#revised function for mergeComplexes using lists rather than matrices
#bhmax is a list of length one names 'maxCliques'
#bhmax is output from the bhmaxSubgraph function
#bhmax$maxCliques is a list of character vectors containing the clique members
#this uses the following functions: adjBinFUN, fisherFUN,
#LCjoinadjBin, LCjoinfisher, and LCjoinLchange
#new function adjusting for viability status
mergeComplexes <-
= 2e7){
stopifnot("maxCliques" %in% names(bhmax))
if(!is.null(VBs)) stopifnot(all(VBs %in% rownames(adjMat)))
if(!is.null(VPs)) stopifnot(all(VPs %in% colnames(adjMat)))
#create viable bait and prey sets if not specified
if(is.null(VBs)) VBs <- rownames(adjMat)[rowSums(adjMat)>0]
if(is.null(VPs)) VPs <- colnames(adjMat)[colSums(adjMat)>0]
VBPs <- intersect(VBs,VPs)
VBOs <- setdiff(VBs,VBPs)
VPOs <- setdiff(VPs,VBPs)
#initial complex estimates
complexes <- bhmax$maxCliques
adjMat <- adjMat[c(VBPs,VBOs),c(VBPs,VPOs)]
#set parameters
adjMat[VBPs,VBPs] <- 1
mu <- log((1-specificity)/specificity)
alpha <- log(sensitivity/(1-sensitivity))-mu
#make complex co-membership matrix
ccMat <- adjMat
ccMat[VBPs,VBPs] <- pmax(adjMat[VBPs,VBPs],t(adjMat[VBPs,VBPs]))
#make simMat with entries 0 and diagonal 1 if simMat not specified
simMat <- matrix(0,dim(adjMat)[1],dim(adjMat)[2])
rownames(simMat) <- rownames(adjMat)
colnames(simMat) <- colnames(adjMat)
simMat[VBPs,VBPs] <- 1
#calculate adj binomial and fisher test for initial complexes
print("calculating initial penalty terms")
adjBin <-unlist(lapply(complexes,FUN=adjBinFUN,adjMat=adjMat,
fisher <- unlist(lapply(complexes,FUN=fisherFUN,adjMat=adjMat,
#start looking at combinations
print("looking at complex combinations")
i <- 1
K <- length(complexes)
keepgoing <- i < K
keepgoing2 <- TRUE
#for complex under consideration,
#narrow combination candidates to those with common members
commonFracFUN <- function(x) length(intersect(x,complexes[[i]]))>floor(length(complexes[[i]])*commonFrac)
testL <- lapply(complexes,FUN=commonFracFUN)
testset <- which(unlist(testL))
testset <- testset[-which(testset==i)]
Ktemp <- length(testset)
#if there are candidates, then test to see
#if penalized likelihood increases when combined
#find adjusted binomial for two complexes
lK2 <- adjBin[i] + adjBin[testset]
#find adjusted binomial for joined complex
lK1adjBin <- unlist(lapply(complexes[testset],FUN=LCjoinadjBin,comp=complexes[[i]],adjMat=adjMat,VBPs=VBPs,VBOs=VBOs,VPOs=VPOs,simMat=simMat,mu=mu,alpha=alpha,Beta=Beta))
#find change in likelihood when adding new edges to graph
Lchange <-
#find total change in likelihood
LCInc1 <- lK1adjBin+Lchange-lK2
#for combinations where it could reasonably make a difference,
#look at change attributable to fisher's exact test
lK1fisher <- rep(0,length(testset))
dofisher <- which(LCInc1>-20)
lKfisher <-
lK1fisher[dofisher] <- lKfisher - fisher[i] - fisher[testset[dofisher]]
#add in fisher's exact component
LCIncs <- LCInc1+lK1fisher
#some fisher tests will result in NA if too many proteins
#replace these with likelihood change without fisher component
LCIncs[which(] <- LCInc1[which(]
same <- sum(LCIncs>0)>0
#if any combinations increase the likihood, then find the maximum
#and make the combination
wm <- which.max(LCIncs)
thisone <- testset[wm]
combo <- unique(c(complexes[[i]],complexes[[thisone]]))
complexes[[i]] <- combo
#remove combined complex
complexes <- complexes[-thisone]
#make corresponding changes to adjBin and fisher vectors
adjBin[i] <- lK1adjBin[wm]
adjBin <- adjBin[-thisone]
fisher[i] <- lK1fisher[wm]
if([wm])) fisher[i] <- NA
fisher <- fisher[-thisone]
#make changes in complex comembership matrix
comboVB <- intersect(combo,c(VBPs,VBOs))
comboVP <- intersect(combo,c(VBPs,VPOs))
ccMat[comboVB,comboVP] <- 1
K <- length(complexes)
if(thisone<i) i <- i-1
}else same <- FALSE
keepgoing2 <- same
i <- i+1
keepgoing <- i < K
nC <- length(complexes)
names(complexes) <- paste("Complex",1:nC,sep="")
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