#' Generic function to draw a spectral map, according to JnJ Standards
#' @param object object of class ExpressionSet
#' @param groups string indicating the name of the column in the phenoData that
#' defines the groups
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to the methods
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @return Object of class \code{plot.mpm}, i.e. the S3 output object of the \code{plot.mpm}
#' function of the \code{mpm} package
#' @note Coloring of groups on the spectralMap uses the a4 palette as produced
#' by \code{a4palette}
#' @seealso \code{\link[mpm]{plot.mpm}}
#' @references
#' Wouters, L., Goehlmann, H., Bijnens, L., Kass, S.U., Molenberghs, G.,
#' Lewi, P.J. (2003). Graphical exploration of gene expression data: a
#' comparative study of three multivariate methods. \emph{Biometrics}
#' \bold{59}, 1131-1140.
#' Goehlmann, H. and W. Talloen (2009). Gene Expression Studies Using Affymetrix
#' Microarrays, Chapman \& Hall/CRC, pp. 148 - 153.
#' @examples
#' if (require(ALL)){
#' data(ALL, package = "ALL")
#' ALL <- addGeneInfo(ALL)
#' spectralMap(object = ALL, groups = "BT", legendPos = 'bottomright')
#' spectralMap(object = ALL, groups = "BT",
#' plot.mpm.args = list(label.tol = 10, rot = c(-1, 1), sub = "", lab.size = 0.65,
#' dim = c(1,2), sampleNames = FALSE, zoom = c(1,5), col.size = 2,
#' do.smoothScatter = TRUE))
#' spectralMap(object = ALL, groups = "BT",
#' plot.mpm.args = list(label.tol = 10, rot = c(-1, 1), sub = "", lab.size = 0.65,
#' dim = c(1,2), sampleNames = as.character(pData(ALL)$BT),
#' zoom = c(1,5), col.size = 2, do.smoothScatter = TRUE))
#' }
#' @keywords hplot
#' @exportMethod spectralMap
setGeneric("spectralMap", function(object, groups, ...){
#' Methods for Function spectralMap according to JnJ Standards
#' Methods for spectralMap
#' @param object object of class ExpressionSet
#' @param groups string indicating the name of the column in the phenoData that
#' defines the groups
#' @param makeLognormal boolean indicating whether one wants to exponentiate the
#' data to make them lognormally shaped (\code{TRUE}; the default) or not
#' (\code{FALSE})
#' @param mpm.args list of arguments that can be passed to the \code{mpm} function
#' @param plot.mpm.args list of arguments that can be passed to the
#' \code{plot.mpm} function that actually draws the plot
#' @param probe2gene boolean indicating whether one wants to display the gene symbols
#' for the labeled points (\code{TRUE}) or not (\code{FALSE}; the default)
#' @param addLegend Boolean indicating whether a legend for the colors of the dots should be added.
#' @param legendPos Specify where the legend should be placed. Typically either \code{topright},
#' @aliases spectralMap,ExpressionSet,character
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to the methods,
#' currently not used.
#' @return the plot is returned invisibly
#' @author Tobias Verbeke
#' @docType methods
#' @keywords methods hplot
#' @importFrom Biobase `pData<-` pData exprs annotation sampleNames
#' @importFrom mpm mpm plot.mpm
#' @importFrom graphics par legend
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @name spectralMap-methods
#' @aliases volcanoPlot,ExpressionSet,character
#' @rdname spectralMap-methods
#' @export
signature(object = "ExpressionSet",
groups = "character"),
function(object, groups, makeLognormal = TRUE,
mpm.args = list(row.weight = "mean", # mpmObject
col.weight = "constant",
logtrans = TRUE),
plot.mpm.args = list(
zoom = c(1,2), # only these arguments are included that differ from plot.mpm defaults
label.tol = 10, # please refer to ?plot.mpm for more information
rot = c(-1, 1),
sub = "",
lab.size = 0.85, = pData(object)[, groups],
# colors = c("orange1", "red", rainbow(length(unique(, start=2/6, end=4/6)),
colors = c("wheat", # gene color (if no smoothScatter is used)
"darkgrey", # color for genes considered to be outlying
a4palette(nlevels(pData(object)[, groups]))), # colors for the groups
col.size = 2,
do.smoothScatter = TRUE),
probe2gene = TRUE, addLegend = TRUE, legendPos = "topleft", ...){
if (!is.list(mpm.args))
stop("'mpm.args' should be a list of arguments to pass to the 'mpm' function")
if (!is.list(plot.mpm.args))
stop("'plot.mpm.args' should be a list of arguments to pass to the 'plot.mpm' function")
if (length(groups) > 1){
stop("'groups' should be a string (character vector of length one)")
if (any([, groups]))){
stop("'groups' variable contains missing values")
if (!is.factor(pData(object)[, groups])){
warning("'groups' should refer to a factor variable \n
The variable has been transformed into factor variable")
pData(object)[, groups] <- factor(pData(object)[, groups])
expressionData <- exprs(object)
chip <- annotation(object)
chipAnnotationPkg <- paste(chip, "db", sep = ".")
mpmInput <- if (makeLognormal){
data.frame(rownames(expressionData), 2^expressionData)
} else {
data.frame(rownames(expressionData), expressionData)
mpmInput <- na.omit(mpmInput)
mpm.args$data <- mpmInput
# compute the projection
plot.mpm.args$x <-, mpm.args)
# adjust sample names (to escape the constraints of data frame column names)
# otherwise 'X' will have been prepended by the mpm function and displayed as such
plot.mpm.args$x$col.names <- sampleNames(object)
plot.mpm.args$zoom <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$zoom)) c(1,2)
else plot.mpm.args$zoom
plot.mpm.args$label.tol <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$label.tol)) 10
else plot.mpm.args$label.tol
plot.mpm.args$rot <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$rot)) c(-1, 1)
else plot.mpm.args$rot
plot.mpm.args$sub <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$sub)) ""
else plot.mpm.args$sub
plot.mpm.args$lab.size <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$lab.size)) 0.85
else plot.mpm.args$lab.size
plot.mpm.args$ <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$ pData(object)[, groups]
else plot.mpm.args$
plot.mpm.args$colors <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$colors))
c("wheat", "black", a4palette(nlevels(pData(object)[, groups])))
plot.mpm.args$col.size <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$col.size)) 2
else plot.mpm.args$col.size
plot.mpm.args$scale <- if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$scale)) "uvc"
else plot.mpm.args$scale
if (probe2gene){
plot.mpm.args$labels <- pData(featureData(object))[plot.mpm.args$x$row.names,"SYMBOL"]
if (is.null(plot.mpm.args$labels))
stop("There is no variable named 'SYMBOL' in the pData of the object.\n
You may want to set the argument 'probe2gene' to FALSE (the default is TRUE)")
mpmPlot <-, plot.mpm.args)
# add legend
if (addLegend){
colorsLegend <- plot.mpm.args$colors[-c(1, 2)]
if(length(colorsLegend) > 0){
par(font = 2)
legend(legendPos, bty = "n",
legend = levels(pData(object)[, groups]),
text.col = colorsLegend,
cex = 1)
par(font = 1)
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