
Defines functions read.affybatchPara

Documented in read.affybatchPara

# file: readAffybatchPara.R
# Parallelization of the read.affybatch function
# History
# 27.08.2009 : created - first idea
# 08.03.2010 : Version 0.2 - gsub warning (extend=T) fixed
# 26.07.2012 : Version 0.3 - cdfname passing added
# Copyright (C) 2009 : Markus Schmidberger <schmidb@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de>

read.affybatchPara <- function(object,
		phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame"),
		description = NULL, notes = "",	
		cluster, verbose=getOption("verbose"), cdfname) 
	# Checks
	#Check for affy amd snow
	#Get cluster object form default environment
		cluster <- .affyParaInternalEnv$cl
	#Check cluster and generate number.parts
	number.parts <- length(cluster)
	#Check object type
	object.type <- .getObjectType(object) 
	if(object.type == "AffyBatch"){
		stop("This function does not work for an AffyBath!")
	#Check size of partitions
	parts <- .checkPartSize(object, number.parts)
	number.parts <- parts$number.parts
	object.length <- parts$object.length
	#Partition of object
	if (verbose) cat("Partition of object ")
	t0 <- proc.time();
	if (object.type == "AffyBatch"){
		stop("This function does not work for an AffyBath!")
	} else if( object.type == "CELfileVec" ){
		object.list <- splitFileVector(object, number.parts)
		#samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object), extended = TRUE) #M.S. 8.3.2010 no more required
		samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object))
	} else if( object.type == "partCELfileList" ){
		object.list <- object
		object <- unlist(object)
		object.length <- length(object)
		#samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object), extended = TRUE) #M.S. 8.3.2010 no more required
		samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object))
	t1 <- proc.time();
	if (verbose) cat(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n")			
	#Info-Output for Distribution
	if (verbose) cat("Object Distribution:", unlist(lapply(object.list,length)), "\n") 
	#Create AffyBatches at slaves
	if (verbose) cat("Create AffyBatches at slaves ")
	t0 <- proc.time();
	check <- clusterApply(cluster, object.list, .initAffyBatchSF, object.type, cdfname = cdfname) 
	t1 <- proc.time();
	if (verbose) cat(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n")
	#Combine / Rebuild affyBatches
	if (verbose) cat("Rebuild AffyBatch ")
	t0 <- proc.time();
	AffyBatch.list.norm <- clusterCall(cluster, .getAffyBatchSF)
	AffyBatch.list.norm <- .removeNA(AffyBatch.list.norm )
	AffyBatch <- mergeAffyBatches(AffyBatch.list.norm)
	t1 <- proc.time();
	if (verbose) cat(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n")
	#Return AffyBatch
	phenoData(AffyBatch) <- phenoData
	#description(AffyBatch) <- description
	notes(AffyBatch) <- notes

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affyPara documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:08 p.m.