#' Convert pathway identifiers
#' This function converts identifiers of nodes in a pathway. It uses the user specified named vector for the conversion.
#' @param pathway An object of class \code{Pathway}
#' @param conv.table A data.frame, in which the first column contains the type
#' and the identifiers present in the pathway separeated by \code{:}
#' and the second column contains the new identifiers and
#' the third columns contains the types of the new identifiers
#' @return A \code{Pathway} with new identifiers of the nodes
#' @author Ivana Ihnatova
#' @seealso \code{\link[graphite]{Pathway-class}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' g<-pathways("hsapiens","kegg")
#' ng<-sapply(g, function(x) length(nodes(x,"mixed")))
#' g<-g[[which.min(ng)]]
#' conv<-data.frame(orig=nodes(g,"mixed"), new=LETTERS[seq_len(min(ng))],newtype=rep("LETTERS",min(ng)))
#' gc<-convertIdentifiersByVector(g, conv.table = conv)@protEdges
#' @export
convertIdentifiersByVector<-function (pathway, conv.table)
ns <- graphite::nodes(pathway,"mixed")
if (!all(ns %in% as.character(conv.table[,1])))
warning(paste("These pathway nodes are missing in the 'conv.table':",
paste(ns[! ns %in% as.character(conv.table[,1])], collapse=", "),
". The original identifiers were kept."))
miss <- ns[! ns %in% as.character(conv.table[,1])]
missT <- sapply(miss, function(x) strsplit(x,":")[[1]][2:1])
if (length(miss)>0) conv.table<-rbind(conv.table, cbind(miss,t(missT)))
conv.table<-cbind(conv.table, t(sapply(as.character(conv.table[,1]), function(x) strsplit(x,":")[[1]])))
for (which in c("protEdges","protPropEdges","metabolEdges","metabolPropEdges","mixedEdges")) {
es <- slot(pathway,which)
if (nrow(es)>0) {
es[,"src_type"]<- factor(conv.table[es[,"src"],3])
es[,"dest_type"]<- factor(conv.table[es[,"dest"],3])
es[,"dest"]<- conv.table[es[,"dest"],2]
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