## visualization methods
## plot method
setMethod("plot", signature(x="VariantFilteringResults"),
function(x, what, sampleName, flankingNt=20, showAlnNtCutoff=200, isPaired=FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(what) || missing(what))
stop("Please set a value in the 'what' argument either as a variant identifier, a gene identifier, a chromosome name or a genomic position (as a GRanges object).")
if (length(what) == 0)
stop("The value in the 'what' argument has length zero.")
bsgenome <- get(param(x)$bsgenome)
## need to adapt to the seqlevelsStyle from the BAM file, when available
leadseqlevelsstyle <- seqlevelsStyle(bsgenome)[1]
if (!missing(sampleName)) {
if (!is.character(sampleName))
stop("The argument 'sampleName' should be a chracter string.")
if (length(sampleName) > 1)
sampleName <- sampleName[1]
if (!sampleName %in% samples(x))
stop(sprintf("%s does not form part of the samples in the input object.", sampleName))
if (!sampleName %in% rownames(bamSamples(bamFiles(x))))
stop(sprintf("There is no BAM file associated to the sample %s. Use 'bamFiles()' to add it.", sampleName))
whbam <- which(rownames(bamSamples(bamFiles(x))) %in% sampleName)
hdr <- scanBamHeader(bamPaths(bamFiles(x))[whbam])
## b/c seqlevelStyle() may return more than one, just take the first one
suppressWarnings(leadseqlevelsstyle <- seqlevelsStyle(names(hdr[[1]]$targets))[1])
seqlevelsStyle(bsgenome) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
fv <- filteredVariants(x)
vars1 <- fv[[1]]
seqlevelsStyle(vars1) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
rng <- GRanges()
if (class(what) == "character") {
maskVarID <- vars1$VARID %in% what | vars1$dbSNP %in% what
maskGene <- vars1$GENEID %in% what | vars1$GENE %in% what
if (any(maskVarID | maskGene)) {
rng <- range(vars1[maskVarID | maskGene])
if (length(rng) == 0)
stop("None of the given values in the 'what' argument exists in the given 'VariantFilteringResults' object 'x'.")
if (length(rng) > 1)
stop("The given values in the 'what' argument correspond to more than one chromosome.")
} else {
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=what[1], IRanges(1, 1))
seqlevelsStyle(gr) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
}, error=function(err) {
stop(sprintf("The value %s given in the 'what' argument does not match any variant or gene identifer or chromosome name for %s.", what[1], organism(bsgenome)))
chrlen <- seqlengths(bsgenome)[as.character(seqnames(gr))]
maskChrom <- as.vector(seqnames(vars1) %in% as.character(seqnames(gr)))
if (any(maskChrom))
rng <- GRanges(seqnames=as.character(seqnames(gr)), IRanges(start=1, end=chrlen))
stop(sprintf("There are no variants annotated to chromosome %s (%s %s).",
what[1], provider(bsgenome), as.character(seqnames(gr))))
} else if (class(what) == "GRanges") {
seqlevelsStyle(what) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
ov <- findOverlaps(what, vars1)
if (length(ov) == 0)
stop("The genomic ranges in the 'what' argument do not overlap any variant in the given 'VariantFilteringResults' object 'x'.")
rng <- range(vars1[subjectHits(ov)])
if (length(rng) > 1)
stop("The given genomic ranges in the 'what' argument correspond to more than one chromosome.")
} else
stop("The value of the 'what' argument must be either a character vector or a 'GRanges' object.")
if (class(what) != "GRanges" && flankingNt > 0) {
chrlen <- seqlengths(bsgenome)[as.character(seqnames(rng))]
if (start(rng)-flankingNt < 1)
start(rng) <- 1
rng <- resize(rng, width=width(rng)+flankingNt, fix="end")
if (end(rng)+flankingNt > chrlen)
end(rng) <- chrlen
rng <- resize(rng, width=width(rng)+flankingNt, fix="start")
## fetch all variants that can be anntotated in the plotting region
ov <- findOverlaps(rng, vars1)
vars1 <- vars1[subjectHits(ov)]
chr2display <- as.character(seqnames(vars1))[1]
## prepare annotations for display, take care of restoring later the
## seqlevelsStyle of the TxDb object
txdb <- get(param(x)$txdb)
seqlevelsstyletxdb <- seqlevelsStyle(txdb)[1]
seqlevelsStyle(txdb) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
seqlevels(txdb, pruning.mode="coarse") <- chr2display
txdbmdata <- metadata(txdb)
## geneannot <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
## flatgeneannot <- unlist(geneannot)
## flatgeneannot$symbol <- suppressMessages(select(param(x)$orgdb, keys=names(flatgeneannot), columns="SYMBOL")$SYMBOL)
## seqlevelsStyle(flatgeneannot) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
## flatgeneannot <- flatgeneannot[seqnames(flatgeneannot) %in% as.character(seqnames(vars1))[1]]
## geneannot <- split(flatgeneannot, names(flatgeneannot))
## seqlevelsStyle(geneannot) <- leadseqlevelsstyle
tracks <- GenomeAxisTrack()
tracks <- c(tracks,
name=paste(txdbmdata[txdbmdata$name %in% "Data source", "value"], "Genes")))
seqlevelsStyle(txdb) <- seqlevelsstyletxdb
## tracks <- c(tracks,
## GeneRegionTrack(geneannot, genome=genome(bsgenome)[1],
## chromosome=as.character(seqnames(vars1))[1], shape="arrow",
## name=paste(txdbmdata[txdbmdata$name %in% "Data source", "value"], "Genes"),
## transcriptAnnotation="symbol"))
strack <- SequenceTrack(bsgenome, chromosome=as.character(seqnames(vars1))[1])
if (width(rng) < showAlnNtCutoff && !missing(sampleName)) {
whbam <- which(rownames(bamSamples(bamFiles(x))) %in% sampleName)
tracks <- c(tracks,
AlignmentsTrack(range=bamPaths(bamFiles(x))[whbam], isPaired=isPaired,
referenceSequence=strack, showMismatches=TRUE))
} else {
idlabel <- ifelse($HGVSc), sprintf("%s(%s)", vars1$VARID, vars1$HGVSg),
sprintf("%s\n(%s)", vars1$VARID, vars1$HGVSc))
tracks <- c(tracks,
AnnotationTrack(start=start(vars1), width=width(vars1),
strand=strand(vars1), genome=genome(bsgenome)[1],
shape="box", id=idlabel, name="Variants"))
tracks <- c(tracks, strack)
plotTracks(tracks, chromosome=as.character(seqnames(vars1))[1],
from=start(rng), to=end(rng), featureAnnotation="id", fontcolor.feature="black", ...)
strandedBamImport <- function (file, selection) {
if (!file.exists(paste(file, "bai", sep = ".")))
stop("Unable to find index for BAM file '", file, "'. You can
build an index using the following command:\n\t",
"library(Rsamtools)\n\tindexBam(\"", file, "\")")
sinfo <- scanBamHeader(file)[[1]]
res <- if (!as.character(seqnames(selection)[1]) %in%
names(sinfo$targets)) {
mcols(selection) <- DataFrame(score = 0)
}else {
param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("pos", "qwidth", "strand"),
which = selection, flag =
scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery = FALSE))
x <- scanBam(file, param = param)[[1]]
gr <- GRanges(strand=x[["strand"]], ranges=IRanges(x[["pos"]],
width = x[["qwidth"]]), seqnames=seqnames(selection)[1])
grs <- split(gr, strand(gr))
cov <- lapply(grs[c("+", "-")], function(y) coverage(ranges(y),
pos <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(cov, function(y) c(start(y),
mcols(selection) <- DataFrame(plus=0, minus=0)
GRanges(seqnames = seqnames(selection)[1],
ranges=IRanges(start=head(pos, -1), end=tail(pos, -1)),
plus=as.numeric(cov[["+"]][head(pos, -1)]),
minus=-as.numeric(cov[["-"]][head(pos, -1)]))
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