
Defines functions normalize.pspline

Documented in normalize.pspline

##taken from the affy package: cyclic loess normalization function
##replaced the loess with P-spline smoother

normalize.pspline <- function(mat, epsilon=10^-2, maxit=1, log.it=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, weights=rep(1, nrow(mat)), ...)
  J <- dim(mat)[2]
  II <- dim(mat)[1]
  newData <- mat
    mat <- log2(mat)
    newData <- log2(newData)
  change <- epsilon +1
  fs <- matrix(0,II,J)##contains what we substract
  iter <- 0

  ##extremes added so that we can interpolate
  while(iter < maxit){
    iter <- iter+1
    means <- matrix(0,II,J) ##contains temp of what we substract
    for(j in 1:(J-1)){
      for(k in (j+1):J){
        y <- newData[,j]-newData[,k]
        x <-(newData[,j]+newData[,k])/2
        ##put endpoints in so we can interpolate
        xx <- x
        yy <- y
        ##aux <- loess(yy~xx,span=span,degree=1,weights=w,family=family.loess)
        ##aux <- predict(aux,data.frame(xx=x))/J
        aux <- turbotrend(xx, yy, w=weights, n=100)$y/J

        means[,j] <- means[,j] + aux
        means[,k] <- means[,k] - aux
        if(verbose) cat("Done with",j,"vs",k," in iteration ",iter,"\n")
    fs <- fs+means
    newData <- mat-fs
    change <- max(colMeans((means)^2))
    if(verbose) cat(iter,change,"\n")
    oldfs <- fs
  if(change>epsilon & maxit>1) warning(paste("No convergence after",maxit,"iterations.\n"))
  if(log.it) return(2^newData)
  else return(newData)

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TurboNorm documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:46 p.m.