index2xy.CdfEnvAffy <- function(object, i) {
indices2xy(i, nc = object@nrow) - getOption("BioC")$affy$xy.offset
xy2index.CdfEnvAffy <- function(object, x, y) {
o <- getOption("BioC")$affy$xy.offset
xy2indices(x+o, y+o, nc = object@nrow)
representation(envir = "environment",
envName = "character",
index2xy = "function",
xy2index = "function",
nrow = "integer",
ncol = "integer",
probeTypes = "character",
chipType = "character"),
prototype = list(index2xy = index2xy.CdfEnvAffy,
xy2index = xy2index.CdfEnvAffy))
## ---
setAs("CdfEnvAffy", "environment", function(from) from@envir )
setAs("CdfEnvAffy", "Cdf",
function(from) {
m <- matrix(as.numeric(NA), from@nrow, from@ncol)
l <- ls(from@envir)
for (i in seq(along=l)) {
tmp <- indexProbes(from, "pm", l[i])[[1]]
m[tmp] <- i
tmp <- indexProbes(from, "mm", l[i])[[1]]
m[tmp] <- i
cdf <- new("Cdf", cdfName=from@chipType, name=m, name.levels=l)
geneNames.CdfEnvAffy <- function(object) {
ls(as(object, "environment"))
setMethod("geneNames", "CdfEnvAffy", geneNames.CdfEnvAffy)
## ---
setMethod("[", signature(x="CdfEnvAffy", i="character",
j="missing", drop="missing"),
function(x, i, j, drop=FALSE) {
if( !missing(j)) {
stop("Improper subsetting. Only one vector of IDs should be given.\n")
if (is.matrix(i)) {
if (! is.integer(i)) {
stop("not implemented")
##stop("when a matrix, 'i' should be of mode 'integer'")
y <- x
y@envName <- paste(x@envName, "-subsetXYcoords", sep="")
y@envir <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
## make a Cdf (faster lookup for XY or indexes).
cdfenv <- get(x@envName)
cdf <- as(cdfenv, "Cdf")
idx <- xy2index(x, i)
for (i in idx) {
id <- cdf@names.level[cdf@names[i]]
tmp <- indexProbes(y, y@probeTypes, id)
## implementation not complete
## pm or mm to be sorted
## and idx appended to tmp
assign(id, tmp, envir=y@envir)
} else {
if (! is.character(i)) {
stop("when not a matrix, 'i' should be of mode 'character'")
y <- x
y@envName <- paste(x@envName, "-subsetProbeSets", sep="")
y@envir <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent = emptyenv())
for (id in i) {
##tmp <- indexProbes(x, x@probeTypes, id)
tmp <-, lapply(x@probeTypes, function(pt) indexProbes(x, pt, id)[[1]]))
assign(id, tmp, envir=y@envir)
## ---
indexProbes.CdfEnvAffy <- function(object, which, probeSetNames=NULL) {
probeTypes <- object@probeTypes
##FIXME: hack for compatibility with 'affy'
if (identical(which, "both") || identical(which, c("pm", "mm", "both"))) {
which <- probeTypes
warning("The use of \"both\" in 'which' is deprecated.")
if ( ! all(which %in% probeTypes))
stop(paste("'which' can only take values from:", paste(probeTypes, collapse=", ")))
i.probes <- match(which, probeTypes)
envir <- as(object, "environment")
probeSetNames <- ls(envir)
ans <- mget(probeSetNames, envir=envir, ifnotfound=list(NA))
## this kind of thing could be included in 'multiget' as
## an extra feature. A function could be specified to
## process what is 'multi'-get on the fly
for (i in seq(along=ans)) {
if ([[i]][1]) )
##as.vector cause it might be a matrix if all probe types
tmp <- as.vector(ans[[i]][, i.probes])
ans[[i]] <- tmp
setMethod("indexProbes", signature("CdfEnvAffy", which = "character"),
## ---
setGeneric("index2xy", def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("index2xy"))
setMethod("index2xy", signature(object="CdfEnvAffy"),
function(object, ...) object@index2xy(object, ...))
## ---
setGeneric("xy2index", def = function(object, ...) standardGeneric("xy2index"), useAsDefault = FALSE)
setMethod("xy2index", signature(object="CdfEnvAffy"),
function(object, ...) object@xy2index(object, ...))
## ---
plot.CdfEnvAffy <- function(x, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = x@chipType, ...) {
plot(0, 0, xlim = range(0, x@nrow), ylim = range(0, x@ncol), type="n", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, ...)
setMethod("plot", signature(x="CdfEnvAffy", y="missing"), plot.CdfEnvAffy)
## ---
setMethod("show", signature("CdfEnvAffy"),
function(object) {
cat("Instance of class CdfEnvAffy:\n")
cat(" name :", object@envName, "\n")
cat(" chip-type:", object@chipType, "\n")
cat(" size :", object@nrow, "x", object@ncol, "\n")
cat("", length(ls(as(object, "environment"))), "probe set(s) defined.\n")
## ---
validCdfEnvAffy <- function(cdfenv, verbose=TRUE) {
if (verbose)
cat("Validating CdfEnvAffy:\n")
envir <- as(cdfenv, "environment")
keys <- ls(envir)
## probe types
if (verbose)
cat(" Checking probe types.\n")
n <- length(cdfenv@probeTypes)
tmp <- rep(FALSE, n)
for (i in seq(along=keys)) {
if (ncol(get(keys[i], envir = envir)) != n)
tmp[i] <- TRUE
if (n > 0 && sum(tmp) != 0)
valid <- FALSE
valid <- TRUE
r.probeTypes <- list(valid=valid, invalid.ones=keys[which(tmp)])
if (verbose)
cat(sum(tmp), "invalid ones.\n")
## XY
if (verbose)
cat(" Checking XY coordinates.\n")
tmp <- rep(FALSE, n)
for (i in seq(along=keys)) {
ip <- indexProbes(cdfenv, which = cdfenv@probeTypes, probeSetNames = keys[i])[[1]]
xy <- index2xy(cdfenv, ip)
if (any(xy[, 1] > cdfenv@nrow, na.rm = TRUE) || any(xy[, 2] > cdfenv@ncol, na.rm = TRUE))
tmp[i] <- TRUE
if (n > 0 && sum(tmp) != 0)
valid <- FALSE
valid <- TRUE
r.xy <- list(valid=valid, invalid.ones=keys[which(tmp)])
if (verbose)
cat(sum(tmp), "invalid ones\n")
r.details <- list(probeTypes=r.probeTypes, xy=r.xy)
r <- all( unlist(lapply(r.details, function(x) x$valid)) )
attr(r, "details") <- r.details
## ---
printValidCdfEnvAffy <- function(x) {
printDetails <- function(y) {
if (y$valid) {
cat(" valid.\n")
n <- length(y$invalid.ones)
if (n == 1)
cat(paste(" ", n, "invalid probe set\n"))
cat(paste(" ", n, "invalid probe sets\n"))
if (n <= 5)
cat(paste(y$invalid.ones, collapse=" "), "\n")
cat(paste(paste(y$invalid.ones[1:5], collapse=" "), "...\n"))
r.details <- attr(x, "details")
cat("Probe types:\n")
cat("XY coordinates:\n")
## ---
validAffyBatch <- function(abatch, cdfenv) {
stopifnot(is(abatch, "AffyBatch"),
is(cdfenv, "CdfEnvAffy"))
if ( (abatch@nrow != cdfenv@nrow) || (abatch@ncol != cdfenv@ncol))
valid <- FALSE
valid <- TRUE
#r.dim <- list(valid = valid)
## ---
# setMethod("initialize", "CdfEnvAffy",
# function(.Object) {
# })
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