# modification on git from copied files
#.logRowSum <- function(z)
# {
# maxes <-, c(as.list(data.frame(z)), list(na.rm = TRUE)))
# pmax(maxes, maxes + log(rowSums(exp(z - maxes), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)
# }
#`getPriors.BB` <-
#function (cD, samplesize = 1e5, samplingSubset = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
#zeroDispersion = FALSE, monoModal = FALSE,
# cl, ...)
# warning("This function is deprecated; using 'getPriors' instead.")
# densityFunction(cD) <- bbDensity
# return(getPriors(cD, samplesize = samplesize, samplingSubset = samplingSubset, verbose = TRUE, cl = cl))
# stop("You shouldn't ever see this message.")
# monoModal = FALSE
# zeroDispersion = FALSE
# dbetabinom <- function(x, n, prop, disp, monoModal, log = TRUE) {
# ps <- rep(NA, (length(x)))
# disp <- rep(disp, length(prop))
# smallDisp <- disp < 1e-15 & disp >= 0
# largeDisp <- disp > 1e-15
# if(any(disp < 0 | disp >= 1 | prop > 1 | prop < 0)) ps[disp < 0 | disp >= 1 | prop > 1 | prop < 0] <- NA
# if(any(smallDisp))
# ps[smallDisp] <- dbinom(x[smallDisp], n[smallDisp], prob = prop[smallDisp], log = log)
# if(any(largeDisp)) {
# alpha = (1/disp - 1) * prop
# beta = (1/disp - 1) * (1-prop)
# if(monoModal)
# if (any(alpha < 1) | any(beta < 1)) return(NA)
# if(!log) {
# ps[largeDisp] <- choose(n[largeDisp], x[largeDisp]) * beta((x + alpha)[largeDisp], (n - x + beta)[largeDisp]) / beta(alpha[largeDisp], beta[largeDisp])
# } else ps[largeDisp] <- lchoose(n[largeDisp], x[largeDisp]) + lbeta((x + alpha)[largeDisp], (n - x + beta)[largeDisp]) - lbeta(alpha[largeDisp], beta[largeDisp])
# }
# return(ps)
# }
# if(!inherits(cD, what = "countData") && !inherits(cD, what = "methData"))
# stop("variable 'cD' must be of or descend from class 'countData' or 'methData'")
# if(verbose) message("Finding priors...", appendLF = FALSE)
# getDisps <- function(selRow, replicates, moderate, zeroDispersion, monoModal)
# {
# nzRep <- levels(replicates)[sapply(levels(replicates), function(rep) any(y[selRow, replicates == rep] != 0) & any(secondy[selRow, replicates == rep] != 0))]
# nzreplicates <- replicates[replicates %in% nzRep]
# if(length(nzreplicates) == 0) return(NA)
# propDispReplicates <- function(propDisp, z, secondz, subLibsizes, subPairLibsizes, monoModal)
# {
# props <- propDisp[match(nzreplicates, nzRep)]
# props <- props * subLibsizes / (props * subLibsizes + (1-props) * subPairLibsizes)
# if(any(props < 0, na.rm = TRUE)| any(props > 1, na.rm = TRUE)) return(NA)
# disp <- propDisp[length(propDisp)]
# if(disp < 0 | disp > 1) return(NA)
# sum(dbetabinom(z, z + secondz, props, disp = disp, monoModal = monoModal))
# }
# z <- y[selRow,]
# secondz <- secondy[selRow,]
# if(all(z == 0) | all(secondz == 0))
# if(zeroDispersion) return(0) else return(NA)
# if(moderate)
# if(all(secondz[z != 0] == 0) & all(z[secondz != 0] == 0) & any(z != 0) & any(secondz != 0))
# {
# maxInZ <- max(z[secondz == 0] / libsizes[secondz == 0])
# maxInSecondZ <- max(secondz[z == 0] / pairLibsizes[z == 0])
# if(maxInZ >= maxInSecondZ) {
# secondz[which(secondz == 0)[which.max(z[secondz == 0] / libsizes[secondz == 0])]] <- 1
# } else {
# z[which(z == 0)[which.max(secondz[z == 0] / pairLibsizes[z == 0])]] <- 1
# }
# }
# pars <- optim(par = c(rep(0.5, length(nzRep)), 0.01), propDispReplicates, z = z[replicates %in% nzRep], secondz = secondz[replicates %in% nzRep],
# subLibsizes = libsizes[replicates %in% nzRep], subPairLibsizes = pairLibsizes[replicates %in% nzRep], monoModal = monoModal,
# control = list(fnscale = -1, trace = FALSE, reltol = 1e-50, maxit = 1000))$par
# disp <- pars[length(pars)]
# disp
# }
# optimoverPriors <- function(selRow, selcts)
# {
# propOnly <- function(prop, disp, z, secondz, libz, pairLibz, nonconv)
# {
# props <- rep(prop, length(z))
# if(all( props <- props * libz / (props * libz + (1-props) * pairLibz) else {
# k = nonconv / (1 - nonconv) * secondz
# props = (props * (z + secondz) + k) / (z + secondz)
# }
# sum(dbetabinom(z, z + secondz, props, disp = disp, monoModal = FALSE))
# }
# pars <- c(optimize(propOnly, interval = c(0, 1),
# disp = disps[selRow],
# z = y[selRow,selcts], secondz = secondy[selRow,selcts],
# libz = libsizes[selcts], pairLibz = pairLibsizes[selcts], nonconv = nonconversion[selcts], tol = 1e-50, maximum = TRUE)$maximum, disps[selRow])
# }
# if(!is.null(cl))
# {
# getPriorsEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
# environment(optimoverPriors) <- getPriorsEnv
# }
# if(is.null(samplingSubset))
# samplingSubset <- 1:nrow(cD)
# samplingSubset <- samplingSubset[rowSums([samplingSubset,,drop = FALSE])) == 0]
# samplingSubset <- samplingSubset[rowSums(cD@data[samplingSubset,,drop = FALSE]) > 0 | rowSums(cD@pairData[samplingSubset,,drop = FALSE]) > 0]
# if(any(sapply(cD@groups, class) != "factor"))
# {
# cD@groups <- lapply(cD@groups, as.factor)
# warning("Not all members of the '@groups' slot were factors; converting now.")
# }
# if(class(cD@replicates) != "factor")
# {
# cD@replicates <- as.factor(cD@replicates)
# warning("The '@replicates' slot is not a factor; converting now.")
# }
# sD <- cD[samplingSubset,]
# if(inherits(cD, what = "countData")) {
# libsizes <- as.double(sD@libsizes)
# pairLibsizes <- as.double(sD@pairLibsizes)
# if(length(cD@libsizes) == 0) libsizes <- rep(1, ncol(sD))
# if(length(cD@pairLibsizes) == 0) pairLibsizes <- libsizes
# nonconversion <- rep(NA, ncol(sD))
# y <- round(sD@data)
# secondy <- round(sD@pairData)
# } else if(inherits(cD, what = "countData")) {
# pairLibsizes <- libsizes <- rep(NA, ncol(sD))
# nonconversion <- as.double(sD@nonconversion)
# if(length(nonconversion) == 0) nonconversion = rep(0, ncol(sD))
# y <- round(sD@Cs)
# secondy <- round(sD@Ts)
# }
# groups <- sD@groups
# replicates <- as.factor(sD@replicates)
# if(nrow(sD@seglens) > 0) seglens <- sD@seglens[,,drop = TRUE] else seglens <- rep(1, nrow(sD@data))
# if(is.vector(seglens)) lensameFlag <- TRUE else lensameFlag <- FALSE
# #tupData <- log(sD@data) - log(sD@pairData)
# #carve out some stratified sampling here...
# #also account for duplicates
# selrow <- which(rowSums(y != 0) > 0 | rowSums(secondy != 0) > 0)
# if(length(selrow) > samplesize)
# selrow <- sample(selrow, size = samplesize)
# disps <- c()
# fixDispNA <- function(disps, selrow) {
# disps[selrow[[selrow])]] <- sapply(selrow[[selrow])], function(dispna) {
# meanNA <- mean(y[dispna,] / (y[dispna,] + secondy[dispna,]), na.rm = TRUE)
# meanRat <- rowMeans(y / (y + secondy), na.rm = TRUE)
# sample(disps[!], 1, prob = dexp(abs(meanNA - meanRat)[!], rate = 100))
# })
# disps
# }
# if (!is.null(cl)) {
# clustAssign <- function(object, name)
# {
# assign(name, object, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# }
# getPriorEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
# environment(clustAssign) <- getPriorEnv
# environment(getDisps) <- getPriorEnv
# environment(optimoverPriors) <- getPriorEnv
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, y, "y")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, secondy, "secondy")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, libsizes, "libsizes")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, pairLibsizes, "pairLibsizes")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, nonconversion, "nonconversion")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, dbetabinom, "dbetabinom")
# disps[selrow] <- parSapply(cl, selrow, getDisps, replicates = sD@replicates, moderate = moderate, zeroDispersion = zeroDispersion, monoModal = monoModal)
# if(any([selrow]))) ndisps <- fixDispNA(disps, selrow)
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, disps, "disps")
# BBpar <- lapply(sD@groups, function(group)
# lapply(unique(levels(group)), function(uu){
# t(parSapply(cl, selrow, optimoverPriors, selcts = group == uu))
# }))
# } else {
# disps[selrow] <-
# sapply(selrow, getDisps, replicates = sD@replicates, moderate = moderate, zeroDispersion = zeroDispersion, monoModal = monoModal)
# if(any([selrow]))) disps <- fixDispNA(disps, selrow)
# BBpar <- lapply(sD@groups, function(group)
# lapply(unique(levels(group)), function(uu){
# t(sapply(selrow, optimoverPriors, selcts = group == uu))
# }))
# }
# sampled <- cbind(sampled = selrow, representative = 1:length(selrow))
# weights <- rep(1, length(selrow))
# if(verbose) message("done.")
# new(class(cD), cD, priorType = "BB", priors = list(sampled = sampled, weights = weights, priors = BBpar))
`getLikelihoods.BB` <- function(cD, prs, pET = "BIC", marginalise = FALSE, subset = NULL, priorSubset = NULL, bootStraps = 1, conv = 1e-4, nullData = FALSE, returnAll = FALSE, returnPD = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, discardSampling = FALSE, cl, ...)
warning("This function is deprecated; using 'getLikelihoods' instead.")
if(!missing(prs)) return(getLikelihoods(cD, prs = prs, pET = pET, marginalise = marginalise, subset = subset, priorSubset = priorSubset, bootStraps = bootStraps, conv = conv, nullData = nullData, returnAll = returnAll, returnPD = returnPD, verbose = verbose, discardSampling = discardSampling, cl = cl, ...)) else return(getLikelihoods(cD, pET = pET, marginalise = marginalise, subset = subset, priorSubset = priorSubset, bootStraps = bootStraps, conv = conv, nullData = nullData, returnAll = returnAll, returnPD = returnPD, verbose = verbose, discardSampling = discardSampling, cl = cl, ...))
stop("You shouldn't ever see this message.")
# constructWeights <- function(withinCluster = FALSE)
# {
# priorWeights <- lapply(1:length(BBpriors), function(ii)
# lapply(1:length(BBpriors[[ii]]), function(jj)
# {
# samplings <- numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]]
# samplings <- samplings[order(samplings[,2]),]
# intervals <- findInterval(1:nrow(BBpriors[[ii]][[jj]]) - 0.5, samplings[,2]) + 1
# intlens <- diff(c(intervals, nrow(samplings) + 1))
# weights <- c()
# weights[intlens == 1] <- samplings[intervals[intlens == 1],3]
# if(any(intlens > 1))
# weights[which(intlens > 1)] <- sapply(which(intlens > 1), function(kk)
# sum(samplings[intervals[kk] + 0:(intlens[kk] - 1),3]))
# weights
# }))
# if(withinCluster) {
# assign("priorWeights", priorWeights, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# return(invisible(NULL))
# } else return(priorWeights)
# }
# BBbootStrap <- function(row, groups)
# {
# `logsum` <-
# function(x)
# max(x, max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + log(sum(exp(x - max(x, na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)
# PDgivenr.BB <- function (number, cts, secondcts, priors, group, wts, sampInfo)
# {
# dbetabinom <- function(x, n, prop, disp) {
# smallDisp <- disp < 1e-15 & disp >= 0
# largeDisp <- disp > 1e-15
# ps <- matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(prop), nrow = nrow(prop))
# disp <- matrix(disp, ncol = ncol(prop), nrow = nrow(prop))
# x <- matrix(x, ncol = ncol(prop), nrow = nrow(prop), byrow = TRUE)
# n <- matrix(n, ncol = ncol(prop), nrow = nrow(prop), byrow = TRUE)
# if(any(largeDisp)) {
# alpha = (1/disp - 1) * prop
# beta = (1/disp - 1) * (1-prop)
# ps[largeDisp,] <- lchoose(n[largeDisp,,drop = FALSE], x[largeDisp,,drop = FALSE]) +
# lbeta((x + alpha)[largeDisp,,drop = FALSE], (n - x + beta)[largeDisp,, drop = FALSE]) -
# lbeta(alpha[largeDisp,, drop = FALSE], beta[largeDisp,, drop = FALSE])
# }
# if(any(smallDisp))
# ps[smallDisp,] <- dbinom(x[smallDisp,,drop = FALSE], n[smallDisp,,drop = FALSE], prob = prop[smallDisp,,drop = FALSE], log = TRUE)
# return(ps)
# }
# sum(
# sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(ll) {
# selcts <- group == levels(group)[ll] & !
# prior <- priors[[ll]]
# weightings <- wts[[ll]]
# nzWts <- weightings != 0 & !
# #wsInfo <- which(sampInfo[[ll]][,1] == number)
# #weightings[sampInfo[[ll]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[sampInfo[[ll]][wsInfo,2]] - sampInfo[[ll]][wsInfo,3]
# p = outer(prior[nzWts,1], libsizes[selcts]) / (outer(1-prior[nzWts,1], pairLibsizes[selcts]) + outer(prior[nzWts,1], libsizes[selcts]))
# disp = prior[nzWts,2]
# ps <- dbetabinom(cts[selcts], cts[selcts] + secondcts[selcts], prop = p, disp = disp)
# logsum(
# rowSums(ps) + log(weightings[nzWts])
# ) - log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))
# })
# )
# }
# sapply(1:length(BBpriors), function(gg)
# PDgivenr.BB(number = row, cts = y[row,], secondcts = secondy[row,], priors = BBpriors[[gg]], group = groups[[gg]], wts = priorWeights[[gg]], sampInfo = numintSamp[[gg]])
# )
# }
# if(!is.null(cl))
# {
# clustAssign <- function(object, name)
# {
# assign(name, object, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# }
# getLikelihoodsEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
# environment(clustAssign) <- getLikelihoodsEnv
# environment(BBbootStrap) <- getLikelihoodsEnv
# }
# listPosts <- list()
# if(!inherits(cD, what = "countData") && !inherits(cD, what = "methData"))
# stop("variable 'cD' must be of or descend from class 'countData' or 'methData'")
# if(cD@priorType != "BB") stop("Incorrect prior type for this method of likelihood estimation")
# if(pET %in% c("none", "iteratively"))
# {
# if(length(prs) != length(cD@groups)) stop("'prs' must be of same length as the number of groups in the 'cD' object")
# if(any(prs < 0))
# stop("Negative values in the 'prs' vector are not permitted")
# if(missing(nullProps) & sum(prs) != 1)
# stop("If no values given for 'nullProps' then the 'prs' vector should sum to 1.")
# if(!missing(nullProps) & sum(prs) >= 1)
# stop("If some value given for 'nullProps' then the 'prs' vector should sum to less than 1.")
# } else if(pET %in% c("BIC"))
# prs <- rep(NA, length(cD@groups))
# if(!(class(subset) == "integer" | class(subset) == "numeric" | is.null(subset)))
# stop("'subset' must be integer, numeric, or NULL")
# if(is.null(conv)) conv <- 0
# groups <- cD@groups
# BBpriors <- cD@priors$priors
# numintSamp <- cD@priors$sampled
# y <- round(cD@data)
# secondy <- round(cD@pairData)
# libsizes <- cD@libsizes
# pairLibsizes <- cD@pairLibsizes
# if(is.null(subset)) subset <- 1:nrow(cD)
# subset <- subset[(rowSums(y[subset,,drop = FALSE]) != 0 | rowSums(secondy[subset,,drop = FALSE]) != 0)]
# if(is.null(priorSubset)) priorSubset <- subset
# if(length(libsizes) == 0) libsizes <- rep(1, ncol(cD))
# if(length(pairLibsizes) == 0) pairLibsizes <- libsizes
# if(!missing(nullProps)) {
# ndelocGroup <- which(unlist(lapply(cD@groups, function(x) all(x[!] == x[!][1]))))
# if(length(ndelocGroup) == 0) stop("If 'nullProps' is given then there must exist some vector in groups whose members are all identical") else ndelocGroup <- ndelocGroup[1]
# nulpPriors <- lapply(nullProps, function(x) list(cbind(x, BBpriors[[ndelocGroup]][[1]][,2])))
# nulpGroups <- lapply(nullProps, function(x) as.factor(rep(1, ncol(y))))
# names(nulpGroups) <- sapply(nullProps, function(x) paste("nde_", x, sep = ""))
# groups <- c(nulpGroups, cD@groups)
# BBpriors <- c(nulpPriors, BBpriors)
# }
# if(discardSampling) numintSamp[,1] <- NA
# if(is.matrix(numintSamp))
# numintSamp <- lapply(BBpriors, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) numintSamp))
# if(is.null(numintSamp))
# numintSamp <- lapply(BBpriors, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) cbind(sampled = rep(-1, nrow(z)), representative = 1:nrow(z))))
# weights <- cD@priors$weights
# if(is.null(weights))
# weights <- lapply(numintSamp, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) weights = rep(1, nrow(z))))
# if(is.numeric(weights))
# weights <- lapply(numintSamp, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) weights = weights))
# numintSamp <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii) lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj) cbind(numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]], weights = weights[[ii]][[jj]])))
# priorWeights <- constructWeights()
# posteriors <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(groups), nrow = nrow(cD@data))
# propest <- NULL
# converged <- FALSE
# if(!is.null(cl))
# {
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, BBpriors, "BBpriors")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, libsizes, "libsizes")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, pairLibsizes, "pairLibsizes")
# }
# if(verbose) message("Finding posterior likelihoods...", appendLF = FALSE)
# priorReps <- unique(unlist(sapply(numintSamp, function(x) as.integer(unique(sapply(x, function(z) z[,1]))))))
# priorReps <- priorReps[priorReps > 0 & !]
# if(!all(priorReps %in% 1:nrow(cD@data)) & bootStraps > 1)
# {
# warning("Since the sampled values in the '@priors' slot are not available, bootstrapping is not possible.")
# bootStraps <- 1
# }
# postRows <- unique(c(priorReps, priorSubset, subset))
# .fastUniques <- function(x){
# if (nrow(x) > 1) {
# return(c(TRUE, rowSums(x[-1L, , drop = FALSE] == x[-nrow(x),, drop = FALSE]) != ncol(x)))
# } else return(TRUE)
# }
## if(length(priorReps) == 0 || !any(priorReps %in% postRows))
## {
## orddat <-"order", c(lapply(1:ncol(seglens), function(ii) seglens[postRows,ii]), lapply(1:ncol(cD@data), function(ii) cD@data[postRows,ii])))
## whunq <- .fastUniques(cbind(seglens[postRows,], cD@data[postRows,])[orddat,,drop = FALSE])
## postRows <- postRows
## } else whunq <- TRUE
## orddat <- 1:nrow(cD)
# whunq <- TRUE
# for(cc in 1:bootStraps)
# {
# if(cc > 1) numintSamp <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii) lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj) cbind(numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1:2], weights = exp(posteriors[numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1],ii]))))
# if (is.null(cl)) {
# if(cc > 1) priorWeights <- constructWeights()
# ps <- sapply(postRows[whunq], BBbootStrap, groups = groups)
# } else {
# environment(constructWeights) <- getLikelihoodsEnv
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, numintSamp, "numintSamp")
# clusterCall(cl, constructWeights, TRUE)
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, y, "y")
# clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, secondy, "secondy")
# ps <- parSapply(cl, postRows[whunq], BBbootStrap, groups = groups)
# }
# ps <- matrix(ps, ncol = length(groups), byrow = TRUE)
# rps <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(groups), nrow = nrow(cD@data))
# rps[postRows,] <- ps
# if(returnPD) {
# if(verbose) message("done.")
# return(rps)
# }
# if(pET != "none")
# {
# restprs <- getPosteriors(rps[priorSubset,, drop = FALSE], prs, pET = pET, marginalise = FALSE, groups = groups, priorSubset = NULL, cl = cl)$priors
# } else restprs <- prs
# pps <- getPosteriors(rps[union(priorReps,subset),], prs = restprs, pET = "none", marginalise = marginalise, groups = groups, priorSubset = NULL, cl = cl)
# if(any(!
# if(all(abs(exp(posteriors[union(priorReps,subset),]) - exp(pps$posteriors)) < conv)) converged <- TRUE
# posteriors[union(priorReps, subset),] <- pps$posteriors
# prs <- pps$priors
# propest <- rbind(propest, prs)
# estProps <- pps$priors
# names(estProps) <- names(cD@groups)
# cat(".")
# if(returnAll | converged | cc == bootStraps)
# {
# retPosts <- posteriors
# retPosts[priorReps[!(priorReps %in% subset)],] <- NA
# nullPosts <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
# if(!missing(nullProps)) {
# nullPosts <- retPosts[,1:length(nullProps), drop = FALSE]
# colnames(nullPosts) <- sapply(nullProps, function(x) paste("nde_", x, sep = ""))
# retPosts <- retPosts[,-(1:length(nullProps)), drop = FALSE]
# }
# estProps <- apply(exp(retPosts), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# colnames(retPosts) <- names(cD@groups)
# listPosts[[cc]] <- (new(class(cD), cD, posteriors = retPosts, estProps = estProps, nullPosts = nullPosts))
# listPosts[[cc]]@orderings <- makeOrderings(listPosts[[cc]])
# }
# if(converged)
# break()
# }
# if(!is.null(cl))
# clusterEvalQ(cl, rm(list = ls()))
# if(verbose) message("done.")
# if(!returnAll) return(listPosts[[cc]]) else {
# if(length(listPosts) == 1) return(listPosts[[1]]) else return(listPosts)
# }
# }
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