get.reads <-
function(readsfile, filetype=c("bed", "bam"), chrcol=1, startcol=2, endcol=3, idcol, zerobased=TRUE, sep="\t", skip=1, header=FALSE, ...){
filetype <- match.arg(filetype)
if(length(grep(".bam$", readsfile) == 0) & filetype == "bed"){
filetype <- "bam"
message("'filetype' was changed to 'bam'")
if(filetype == "bam"){
# read BAM file
# add flag to read only unique (primary) alignments
param <- ScanBamParam(flag=scanBamFlag(isUnmappedQuery=FALSE, isSecondaryAlignment=FALSE), what=c("qname", "pos", "qwidth", "rname"))
aln <- scanBam(readsfile, param=param)[[1]]
# create GRanges object
gr <- with(aln, GRanges(seqnames=rname, ranges=IRanges(pos, width=qwidth, names=qname)))
else {
# read only the required columns
n <- max(count.fields(readsfile, sep=sep))
colclasses <- rep("NULL", n)
colclasses[chrcol] <- "character"
colclasses[c(startcol, endcol)] <- "integer"
colclasses[idcol] <- "character"
dat <- read.delim(readsfile, colClasses=colclasses, sep=sep, skip=skip, header=header, ...)
# make IRanges object
ir <- IRanges(start=dat[,startcol], end=dat[,endcol])
ir <- IRanges(start=dat[,startcol], end=dat[,endcol], names=dat[,idcol])
# shift start position forward by 1 to go from 0-based to 1-based system
start(ir) <- start(ir) + 1
# make GRanges object
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=dat[,chrcol], ranges=ir)
# !!
# remove chromosomes (seqlevels) without reads (ranges)
gr <- keepSeqlevels(gr, seqlevelsInUse(gr))
# check for Illumina read pair IDs - #0/1 and #0/2 have to be removed
#if(length(colnames(rd)) > 0){
illu <- grep("#0/", names(gr))
if(length(illu) > 0)
names(gr) <- gsub("#0/[[:digit:]]", "", names(gr))
# sort reads
gr <- sortSeqlevels(gr)
gr <- sort(gr)
print(paste("read", length(gr), "sequenced reads"))
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