findpeaks <- function(y, span = NULL)
if (is.null(span)) span <- round(.2 * length(y))
z <- embed(y, span)
s <- span %/% 2
v <- max.col(z, ties.method = "first") == 1 + s
which(c(rep(FALSE, s), v, rep(FALSE, s)))
fitpeaks <- function(y, pos) {
names(y) <- NULL
tabnames <- c("rt", "sd", "FWHM", "height", "area")
noPeaksMat <- matrix(rep(NA, 5), nrow = 1,
dimnames = list(NULL, tabnames))
## when combining windows, sometimes profiles show abrupt changes to
## pure zero values. Such points should not be seen as individual
## peaks. Given the algorithm for finding peak positions, pos can
## never be the extreme point of a profile, so x+1 and x-1 should
## always exist. Also spikes are taken out like this.
on.edge <- sapply(pos,
y[x+1] == 0 | y[x-1] == 0)
pos <- pos[!on.edge]
if (length(pos) == 0)
fitpk <- function(xloc) {
## find all areas higher than half the current max
peak.loc <- which(y > 0.5*y[xloc])
peak.loc.diff <- diff(peak.loc)
boundaries <- c(0, which(diff(peak.loc) != 1), length(peak.loc)+1)
peaknrs <- rep(1:length(boundaries),
c(boundaries[1], diff(c(boundaries))))
peaknrs[boundaries[-1]] <- NA
current.peak <- peaknrs[peak.loc == xloc]
current.peak <- current.peak[!]
if (length(current.peak) == 0)
return(rep(NA, 5))
## only retain those points adjacent to the current max
FWHM <- diff(range(peak.loc[peaknrs == current.peak],
na.rm = TRUE))
pksd <- FWHM / (2*sqrt(2*log(2)))
c(xloc, pksd, FWHM, y[xloc], y[xloc] / dnorm(xloc, xloc, pksd))
huhn <- t(sapply(pos, fitpk))
colnames(huhn) <- tabnames
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