#' Plot qq-plot of true data and bootstrapped null with ggplot
#' @param x vector containing values of values of first
#' distribution to compare
#' @param y vector containing values of values of secound
#' distribution to compare
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param alpha transparency paramenter between 0 and 1
#' @param gg_theme ggplot theme, default is theme_classic()
#' @param offset offset for x and y axis on top of maximal
#' values
#' @param plot_diagonal logical parameter indicating whether
#' an identity line should be plotted
#' @return A ggplot displaying the qq-plot of a true and a
#' a bootstrapped null distribution
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' recomputeSignalFromRatios(simulated_cell_extract_df)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats approx
gg_qq <- function(x, y,
xlab = "F-statistics from sampled Null distr.",
ylab = "observed F-statistics", alpha = 0.25,
gg_theme = theme_classic(), offset = 1,
plot_diagonal = TRUE){
sx <- sort(x)
sy <- sort(y)
lenx <- length(sx)
leny <- length(sy)
if (leny < lenx)
sx <- approx(1L:lenx, sx, n = leny)$y
if (leny > lenx)
sy <- approx(1L:leny, sy, n = lenx)$y
df <- data.frame(sx, sy)
p <- ggplot(df, aes(sx, sy)) +
geom_point(alpha = alpha) +
coord_fixed(xlim = c(0, max(c(sx,sy)) + offset),
ylim = c(0, max(c(sx,sy)) + offset),
expand = FALSE) +
xlab(xlab) +
ylab(ylab) +
p <- p +
geom_line(aes(x, y),
linetype = "dashed",
color = "gray",
data = data.frame(
x = seq(0, max(c(sx,sy))),
y = seq(0, max(c(sx,sy)))))
#' Plot 2D thermal profile intensities of a protein
#' of choice
#' @param df tidy data frame of a 2D-TPP dataset
#' @param name gene name (clustername) of protein that
#' should be visualized
#' @return A ggplot displaying the thermal profile of
#' a protein of choice in a datset of choice
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' plot2dTppProfile(simulated_cell_extract_df, "protein1")
#' @import ggplot2
plot2dTppProfile <- function(df, name){
clustername <- log_conc <- log2_value <-
temperature <- NULL
ggplot(filter(df, clustername == name),
aes(log_conc, log2_value)) +
geom_point() +
#' Plot 2D thermal profile ratios of a protein of choice
#' @param df tidy data frame of a 2D-TPP dataset
#' @param name gene name (clustername) of protein that
#' should be visualized
#' @return A ggplot displaying the thermal profile ratios of
#' a protein of choice in a datset of choice
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' plot2dTppRelProfile(simulated_cell_extract_df, "protein1")
#' @import ggplot2
plot2dTppRelProfile <- function(df, name){
clustername <- log_conc <- rel_value <-
temperature <- NULL
ggplot(filter(df, clustername == name),
aes(log_conc, rel_value)) +
geom_point() +
#' Plot H0 or H1 fit of 2D thermal profile intensities of
#' a protein of choice
#' @param df tidy data frame of a 2D-TPP dataset
#' @param name gene name (clustername) of protein that
#' should be visualized
#' @param model_type character string indicating whether
#' the "H0" or the "H1" model should be fitted
#' @param optim_fun optimization function that should be used
#' for fitting either the H0 or H1 model
#' @param optim_fun_2 optional additional optimization function
#' that will be run with paramters retrieved from optim_fun and
#' should be used for fitting the H1 model with the trimmed sum
#' model, default is NULL
#' @param maxit maximal number of iterations the optimization
#' should be given, default is set to 500
#' @param xlab character string of x-axis label of plot
#' @param ylab character string of y-axis label of plot
#' @return A ggplot displaying the thermal profile of
#' a protein of choice in a datset of choice
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' plot2dTppProfile(simulated_cell_extract_df, "protein1")
#' @import ggplot2
plot2dTppFit <- function(df, name,
model_type = "H0",
optim_fun = .min_RSS_h0,
optim_fun_2 = NULL,
maxit = 500,
xlab = "-log10(conc.)",
ylab = "log2(summed intensities)"){
clustername <- temperature <- temp_i <-
log_conc <- y_hat <- log2_value <- NULL
if(model_type == "H1"){
optim_fun <- .min_RSS_h1_slope_pEC50
slopEC50 <- TRUE
slopEC50 <- FALSE
df_fil <- filter(df, clustername == name) %>%
mutate(temp_i = dense_rank(temperature))
unique_temp <- unique(df_fil$temperature)
len_temp <- length(unique_temp)
if(model_type == "H0"){
start_par = vapply(unique_temp, function(x)
mean(filter(df_fil, temperature == x)$log2_value), 1)
h0_model = try(optim(par = start_par,
fn = optim_fun,
len_temp = len_temp,
data = df_fil,
method = "L-BFGS-B",
control = list(maxit = maxit)))
fit_df <-
.getFitDf(df_fil, model_type = model_type,
optim_model = h0_model,
slopEC50 = slopEC50)
}else if(model_type == "H1"){
h1_model <- .fitEvalH1(df_fil = df_fil,
unique_temp = unique_temp,
len_temp = len_temp,
optim_fun = optim_fun,
optim_fun_2 = optim_fun_2,
slopEC50 = slopEC50,
maxit = maxit)
fit_df <-
.getFitDf(df_fil, model_type = model_type,
optim_model = h1_model,
slopEC50 = slopEC50)
stop("Please specify a valid model_type! Either H0 or H1!")
ggplot(fit_df, aes(log_conc, y_hat)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(aes(log_conc, log2_value), data = df_fil) +
facet_wrap(~temperature) +
ggtitle(name) +
labs(x = xlab, y = ylab)
.getFitDf <- function(df_fil, conc_vec = seq(-9, -3, by = 0.1),
model_type = "H0", optim_model,
slopEC50 = TRUE){
# internal function to retrieve data frame with data
# and predicted model values
temp_i <- len_temp <- log_conc <- temperature <- NULL
unique_temp <- unique(df_fil$temperature)
unique_temp_len <- length(unique_temp)
conc_len = length(conc_vec)
if(model_type == "H0"){
fit_df <-
log_conc = rep(conc_vec, unique_temp_len),
temperature = rep(unique_temp,
each = conc_len),
temp_i = rep(seq_len(unique_temp_len),
each = conc_len),
len_temp = unique_temp_len) %>%
mutate(y_hat = optim_model$par[temp_i])
}else if(model_type == "H1"){
fit_df <-
log_conc = rep(conc_vec, unique_temp_len),
temperature = rep(unique_temp, each = conc_len),
temp_i = rep(seq_len(unique_temp_len),
each = conc_len),
len_temp = unique_temp_len) %>%
mutate(y_hat = .evalH1SlopeEC50Model(
optim_model = optim_model,
temp_i = temp_i, len_temp = len_temp,
log_conc = log_conc, temperature = temperature))
fit_df <-
log_conc = rep(conc_vec, unique_temp_len),
temperature = rep(unique_temp, each = conc_len),
temp_i = rep(seq_len(unique_temp_len),
each = conc_len),
len_temp = unique_temp_len) %>%
mutate(y_hat = .evalH1Model(
optim_model = optim_model,
temp_i = temp_i, len_temp = len_temp,
log_conc = log_conc))
stop("'model type' has to be either 'H0' or 'H1'!")
.evalH1Model <- function(optim_model, temp_i, log_conc, len_temp){
optim_model$par[3 + temp_i] +
(optim_model$par[3 + len_temp + temp_i] * optim_model$par[3])/
(1 + exp(-optim_model$par[2] * (log_conc - optim_model$par[1])))
.evalH1SlopeEC50Model <- function(optim_model, temp_i, len_temp,
log_conc, temperature){
optim_model$par[4 + temp_i] +
(optim_model$par[4 + len_temp + temp_i] * optim_model$par[4])/
(1 + exp(-optim_model$par[3] *
(log_conc - (optim_model$par[1] +
optim_model$par[2] * temperature))))
#' Plot heatmap of 2D thermal profile fold changes of
#' a protein of choice
#' @param df tidy data frame of a 2D-TPP dataset
#' @param name gene name (clustername) of protein that
#' should be visualized
#' @param drug_name character string of profiled drug name
#' @param midpoint midpoint of fold changes for color
#' scaling, default: 1
#' @return A ggplot displaying the thermal profile
#' as a heatmap of fold changes of
#' a protein of choice in a dataset of choice
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' plot2dTppFcHeatmap(simulated_cell_extract_df,
#' "tp2", drug_name = "drug1")
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
plot2dTppFcHeatmap <- function(df, name,
drug_name = "",
midpoint = 1){
clustername <- temperature <- conc <-
rel_value <- fc <- NULL
heat_df <- df %>%
filter(clustername == name) %>%
dplyr::select(clustername, temperature,
conc, rel_value) %>%
mutate(temperature = factor(
temperature, levels = rev(sort(unique(temperature)))),
conc = as.factor(conc)) %>%
group_by(clustername, temperature, conc) %>%
summarise(fc = mean(rel_value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
ggplot(heat_df, aes(conc, temperature)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = fc)) +
"Fold change",
low = "firebrick", mid = "khaki",
high = "darkgreen", midpoint = midpoint) +
labs(x = paste(drug_name, "conc."),
y = expression("Temperature ("*~degree*C*")")) +
ggtitle(name) +
#' Plot Volcano plot of TPP2D results
#' @param fdr_df data frame obtained from `getFDR`
#' @param hits_df hits_df data frame obtained from `findHits`
#' @param alpha transparency level of plotted points
#' @param title_string character argument handed over to ggtitle
#' @param x_lim vector with two numerics indicating the x axis limits
#' @param y_lim vector with two numerics indicating the y axis limits
#' @param facet_by_obs logical indicating whether plot should be facetted
#' by number of observations, default: FALSE
#' @return a ggplot displaying a volcano plot of the results
#' obtained after a TPP2D analysis
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("simulated_cell_extract_df")
#' temp_df <- simulated_cell_extract_df %>%
#' filter(clustername %in% paste0("protein", 1:5)) %>%
#' group_by(representative) %>%
#' mutate(nObs = n()) %>%
#' ungroup
#' example_params <- getModelParamsDf(temp_df)
#' example_fstat <- computeFStatFromParams(example_params)
#' example_null <- bootstrapNullAlternativeModel(
#' df = temp_df, params_df = example_params,
#' B = 2)
#' fdr_df <- getFDR(example_fstat, example_null)
#' hits_df <- findHits(fdr_df, 0.1)
#' plot2dTppVolcano(fdr_df = fdr_df, hits_df = hits_df)
plot2dTppVolcano <- function(fdr_df, hits_df,
alpha = 0.5,
title_string = "",
x_lim = NULL,
y_lim = NULL,
facet_by_obs = FALSE){
dataset <- rssH0 <- rssH1 <- F_statistic <- group <-
clustername <- slopeH1 <- NULL
stab_colors <- c("steelblue", "orange")
names(stab_colors) <- c(
fdr_true_df <- fdr_df %>%
filter(dataset == "true")
x_lim <- c(
sqrt(fdr_true_df$rssH0 - fdr_true_df$rssH1)) - 0.5),
sqrt(fdr_true_df$rssH0 - fdr_true_df$rssH1)) + 0.5)
y_lim <- c(
round(max(log2(fdr_true_df$F_statistic + 1)) + 0.5)
p <- ggplot(fdr_true_df %>%
mutate(group = case_when(slopeH1 > 0 ~ "stabilized",
slopeH1 < 0 ~ "destabilized")),
aes(sign(slopeH1)*sqrt(rssH0 - rssH1), log2(F_statistic + 1))) +
geom_point(color = "gray", alpha = alpha) +
geom_point(aes(color = group), alpha = alpha,
data = hits_df %>%
mutate(group = case_when(
slopeH1 > 0 ~ "stabilized",
slopeH1 < 0 ~ "destabilized"))) +
aes(label = clustername),
data = hits_df, nudge_x = 0.5, nudge_y = 0.5) +
scale_color_manual("", values = stab_colors) +
labs(x = bquote(sign(kappa) %.% sqrt(~'RSS'^0~' - RSS'^1~'')),
y = expression('log'[2]~'('*italic(F)*'-statistic + 1)')) +
ggtitle(title_string) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = x_lim,
ylim = y_lim) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
p <- p +
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