# original sample in documentation
ff <- sample(studiesTable$cancer_study_id, 100)
gg <- studiesTable$cancer_study_id
## [223] ccrcc_utokyo_2013 causes segfault
gg2 <- studiesTable$cancer_study_id[224:length(studiesTable$cancer_study_id)]
## run code on all samples
studies <- studiesTable$cancer_study_id
studies <- studies[-which(studies == "ccrcc_utokyo_2013")]
cacheLoc <- "~/data/cBioPortal"
if (!dir.exists(cacheLoc))
for (studyId in gg2) {
currFile <- file.path(cacheLoc, paste0(studyId, ".rda"))
if (!file.exists(currFile)) {
start <- proc.time()
res <- tryCatch({
cBioDataPack(cancer_study_id = studyId)
}, error = function(e) conditionMessage(e))
end <- proc.time()
total <- end - start
reslist <- list(res, total)
assign(studyId, reslist)
save(list = studyId, file = currFile)
maestats <- lapply(studies, function(x) {
mm <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(e) conditionMessage(e))
if (is(mm, "try-error") || is.character(mm)) {
load(file.path(cacheLoc, paste0(x, ".rda")))
mm <- get(x)
MAEclass = is(mm[[1L]], "MultiAssayExperiment"),
time = mm[[2L]],
lengths = length(mm[[1L]])
maes <- sapply(maestats, `[[`, "MAEclass")
100 * sum(maes)/length(maes)
# success rate for cBioDataPack out of 273 studies
# 79.4
timings <- sapply(maestats, `[[`, "time")
summary(timings["elapsed", ])
# Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
# 2.420 6.972 24.250 78.546 97.242 1010.656
res <- vector("list", length(studies))
names(res) <- studies
datafiles <- file.path("~/data/cBioPortal", paste0(studies, ".rda"))
dataenv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
for (dts in datafiles[1:2]) {
objname <- gsub(".rda", "", basename(dts))
load(dts, dataenv)
object <- dataenv[[objname]]
res[[dts]] <- c(class = class(object[[1]]),
length = length(object[[1]]), timing = round(object[[2]]["elapsed"],1)
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