#'TargetExperiment S4 class implementation in R
#'This S4 class represents a Targeted Sequencing Experiment in R.
#'Targeted Sequencing Experiments are characterized by a 'bed file' that
#'contains the specification of the explored 'features' as a 'panel'. This
#'features could be amplicons, exons, transcripts, among others. In general
#'each feature is associated to one gene. A gene could be related to many
#'features. This class allows the representation and quality control of a
#'Targeted Sequencing Experiment.
#'@slot scanBamP ScanBamParam containing
#'the information to scan the BAM file.
#'@slot pileupP PileupParam containing
#'the information to build the pileup.
#'@slot bedFile GRanges object that models the bed file.
#'@slot bamFile BamFile object that is a reference to the BAM file.
#'@slot fastaFile FaFile object that is a
#'reference to the reference sequence.
#'@slot featurePanel GRanges object that models
#'the feature panel and related statistics.
#'@slot genePanel GRanges object that models
#'the analyzed panel and related statistics at a gene level.
#'@slot attribute character indicates which attribute 'coverage' or
#''medianCounts' will be used to the analysis.
#'@slot feature character indicates the name of the analyzed features. E.g
#''amplicon', 'exon', 'transcript'.
#'@section Features:
#' \item Model Targeted Sequencing Experiments in R.
#' \item Obtain coverage and read counts per sequenced feature.
#' \item Evaluate the performance of a targeted sequencing experiment using
#' coverage/read counts information.
#' \item Detect in early stage sequencing or library preparation errors.
#' \item Explore read profiles for particular features or genomic regions.
#' \item Explore any kind of experiment in which 'feature' definition is
#' possible for several genes. E.g RNA-seq experiments in which transcripts
#' could be the 'features'.
#' \item Report quality control results.
#'@section Functions:
#'TargetExperiment S4 class includes the following functions:
#' \item{pileupCounts}{calculate pileup statistics for the BAM file}
#' \item{buildFeaturePanel}{build and model a feature panel as a GRanges
#' object and compute read statistics}
#' \item{summarizePanel}{summarize the feature panel to a gene panel and
#' compute read statistics}
#' \item{initialize}{constructor of TargetExperiment to generate the feature
#' and gene panels starting from an alignment BAM file and the bed file}
#' \item{getBedFile, getBamFile, getFeaturePanel, getGenePanel, getAttribute,
#' getFeature, getScanBamP, getPileupP}{return the respective TargetExperiment
#' slot}
#' \item{setAttribute,setFeature, setScanBamP, setPileupP}{set the
#' respective TargetExperiment slots}
#' \item{show}{generic output of the object}
#' \item{print}{generic output of the object}
#' \item{summary}{print statistics summary for the set attribute}
#' \item{freqTable}{build a frequency table of the attribute occurrence in
#' user configured intervals}
#' \item{plot}{plot a summarized view of the feature panel performance}
#' \item{plotAttrExpl}{plot the density and distribution of the attribute}
#' \item{plotFeatPerform}{plot the sequencing performance for each
#' feature and/or gene}
#' \item{plotFeature}{plot the reads profile for a particular feature}
#' \item{plotGeneAttrPerFeat}{plot the explored attribute for each feature of
#' a particular gene}
#' \item{plotNtdPercentages}{plot nucleotide percentages for each position of
#' a particular feature}
#' \item{plotRegion}{plot the reads profile for a particular genomic region}
#' \item{readFrequencies}{calculate frequencies of reads fall in and
#' out of targeted regions}
#' \item{plotInOutFeatures}{plot frequencies of reads fall in and out of
#' targeted regions}
#' \item{biasExploration}{plot attribute distributions along groups of bias
#' sources}
#' \item{plotMetaDataExpl}{plot density and box plots or frequency bar plot of
#' metadata columns}
#' \item{addStatSummSheet}{internal function to add the first sheet of xlsx
#' reports}
#' \item{buildReport}{build the experiment report as an xlsx file}
#' }
#'@include TarSeqQC-package.R
#'@import methods GenomicRanges Rsamtools
#'@importMethodsFrom BiocGenerics strand
#'@importClassesFrom S4Vectors Rle
#'@importMethodsFrom S4Vectors Rle
#'@importClassesFrom IRanges IRanges
#'@importFrom IRanges IRanges
#'@name TargetExperiment-class
#'@rdname TargetExperiment-class
#'@exportClass TargetExperiment
#'@seealso Rsamtools
#'@family TargetExperiment
#'@author Gabriela A. Merino \email{}, Cristobal Fresno
#'\email{} and Elmer A. Fernandez
#'## Defining bam file, bed file and fasta file names and paths
#'bamFile<-system.file("extdata", "mybam.bam", package="TarSeqQC",
#'bedFile<-system.file("extdata", "mybed.bed", package="TarSeqQC",
#'fastaFile<-system.file("extdata", "myfasta.fa", package="TarSeqQC",
#'## Creating a TargetExperiment object
#'# Defining feature parameter
#'# Defining attribute parameter
#'ampliPanel<-TargetExperiment(bedFile, bamFile, fastaFile, attribute=attribute,
#'## Alternative object creation
#'# Creating the TargetExperiment object
#'ampliPanel<-TargetExperiment(bedFile, bamFile, fastaFile)
#'# Set feature slot value
#'# Set attribute slot value
#'# Set pileupP slot value in order to set the maximum depth at 1000
#'# Set the featurePanel slot but now using the new pileupP definition
#'## Early exploration
#'# show/print
#'# summary
#'# summary at feature level
#'# summary at gene level
#'# attribute boxplot and density plot exploration
#'g<-plotAttrExpl(ampliPanel,level="feature",join=TRUE, log=FALSE, color="blue")
#'# explore amplicon length distribution
#'g<-plotMetaDataExpl(ampliPanel, "length", log=FALSE, join=FALSE, color=
#'# explore gene's relative frequencies
#'g<-plotMetaDataExpl(ampliPanel, "gene", abs=FALSE)
#'## Deep exploration and Quality Control
#'# definition of the interval extreme values
#'attributeThres<-c(0,1,50,200,500, Inf)
#'# plot panel overview
#'g<-plot(ampliPanel, attributeThres, chrLabels =TRUE)
#'# plot panel overview in a feature performance plot
#'g<-plotFeatPerform(ampliPanel, attributeThres, complete=TRUE, log=FALSE,
#'featureLabs=TRUE, sepChr=TRUE, legend=TRUE)
#'# explore possible attribute bias
#'g<-biasExploration(ampliPanel, source="gc", dens=TRUE)
#'## Controlling low counts features
#'# Do a frequency table for the attribute intervals
#'summaryIntervals(ampliPanel, attributeThres)
#'#plotting attribute intervals
#'# getting low counts features at gene level
#'getLowCtsFeatures(ampliPanel, level="gene", threshold=50)
#'# getting low counts features at feature level
#'getLowCtsFeatures(ampliPanel, level="feature", threshold=50)
#'# exploring amplicon attribute values for a particular gene
#'g<-plotGeneAttrPerFeat(ampliPanel, geneID="gene4")
#'# adjust text size
#'g<-g+theme(title=element_text(size=16), axis.title=element_text(size=16),
#'##Obtain the pileup matrix for the first amplicon
#'## extracting the pileup matrix
#'myCounts<-pileupCounts(bed, bamFile, fastaFile)
#'# getting and exploring a sequenced region of a particular gene
#'getRegion(ampliPanel, level="gene", ID="gene7", collapse=FALSE)
#'# plot a particular genomic region
#'g<-plotRegion(ampliPanel,region=c(4500,6800), seqname="chr10", SNPs=TRUE,
#'xlab="", title="gene7 amplicons",size=0.5)
#'# exploring the read count profile for a particular amplicon
#'g<-plotFeature(ampliPanel, featureID="AMPL20")
#'# x11(type="cairo")
#'# exploring the nucleotide percentages compositions of the read counts for a
#'# particular amplicon
#'## Building the XLSX report
#'imageFile<-system.file("extdata", "plot.pdf", package="TarSeqQC",
#'buildReport(ampliPanel, attributeThres, imageFile ,file="Results.xlsx")
setClass(Class="TargetExperiment", slots=list(
bedFile ="GRanges",
scanBamP= "ScanBamParam",
pileupP= "PileupParam",
featurePanel= "GRanges",
genePanel = "GRanges",
feature = "character",
attribute = "character"),
## Check bedFile
if(class(bedFile)[[1]] != "GRanges"){
stop(paste("The bedFile slot must be a GRanges object"))
## Check bam file
if(!( file.exists(path(bamFile))) & length(path(bamFile)
) > 1 ){
stop(paste("The BAM file ", path(bamFile), " does not exist",
if(length(index(bamFile)) & length(path(bamFile)) > 1 ){
warning("The index of the BAM file does not exist and will be build",
immediate. =TRUE)
## Check fasta file
if(!( file.exists(path(fastaFile))) & length(path(fastaFile)
) > 1 ){
stop(paste("The Fasta file ", path(fastaFile), " does not exist",
if(length(index(fastaFile)) & length(path(fastaFile)
) > 1 ){
warning("The index of the Fasta file does not exist and will be build",
immediate. =TRUE)
## Check attribute
if(length(attribute) > 0 ){
if(length(strsplit(attribute,"")[[1]]) > 1){
if(!(attribute %in% c("coverage", "medianCounts"))){
stop("The 'attribute' parameter should be 'coverage' or
}, prototype=list(
bedFile =GRanges(),
scanBamP= ScanBamParam(),
pileupP= PileupParam(),
featurePanel= GRanges(),
genePanel = GRanges(),
feature = character(0),
attribute = character(0))
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