##' Extract shared and unique subsets
##' @name venndetail
##' @rdname venndetail
##' @title Extract shared and unique subsets
##' @description Extracts shared and unique elements from groups provided to
##' the function.This base function will create a formal class venn object and
##' can also graphically plot the amount of objects in each group. The plot will
##' be in the form of a traditional venn diagram as default.And users can also
##' use vennpie or upset methods to display the result.
##' @return venn object and figures
##' @importFrom VennDiagram venn.diagram
##' @importFrom grid grid.draw
##' @importFrom UpSetR upset
##' @importFrom UpSetR fromList
##' @importFrom methods new
##' @param x A list of variables with group names.
##' @param sep symbol character used when concatenating group names into subset
##' names (default: ‘_’).
##' @param abbr Boolean indicating whether to abbreviate subset names
##' (default: FALSE).
##' @param minlength Minmal length for the subset name.
##' @param abbr.method a character string specifying the method used.
##' Partial matches allowed. (default: both side).
##' @inheritParams VennDiagram::venn.diagram
##' @examples
##' A <- sample(1:100, 40, replace = FALSE)
##' B <- sample(1:100, 60, replace = FALSE)
##' C <- sample(1:100, 40, replace = FALSE)
##' res <- venndetail(list(A = A, B = B, C = C))
##' @export
##' @author Kai Guo
venndetail <- function(x, sep="_", abbr = FALSE, minlength = 3,
abbr.method = "both side"){
names(x) <- paste("Group", seq_along(x))
names(x) <- abbreviate(names(x), minlength = minlength,
method = abbr.method)
GroupNames <- names(x)
raw <- unlist(lapply(x, length))
if(length(x) == 1){
cat("Only one group find!\n")
out <- make.subset(x, sep = sep)
#names(out)[1] <- "Shared"
detail <- unlist(lapply(out, function(x) length(x)))
res <- data.frame(Subset = rep(names(out), as.numeric(detail)),
Detail = unlist(out))
rownames(res) <- NULL
###create wide format result
inp <- unique(unlist(x))
wide <- data.frame(Detail = inp)
wide <- cbind(wide, sapply(names(x), function(y) inp %in% x[[y]]))
wide[wide == TRUE] <- 1
wide$SharedSets <- rowSums(wide[, 2:ncol(wide)])
wide <- wide[order(wide$SharedSets, decreasing = TRUE), ]
result <- new("Venn",
input = x,
raw = raw,
sep = sep,
GroupNames = GroupNames,
result = res,
detail = detail,
wide = wide)
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