#' Check whether pandoc and pandoc-citeproc is available
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @param ignorePandoc logical. If TRUE, just give a warning if pandoc or
#' pandoc-citeproc is not available. If FALSE, stop.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A logical(1), indicating whether pandoc can be run or not.
#' In addition, raises either a warning or an error (depending on the
#' value of \code{ignorePandoc}) if pandoc or pandoc-citeproc is not
#' available.
#' @importFrom rmarkdown pandoc_available pandoc_exec
.checkPandoc <- function(ignorePandoc) {
## Initialize output to TRUE
doRender <- TRUE
## First check whether pandoc is available
if (!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
doRender <- FALSE
## If pandoc is not available, either give a warning or an error,
## depending on the value of ignorePandoc
if (ignorePandoc) {
## If ignorePandoc is TRUE, just give a warning
warning("pandoc is not available! ",
"The final report will not be generated.",
immediate. = TRUE)
} else {
## If ignorePandoc is FALSE, stop
stop("pandoc is not available!")
} else {
## If pandoc is available, check for pandoc-citeproc
## Only do this if the pandoc version is <2.11, since
## pandoc-citeproc is not included (or needed) in v2.11 and later.
if (!rmarkdown::pandoc_available(version = "2.11")) {
## TRUE if the available pandoc version is not 2.11 or newer
## pandoc-citeproc should be found in the path, or in the
## same folder as the pandoc executable
if (Sys.which("pandoc-citeproc") == "" &&
"pandoc-citeproc"))) {
doRender <- FALSE
## pandoc-citeproc is required, but not found
if (ignorePandoc) {
## If ignorePandoc is TRUE, just give a warning
warning("pandoc-citeproc is not available! ",
"The final report will not be generated.",
immediate. = TRUE)
} else {
## If ignorePandoc is FALSE, stop
stop("pandoc-citeproc is not available!")
#' Generate alevin summary report
#' Generate a report summarizing the main aspects of an alevin quantification
#' run. The report generation assumes that alevin has been run with the
#' --dumpFeatures flag to generate the necessary output files.
#' @param baseDir Path to the output directory from the alevin run (should be
#' the directory containing the \code{alevin} directory).
#' @param sampleId Sample ID, will be used to set the title for the report.
#' @param outputFile File name of the output report. The file name extension
#' must be either \code{.html} or \code{.pdf}, and consistent with the value
#' of \code{outputFormat}.
#' @param outputDir Path to the output directory where the report will be
#' generated.
#' @param outputFormat The format of the output report. Either
#' \code{"html_document"} or \code{"pdf_document"}. The file name extension of
#' \code{outputFile} must be consistent with this choice.
#' @param showCode Logical, whether to display the R code in the report.
#' @param forceOverwrite Logical, whether to force overwrite an existing report
#' with the same name in the output directory.
#' @param knitrProgress Logical, whether to display the progress of \code{knitr}
#' when generating the report.
#' @param quiet Logical, whether to show progress messages.
#' @param ignorePandoc Logical, determines what to do if \code{pandoc} or
#' \code{pandoc-citeproc} is missing (if \code{Sys.which("pandoc")} or
#' \code{Sys.which("pandoc-citeproc")} returns ""). If \code{ignorePandoc} is
#' TRUE, only a warning is given. The figures will be generated, but not the
#' final report. If \code{ignorePandoc} is FALSE (default), the execution
#' stops immediately.
#' @param customCBList Named list with custom set(s) of barcodes to provide
#' summary statistics/plots for, in addition to the whitelists generated by
#' alevin.
#' @param ... Other arguments that will be passed to \code{rmarkdown::render}.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @details When the function is called, a .Rmd template file will be copied
#' into the output directory, and \code{rmarkdown::render} will be called to
#' generate the final report. If there is already a .Rmd file with the same
#' name in the output directory, the function will raise an error and stop, to
#' avoid overwriting the existing file. The reason for this behaviour is that
#' the copied template in the output directory will be deleted once the report
#' is generated.
#' @export
#' @importFrom rmarkdown render
#' @importFrom tools file_ext file_path_sans_ext
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import dplyr
#' @return Generates a summary report in the \code{outputDir} directory, and
#' returns (invisibly) the name of the generated report.
#' @examples
#' alevinQCReport(baseDir = system.file("extdata/alevin_example_v0.14",
#' package = "alevinQC"),
#' sampleId = "example", outputFile = "alevinReport.html",
#' outputDir = tempdir(), forceOverwrite = TRUE)
alevinQCReport <- function(baseDir, sampleId, outputFile, outputDir = "./",
outputFormat = NULL, showCode = FALSE,
forceOverwrite = FALSE, knitrProgress = FALSE,
quiet = FALSE, ignorePandoc = FALSE,
customCBList = list(), ...) {
## This function was inspired by code from Nicholas Hamilton, provided at
## If possible, set output format based on the extension of outputFile, if
## the output format is not provided
if (is.null(outputFormat)) {
if (tools::file_ext(outputFile) == "pdf") {
outputFormat <- "pdf_document"
} else {
outputFormat <- "html_document"
## Check if pandoc and pandoc-citeproc are available
doRender <- .checkPandoc(ignorePandoc)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## --------------------- Check input arguments -------------------------- ##
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## ------------------------ outputFormat -------------------------------- ##
## Raise an error if outputFormat is not one of the allowed
if (!(outputFormat %in% c("pdf_document", "html_document",
"BiocStyle::pdf_document"))) {
stop("The provided outputFormat is currently not supported. Please ",
"use either 'html_document' or 'pdf_document'.", call. = FALSE)
## Raise an error if the output format and file name extension don't match
if (gsub("BiocStyle::", "", outputFormat) !=
paste0(tools::file_ext(outputFile), "_document")) {
stop(paste0("File name extension of outputFile (.",
") doesn't agree with the ",
"outputFormat, should be .",
gsub("_document$", "", outputFormat)), call. = FALSE)
## ----------------------- input directory ------------------------------ ##
## Normalize base directory path
baseDir <- normalizePath(baseDir)
## Check that all required input files are available
## sampleId must be a character string of length 1
if (!is(sampleId, "character") || length(sampleId) != 1) {
stop("sampleId must be a character string")
## --------------------- custom barcode list ---------------------------- ##
if (length(customCBList) > 0) {
if (!is(customCBList, "list")) {
stop("'customCBList' must be a list")
if (any(is.null(names(customCBList))) ||
any(names(customCBList) == "")) {
stop("'customCBList' must be a named list")
if (!all(vapply(customCBList, function(cbl) is(cbl, "character"), FALSE))) {
stop("'customCBList' must be a named list of character vectors")
## ------------------------- output files ------------------------------- ##
outputReport <- file.path(outputDir, basename(outputFile))
outputRmd <- file.path(
paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(outputFile)), ".Rmd")
## Report
if (file.exists(outputReport)) {
if (!forceOverwrite) {
stop("The file ", outputReport,
" already exists. Please remove or rename the file, provide ",
"another value of outputFile, or set forceOverwrite = TRUE.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (!quiet) {
warning("The file ", outputReport,
" already exists and will be overwritten, since ",
"forceOverwrite = TRUE.", immediate. = TRUE,
call. = FALSE)
## ------------------------- Rmd template ------------------------------- ##
## Path to the template file
templateFile <- system.file("extdata",
package = "alevinQC")
if (file.exists(templateFile)) {
if (file.exists(outputRmd)) {
stop("There is already an .Rmd file ", outputRmd,
". Please remove or rename this file, or choose another ",
"outputFile name.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
file.copy(from = templateFile, to = outputRmd, overwrite = FALSE)
} else {
stop("The Rmd template file ", templateFile, " does not exist.",
call. = FALSE)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## ----------------------- Process the arguments ------------------------ ##
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
args <- list(...)
args$input <- outputRmd
args$output_format <- outputFormat
args$output_file <- outputFile
args$quiet <- !knitrProgress
args$run_pandoc <- doRender
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## ------------------------ Render the report --------------------------- ##
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
outputFile <-"render", args = args)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## --------------------- Remove temporary file -------------------------- ##
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
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