# Tests the behaviour of the regressBatches function.
# library(batchelor); library(testthat); source("test-regress-batch.R")
expect_equal_matrix <- function(x, y) {
# A ResidualMatrix isn't technically the same
# after subsetting, so we need to compare the
# matrices rather than the S4 objects.
expect_equal(as.matrix(x), as.matrix(y))
test_that("regressBatches works correctly", {
means <- 2^rgamma(1000, 2, 1)
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=means), ncol=50) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=means*runif(1000, 0, 2)), ncol=100) # Batch 2
ave1 <- rowMeans(A1)
ave2 <- rowMeans(A2)
ref <- pmin(ave1, ave2)
B1 <- log2(A1 + 1)
B2 <- log2(A2 + 1)
# Checking against the reference calculations.
corrected <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
expect_identical(as.integer(corrected$batch), rep(1:2, c(ncol(B1), ncol(B2))))
expect_s4_class(assay(corrected), "ResidualMatrix")
left <- assay(corrected, withDimnames=FALSE)[,BiocGenerics::which(corrected$batch==1)]
right <- assay(corrected, withDimnames=FALSE)[,BiocGenerics::which(corrected$batch==2)]
expect_equal_matrix(left, B1 - rowMeans(B1))
expect_equal_matrix(right, B2 - rowMeans(B2))
# Behaves with subsetting.
keep <- sample(nrow(B1), nrow(B1)/2)
subsetted <- regressBatches(B1, B2, subset.row=keep)
corrected <- regressBatches(B1[keep,], B2[keep,])
expect_equal(subsetted, corrected)
corrected <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
subsetted2 <- regressBatches(B1, B2, subset.row=keep, correct.all=TRUE)
expect_equal(subsetted2, corrected)
test_that("regressBatches behaves correctly with a design matrix", {
means <- 2^rgamma(1000, 2, 1)
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=means), ncol=50) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=means*runif(1000, 0, 2)), ncol=100) # Batch 2
B1 <- log2(A1 + 1)
B2 <- log2(A2 + 1)
ref <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
b <- rep(1:2, c(ncol(A1), ncol(A2)))
corrected <- regressBatches(B1, B2, design=model.matrix(~factor(b)))
expect_equal(as.matrix(assay(ref)), as.matrix(assay(corrected)))
# Testing against continuous covariates.
combined <- cbind(B1, B2)
stuff <- rnorm(ncol(combined))
corrected2 <- regressBatches(B1, B2, design=model.matrix(~b))
t(, x=model.matrix(~b))$residual))
# Works with a single batch.
corrected3 <- regressBatches(cbind(B1, B2), design=model.matrix(~b))
expect_equivalent(as.matrix(assay(corrected2)), as.matrix(assay(corrected3)))
# Throws an error.
expect_error(regressBatches(B1, B2, design=cbind(1)), "total number")
test_that("regressBatches works correctly with SCE inputs", {
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=10), nrow=100) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=10), nrow=100) # Batch 2
B1 <- log2(A1+1)
B2 <- log2(A2+1)
sce1 <- SingleCellExperiment(list(logcounts=B1))
sce2 <- SingleCellExperiment(list(logcounts=B2))
out <- regressBatches(sce1, sce2)
ref <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
expect_equal(ref, out)
# Subsetting works correctly.
i <- rbinom(nrow(B1), 1, 0.5)==1L
out <- regressBatches(sce1, sce2, subset.row=i)
ref <- regressBatches(sce1[i,], sce2[i,])
expect_equal(ref, out)
test_that("regressBatches reports names correctly", {
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=10), nrow=100) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=10), nrow=100) # Batch 2
B1 <- log2(A1+1)
B2 <- log2(A2+1)
rownames(B1) <- rownames(B2) <- sprintf("GENE_%i", seq_len(nrow(A1)))
out <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
expect_identical(rownames(out), rownames(B1))
expect_identical(colnames(out), NULL)
colnames(B1) <- sprintf("Cell_%i", seq_len(ncol(B1)))
out <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
expect_identical(colnames(out), c(colnames(B1), character(ncol(B2))))
colnames(B2) <- sprintf("Yay_%i", seq_len(ncol(B2)))
out <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
expect_identical(colnames(out), c(colnames(B1), colnames(B2)))
# Handles names of batches.
out2 <- regressBatches(A=B1, B=B2)
expect_identical(LETTERS[out$batch], out2$batch)
# Works correctly upon subsetting.
out <- regressBatches(B1, B2, subset.row=1:10)
ref <- regressBatches(B1[1:10,], B2[1:10,])
expect_identical(assay(out), assay(ref))
expect_identical(out$batch, ref$batch)
test_that("regressBatches works with within-object batches", {
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 2
A3 <- matrix(rpois(15000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 2
B1 <- log2(A1+1)
B2 <- log2(A2+1)
B3 <- log2(A3+1)
sce1 <- SingleCellExperiment(list(logcounts=B1))
sce2 <- SingleCellExperiment(list(logcounts=B2))
sce3 <- SingleCellExperiment(list(logcounts=B3))
combined <- cbind(sce1, sce2, sce3)
batches <- rep(1:3, c(ncol(sce1), ncol(sce2), ncol(sce3)))
shuffle <- sample(ncol(combined))
combined <- combined[,shuffle]
batches <- batches[shuffle]
ref <- regressBatches(B1, B2, B3)
out <- regressBatches(combined, batch=batches)
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref)[,shuffle], assay(out))
expect_equal(as.character(ref$batch)[shuffle], as.character(out$batch))
# Same for matrix input.
out2 <- regressBatches(logcounts(combined), batch=batches)
expect_equal(out, out2)
# Preserves column names.
combined2 <- combined
colnames(combined2) <- sprintf("Cell_%i", shuffle)
out3 <- regressBatches(combined2, batch=batches)
expect_equal(colnames(combined2), colnames(out3))
test_that("regressBatches works with restrictions", {
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 2
B1 <- log2(A1+1)
B2 <- log2(A2+1)
ref <- regressBatches(B1, B2)
C1 <- cbind(B1, B1[,1:10])
C2 <- cbind(B2, B2[,1:20])
extras1 <- ncol(B1) + 1:10
extras2 <- ncol(B2) + 1:20
test <- regressBatches(C1, C2, restrict=list(-extras1, -extras2))
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref), assay(test)[,c(-extras1, -(ncol(C1) + extras2))])
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref)[,1:10], assay(test)[,extras1])
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref)[,ncol(B1) + 1:20], assay(test)[,ncol(C1) + extras2])
expect_error(regressBatches(C1, C2, restrict=list(integer(0), integer(0))), "no cells remaining")
# Repeating with a single batch.
D <- cbind(C1, C2)
batches <- rep(LETTERS[1:2], c(ncol(C1), ncol(C2)))
to_remove <- logical(ncol(D))
to_remove[c(extras1, ncol(C1) + extras2)] <- TRUE
test <- regressBatches(D, batch=batches, restrict=list(!to_remove))
ref <- regressBatches(D[,!to_remove], batch=batches[!to_remove])
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref), assay(test)[,!to_remove])
expect_identical(ref$batch, test$batch[!to_remove])
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref)[,1:10], assay(test)[,extras1])
expect_equal_matrix(assay(ref)[,ncol(B1) + 1:20], assay(test)[,ncol(C1) + extras2])
# With shuffling of the cells.
shuffle <- sample(ncol(D))
test2 <- regressBatches(D[,shuffle], batch=batches[shuffle], restrict=list(!to_remove[shuffle]))
expect_equal_matrix(assay(test)[,shuffle], assay(test2))
test_that("regressBatches PCA behaves as expected", {
A1 <- matrix(rpois(10000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 1
A2 <- matrix(rpois(20000, lambda=5), nrow=100) # Batch 2
B1 <- log2(A1+1)
B2 <- log2(A2+1)
ref <- regressBatches(B1, B2, d=10, BSPARAM=ExactParam())
out <- multiBatchPCA(assay(ref), batch=ref$batch, d=10, BSPARAM=ExactParam(), preserve.single=TRUE)
expect_identical(reducedDim(ref), out[[1]])
# Responds to subsetting and correct.all=TRUE.
ref2 <- regressBatches(B1, B2, d=10, subset.row=1:20, BSPARAM=ExactParam())
expect_identical(assay(ref)[1:20,], assay(ref2))
out2 <- multiBatchPCA(assay(ref2), batch=ref2$batch, d=10, BSPARAM=ExactParam(), preserve.single=TRUE)
expect_identical(reducedDim(ref2), out2[[1]])
ref3 <- regressBatches(B1, B2, d=10, correct.all=TRUE, subset.row=1:20, BSPARAM=ExactParam())
expect_identical(assay(ref), assay(ref3))
out3 <- multiBatchPCA(assay(ref3)[1:20,], batch=ref3$batch, d=10, BSPARAM=ExactParam(), preserve.single=TRUE)
expect_identical(reducedDim(ref3), out3[[1]])
# Works with a design matrix.
batch <- factor(rep(1:2, c(ncol(B1), ncol(B2))))
out <- regressBatches(cbind(B1, B2), design = model.matrix(~batch), d=10, BSPARAM=ExactParam())
ratios <- reducedDim(out)/runPCA(t(assay(out)), rank=10)$x
expect_equivalent(abs(colMeans(ratios)), rep(1, 10))
test_that("regressBatches fails on silly inputs", {
B1 <- matrix(rnorm(10000), nrow=100) # Batch 1
B2 <- matrix(rnorm(20000), nrow=100) # Batch 2
# Throws errors properly with no genes or no cells.
expect_error(regressBatches(), "at least two batches")
expect_error(regressBatches(B1), "'batch' must be specified")
# Throws errors upon row checks.
expect_error(regressBatches(B1[1:10,], B2), "number of rows is not the same")
xB1 <- B1
xB2 <- B2
rownames(xB1) <- sample(nrow(B1))
rownames(xB2) <- sample(nrow(B2))
expect_error(regressBatches(xB1, xB2), "row names are not the same")
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