODEsamplePerGene <- function(metadata) {
gene <- list()
reps <- as.numeric(metadata$`Biological replicate(s)`)
for (rep in reps) {
sample <- loadENCODEsample(metadata, replicate=rep)
control <- loadENCODEsample(metadata, replicate=rep, control=TRUE)
gene <- c(gene, rep=list(sample), control=list(control))
names(gene) <- paste0(names(gene), rep(reps, each=max(reps)))
metadataPerGene <- split(metadata, sprintf("%s_%s_%s",
metadata$`Biosample term name`,
metadata$`Experiment target`,
metadata$`Experiment accession`))
res <- pblapply(metadataPerGene, loadENCODEsamplePerGene)
#' Load ENCODE gene expression data
#' @param samples List of loaded ENCODE samples
#' @seealso \code{\link{convertENSEMBLtoGeneSymbols}()}
#' @family functions related with using ENCODE expression data
#' @return Data frame containing gene read counts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Load ENCODE metadata for a specific cell line and gene
#' cellLine <- "HepG2"
#' gene <- "EIF4G1"
#' ENCODEmetadata <- downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata(cellLine, gene)
#' # Load samples based on filtered ENCODE metadata
#' ENCODEsamples <- loadENCODEsamples(ENCODEmetadata)[[1]]
#' prepareENCODEgeneExpression(ENCODEsamples)
#' }
prepareENCODEgeneExpression <- function(samples) {
# Check if transcripts are identical across samples
sameTranscriptsAcrossSamples <- all(sapply(lapply(
samples, "[[", "transcript_id(s)"),
identical, samples$rep1$`transcript_id(s)`))
if (!all(sameTranscriptsAcrossSamples))
stop("not all samples share the same transcript identifiers")
# Merge gene counts from the different samples to a single table
countTable <- cbind(samples$rep1[ , c(1:2, 5)], samples$rep2[ , 5],
samples$control1[ , 5], samples$control2[ , 5])
names(countTable)[3:6] <- c("shRNA1", "shRNA2", "control1", "control2")
rownames(countTable) <- countTable$gene_id
#' Perform differential gene expression based on ENCODE data
#' @param counts Data frame: gene expression
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix aggregate
#' @importFrom limma voom lmFit eBayes topTable
#' @family functions related with using ENCODE expression data
#' @return Data frame with differential gene expression results between
#' knockdown and control
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # Download ENCODE metadata for a specific cell line and gene
#' cellLine <- "HepG2"
#' gene <- "EIF4G1"
#' ENCODEmetadata <- downloadENCODEknockdownMetadata(cellLine, gene)
#' # Download samples based on filtered ENCODE metadata
#' ENCODEsamples <- loadENCODEsamples(ENCODEmetadata)[[1]]
#' counts <- prepareENCODEgeneExpression(ENCODEsamples)
#' # Remove low coverage (at least 10 counts shared across two samples)
#' minReads <- 10
#' minSamples <- 2
#' filter <- rowSums(counts[ , -c(1, 2)] >= minReads) >= minSamples
#' counts <- counts[filter, ]
#' # Convert ENSEMBL identifier to gene symbol
#' counts$gene_id <- convertENSEMBLtoGeneSymbols(counts$gene_id)
#' # Perform differential gene expression analysis
#' diffExpr <- performDifferentialExpression(counts)
#' }
performDifferentialExpression <- function(counts) {
counts <- data.frame(counts)
# Design matrix
Sample_info <- data.frame(
sample = c("shRNA1", "shRNA2", "control1", "control2"),
condition = c("shRNA", "shRNA", "control", "control"))
design <- model.matrix(~ condition, Sample_info)
rownames(design) <- Sample_info$sample
# Check: identical(names(counts[ , 3:6]), rownames(design_matrix))
voom <- voom(counts[ , -c(1, 2)], design=design, plot=FALSE,
# Fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(voom[ , colnames(voom$E) %in% rownames(design)], design=design)
ebayes <- eBayes(fit)
results <- topTable(ebayes, coef=2, number=nrow(ebayes),
# Mean-aggregation per gene symbol to compare unique gene knockdowns
meanAggr <- aggregate(results[ , -1], data=results, FUN=mean,
# Remove non-matching genes (if any)
meanAggr <- meanAggr[meanAggr$Gene_symbol != "", ]
rownames(meanAggr) <- meanAggr$Gene_symbol
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