#'Function to control Bed and FASTA files compatibility.
#'\code{checkBedFasta} checks the compatibility of a Bed file and a Fasta file.
#' The functions first will control the consistency of the Bed file in terms of
#'duplicated positions or feature's IDs and correct definition of start-end
#'values. Then, the method will control the consistency between the specified
#'features and the reference file. During its execution, several testing
#'messages will be printed.
#'@param bedFile Character indicating the bed file full path.
#'@param fastaFile Character indicating the full path to the genome reference
#'@return NULL
#'@include TargetExperiment-print.R
#'@export checkBedFasta
#'@docType methods
#'@name checkBedFasta
#'@rdname checkBedFasta
#'@aliases checkBedFasta-methods
#'@author Gabriela A. Merino \email{}, Cristobal Fresno
#'\email{}, Yanina Murua \email{},
#'Andrea S. Llera \email{} and Elmer A. Fernandez
#'##Define the bed and fasta file full paths
#'bedFile<-system.file("extdata", "mybed.bed", package="TarSeqQC",
#' mustWork=TRUE)
#'fastaFile<-system.file("extdata", "myfasta.fa",
#' package="TarSeqQC", mustWork=TRUE)
#'##Checking the bed-fasta consistency
#'checkBedFasta(bedFile, fastaFile)
#'@name checkBedFasta
#'@import Rsamtools
checkBedFasta<-function(bedFile, fastaFile){
bed_df<-read.delim(bedFile, header=TRUE, stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
cat("- Checking bed file, mandatory columns:\n")
if(!(all(c("chr", "start","end", "name", "gene") %in% names(bed_df)))){
stop(paste("Bed file should contain at least five columns: 'chr', ",
"'start', 'end', 'name' and 'gene'", sep=""))
}else{cat(" OK")}
cat("\n- Checking bed file, duplicated feature IDs:\n")
stop(paste( "Bed file should have one row per feature. The provided ",
"file has duplicated 'name' IDs.", sep=""))
}else{cat(" OK")}
cat("\n- Checking bed file, duplicated feature locations:\n")
if (any(duplicated(bed_df[,"start"]) & duplicated(bed_df[,"end"]))){
cat(paste("Warning: Your bed file have duplicated features sharing ",
"chromosome, start and end positions in rows ", which(duplicated(
bed_df[,"start"])& duplicated(bed_df[,"end"])), ". If duplicates ",
"persist, they will be removed when TargetExperiment constructor ",
"is called", sep=""))
}else{cat(" OK")}
cat("\n- Checking bed file, start and end values:\n")
if(any(bed_df[,"start"] < 1 | bed_df[,"end"] <1) ){
stop(paste(" The start and end could not be lower than 1"))
}else{cat(" OK")}
strand<-"strand" %in% names(bed_df)
bed<-GRanges(seqnames=Rle(bed_df[,"chr"]), ranges=IRanges(start=
bed_df[,"start"], end=bed_df[,"end"], names=bed_df[,"name"]))
if(strand) strand(bed)<-bed_df[,"strand"]
mcols(bed)<-bed_df[,!(names(bed_df) %in% c("chr", "start", "end",
"name", "strand")), drop=FALSE]
#get seqinfo Fasta file
#check chromosome consistency
cat("\n- Checking bed-fasta chromosome consistency:\n")
if(!all(chrs %in% rownames(fastaInfo))){
notPres<-chrs[!chrs %in% rownames(fastaInfo)]
cat(paste("Warning: Your bed file has the chromosomes: '",notPres,
"', not found in the reference FASTA file",sep=""))
}else{cat(" OK")}
#check genomic coordinates consistency
cat("\n- Checking bed-fasta genomic coordinates consistency:\n")
chrsSE<-as.matrix(, lapply(1:length(chrs), function(x){
ids<-which(as.character(seqnames(bed)) ==chrs[x])
minR<-min(c(start(rangeChr), end(rangeChr)))
maxR<-max(c(start(rangeChr), end(rangeChr)))
return(c(chr=chrs[x], min=minR,max=maxR))
chrsSE<-cbind(chrsSE, length=fastaInfo[chrsSE[,"chr"],"seqlengths"])
if(any(as.numeric(chrsSE[,"min"]) > as.numeric(chrsSE[,"length"])) |any(
as.numeric(chrsSE[,"max"]) > as.numeric(chrsSE[,"length"] ))){
cat(paste("Warning: Your bed file has features out of the ",
"chromosomes' ranges from the Fasta file", sep=""))
idx<-which(as.numeric(chrsSE[,"min"]) > as.numeric(chrsSE[,"length"])|
as.numeric(chrsSE[,"max"]) > as.numeric(chrsSE[,"length"]))
warning(paste("Please, check feature's definitions of chromosome ",
paste(chrsSE[idx,"chr"],collapse = ", "),".",sep="" ))
}else{cat(" OK\n")}
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