## ----echo = FALSE, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE, cache = TRUE, dev = "png",
message = FALSE, error = FALSE, warning = TRUE)
## ----load-packages------------------------------------------------------------
## ----case-study-data----------------------------------------------------------
mycounts <- round(txi$counts)
mycoldat <- data.frame(condition = factor(rep(c(1, 2), each = 3)))
rownames(mycoldat) <- colnames(mycounts)
mydat <- list(coldat = mycoldat, cntdat = mycounts,
status = truthdat$status, lfc = truthdat$logFC)
bd <- BenchDesign(data = mydat)
## ----case-study-methods-------------------------------------------------------
deseq2_run <- function(countData, colData, design, contrast) {
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData, colData = colData, design = design)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
results(dds, contrast = contrast)
deseq2_pv <- function(x) { x$pvalue }
deseq2_lfc <- function(x) { x$log2FoldChange }
edgeR_run <- function(countData, group, design) {
y <- DGEList(countData, group = group)
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
des <- model.matrix(design)
y <- estimateDisp(y, des)
fit <- glmFit(y, des)
glmLRT(fit, coef=2)
edgeR_pv <- function(x) { x$table$PValue }
edgeR_lfc <- function(x) { x$table$logFC }
voom_run <- function(countData, group, design) {
y <- DGEList(countData, group = group)
y <- calcNormFactors(y)
des <- model.matrix(design)
y <- voom(y, des)
eBayes(lmFit(y, des))
voom_pv <- function(x) { x$p.value[, 2] }
voom_lfc <- function(x) { x$coefficients[, 2] }
bd <- bd %>%
addMethod(label = "deseq2", func = deseq2_run,
post = list(pv = deseq2_pv, lfc = deseq2_lfc),
params = rlang::quos(countData = cntdat,
colData = coldat,
design = ~condition,
contrast = c("condition", "2", "1"))) %>%
addMethod(label = "edgeR", func = edgeR_run,
post = list(pv = edgeR_pv, lfc = edgeR_lfc),
params = rlang::quos(countData = cntdat,
group = coldat$condition,
design = ~coldat$condition)) %>%
addMethod(label = "voom", func = voom_run,
post = list(pv = voom_pv, lfc = voom_lfc),
params = rlang::quos(countData = cntdat,
group = coldat$condition,
design = ~coldat$condition))
sb <- buildBench(bd, truthCols = c(pv = "status", lfc = "lfc"))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateBench(sb = sb)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bd2 <- modifyMethod(bd, "deseq2", rlang::quos(bd.meta = list(note = "minor update")))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateBench(sb = sb, bd = bd2)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
deseq2_ashr <- function(countData, colData, design, contrast) {
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData,
colData = colData,
design = design)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
lfcShrink(dds, contrast = contrast, type = "ashr")
bd2 <- addMethod(bd2, "deseq2_ashr",
post = list(pv = deseq2_pv, lfc = deseq2_lfc),
params = rlang::quos(countData = cntdat,
colData = coldat,
design = ~condition,
contrast = c("condition", "2", "1")))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateBench(sb = sb, bd = bd2)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sb2 <- updateBench(sb = sb, bd = bd2, dryrun = FALSE)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
head(assay(sb2, "lfc"))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
colData(sb2)[, "session.idx", drop = FALSE]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lapply(metadata(sb2)$sessions, `[[`, "methods")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateBench(sb2, bd, keepAll = FALSE)
## ----simpleMetric-------------------------------------------------------------
sb <- addPerformanceMetric(sb, assay = "pv",
evalMetric = "rejections",
evalFunction = function(query, truth) {
sum(p.adjust(query, method = "BH") < 0.1, na.rm = TRUE)
sb <- estimatePerformanceMetrics(sb, addColData = TRUE)
## ----modifyBench--------------------------------------------------------------
sb2 <- updateBench(sb, bd2, dryrun = FALSE)
estimatePerformanceMetrics(sb2, rerun = FALSE, addColData = TRUE)
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