#' Reduce transcript expression to gene expression
#' @title transcript to gene expression
#' @param se a summarizedExperiment object from \code{\link{bambu}}
#' @return A SummarizedExperiment object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' se <- readRDS(system.file("extdata",
#' "seOutput_SGNex_A549_directRNA_replicate5_run1_chr9_1_1000000.rds",
#' package = "bambu"
#' ))
#' transcriptToGeneExpression(se)
transcriptToGeneExpression <- function(se) {
counts <-$counts, keep.rownames = TRUE)
runnames <- colnames(counts)[-1]
colnames(counts)[-1] <- rename_duplicatedNames(runnames)
counts <- melt(counts, id.vars = "rn", measure.vars = colnames(counts)[-1])
setnames(counts, "rn", "TXNAME")
rowDataSe <-
counts <- rowDataSe[, .(TXNAME, GENEID)][counts, on = "TXNAME"]
counts[, valueGene := sum(value), by = list(variable, GENEID)]
counts[, valueGeneCPM := valueGene / max(sum(value), 1) * 10^6,
by = list(variable)]
## counts
counts_gene <- dcast(unique(counts[, .(GENEID, variable, valueGene)]),
GENEID ~ variable, value.var = "valueGene")
counts_gene_CPM <- dcast(unique(counts[, .(GENEID, variable,
valueGeneCPM)]), GENEID ~ variable, value.var = "valueGeneCPM")
## geneRanges
exByGene <- txRangesToGeneRanges(rowRanges(se),
if ("newTxClass" %in% colnames(rowDataSe)) {
rowDataSe <- rowDataSe[, .(TXNAME, GENEID, newTxClass)]
rowDataSe[, newGeneClass := ifelse(grepl("ENSG", GENEID),
"annotation", unique(newTxClass)), by = GENEID]
mcols(exByGene) <- unique(rowDataSe[, .(GENEID,
newGeneClass)])[match(names(exByGene), GENEID)]
## SE
counts_gene <- setDF(counts_gene)
RowNames <- counts_gene$GENEID
rownames(counts_gene) <- RowNames
counts_gene_CPM <- setDF(counts_gene_CPM)
rownames(counts_gene_CPM) <- RowNames
ColNames <- colnames(counts_gene)[-1]
seOutput <- SummarizedExperiment(
assays = SimpleList(
counts = as.matrix(counts_gene[, -1], ncol = length(ColNames),
dimnames = list(RowNames, ColNames)),
CPM = as.matrix(counts_gene_CPM[match(RowNames,
counts_gene_CPM$GENEID), -1], ncol = length(ColNames),
dimnames = list(RowNames, ColNames))),
rowRanges = exByGene[RowNames],
colData = colData(se))
#' rename runnames when there are duplicated names
#' @title rename_duplicatedNames
#' @param runnames sample names
#' @noRd
rename_duplicatedNames <- function(runnames){
## rename runnames when duplicated names are found
if (length(which(duplicated(runnames)))) {
iter <- 1
while (length(which(duplicated(runnames)))) {
if (iter == 1) {
runnames[which(duplicated(runnames))] <-
paste0(runnames[which(duplicated(runnames))], "...", iter)
} else {
runnames[which(duplicated(runnames))] <-
gsub(paste0("...", iter - 1, "$"), paste0("...", iter),
iter <- iter + 1
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