setOldClass(c("quosure", "quosures"))
setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("list", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("listOrCharacter", c("list", "character"))
#' BDData class
#' @description
#' Container for data in a BenchDesign object.
#' @slot data a list or MD5 hash of the data.
#' @slot type a character string indicating whether the data slot
#' contains the 'data' or a 'md5hash' of the data.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BDData}}, \code{\link{BenchDesign-class}}, \code{\link{BDMethod-class}}, \code{\link{BDMethodList-class}}
#' @exportClass BDData
#' @name BDData-class
#' @author Patrick Kimes
setClass("BDData", representation(data = "listOrCharacter", type = "character"))
function(object) {
if (! object@type %in% c("data", "md5hash"))
stop("The type must be one of 'data' or 'md5hash'.")
if (object@type == "data" && !is.list(object@data))
stop("The data must be a list if type = 'data'.")
if (object@type == "md5hash" && !is(object@data, "character"))
stop("The data does not appear to be a valid MD5 hash - is not a character string.")
if (object@type == "md5hash" && nchar(object@data) != 32)
stop("The data does not appear to be a valid MD5 hash - is not 32 characters long.")
if (object@type == "md5hash" && grepl("[^[:xdigit:]]", object@data))
stop("The data does not appear to be a valid MD5 hash - includes non-hex characters.")
setClassUnion("BDDataOrNULL", c("BDData", "NULL"))
#' BDMethod class
#' @description
#' Container for individual methods to be compared as part of a benchmark
#' experiment defined in a BenchDesign object. In the SummarizedBenchmark
#' framework, methods are defined by a unique combination of functions,
#' parameters, and any relevant meta data.
#' New BDMethod objects can be created using the \code{\link{BDMethod}}
#' constructor.
#' @slot f a function to be benchmarked
#' @slot fc a captured expression of the function \code{f}
#' @slot params a list of quosures specifying function parameters
#' @slot post a list of functions to be applied to the output of \code{f}
#' @slot meta a list of meta data
#' @seealso \code{\link{BDMethod}}, \code{\link{BenchDesign-class}}, \code{\link{BDMethodList-class}}, \code{\link{BDData-class}}
#' @exportClass BDMethod
#' @name BDMethod-class
#' @author Patrick Kimes
setClass("BDMethod", representation(f = "function", fc = "language", params = "quosures",
post = "listOrNULL", meta = "listOrNULL"))
function(object) {
post <- object@post
meta <- object@meta
if (!is.null(post) && is.null(names(post)))
stop("The slot 'post' must be a named list, else should be NULL.")
if (!is.null(post) && any(!nzchar(names(post))))
stop("The slot 'post' must be a named list, else should be NULL.")
if (!is.null(post) && any(duplicated(names(post))))
stop("The slot 'post' must be a named list, else should be NULL.")
if (!is.null(post) && !all(sapply(post, is, "function")))
stop("The slot 'post' must be a list of functions, else should be NULL.")
if (!is.null(meta) && is.null(names(meta)))
stop("The slot 'meta' must be a named list, else should be NULL.")
if (!is.null(meta) && any(!nzchar(names(meta))))
stop("The slot 'meta' must be a named list, else should be NULL.")
#' BDMethodList class
#' @description
#' Extension of the SimpleList class to contain a list of BDMethod
#' objects. The class serves as the primary container for the set of
#' methods in the BenchDesign class.
#' New BDMethodList objects can be created using the
#' \code{\link{BDMethodList}} constructor.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BDMethodList}}, \code{\link{BenchDesign-class}}, \code{\link{BDMethod-class}}, \code{\link{BDData-class}}
#' @importClassesFrom S4Vectors SimpleList
#' @exportClass BDMethodList
#' @name BDMethodList-class
#' @author Patrick Kimes
setClass("BDMethodList", contains = "SimpleList")
function(object) {
if (!all(unlist(lapply(object, is, "BDMethod"))))
stop("All entries must be named BDMethod objects.")
if (length(object) > 0 && is.null(names(object)))
stop("All entries must be named BDMethod objects, methods were unnamed.")
if (length(object) > 0 && any(!nzchar(names(object))))
stop("All entries must be named BDMethod objects, some methods were unnamed.")
if (length(object) > 0 && any(duplicated(names(object))))
stop("All entries must be named BDMethod objects, some method names were duplicated.")
#' BenchDesign class
#' @description
#' Along with the SummarizedBenchmark class, one of the two main
#' classses of the SummarizedBenchmark package. The BenchDesign class serves as
#' a container for both the set of methods to be benchmarked and optionally the
#' data to be used for benchmarking.
#' Methods are organized as BDMethod objects and stored in as a list using the
#' BDMethodList class. The BDData class is used to store benchmarking data, or
#' in some cases, just the MD5 hash of the original data set. Any list object,
#' including data.frame objects, can be specified for data. More details on the
#' component classes are provided in the corresponding class documentation.
#' For details on how to create new BenchDesign objects, see the
#' documentation for the \code{\link{BenchDesign}} constructor.
#' @slot data a list containing the data to be used in the benchmark.
#' @slot methods a \code{BDMethodList} list of \code{BDMethod} objects to be
#' compared in the benchmark.
#' @seealso \code{\link{BenchDesign}}, \code{\link{BDMethod-class}}, \code{\link{BDMethodList-class}}, \code{\link{BDData-class}}
#' @exportClass BenchDesign
#' @name BenchDesign-class
#' @author Patrick Kimes
setClass("BenchDesign", representation(data = "BDDataOrNULL", methods = "BDMethodList"))
setClassUnion("BenchDesignOrNULL", c("BenchDesign", "NULL"))
#' @name SummarizedBenchmark-class
#' @title SummarizedBenchmark class
#' @description
#' Extension of the \code{\link{RangedSummarizedExperiment}} to
#' store the output of different methods intended for the same purpose
#' in a given dataset. For example, a differential expression analysis could be
#' done using \pkg{limma}-voom, \pkg{edgeR} and \pkg{DESeq2}. The
#' SummarizedBenchmark class provides a framework that is useful to store, benckmark and
#' compare results.
#' @slot performanceMetrics A \code{\link{SimpleList}} of the same length
#' as the number of \code{\link{assays}} containing performance
#' functions to be compared with the ground truths.
#' @slot BenchDesign A \code{\link{BenchDesign}} originally used to generate the
#' results in the object.
#' @author Alejandro Reyes
#' @aliases SummarizedBenchmark-class
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom methods as formalArgs is new validObject
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## loading the example data from iCOBRA
#' library(iCOBRA)
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' ## a bit of data wrangling and reformatting
#' assays <- list(
#' qvalue=cobradata_example@padj,
#' logFC=cobradata_example@score )
#' assays[["qvalue"]]$DESeq2 <- p.adjust(cobradata_example@pval$DESeq2, method="BH")
#' groundTruth <- DataFrame( cobradata_example@truth[,c("status", "logFC")] )
#' colnames(groundTruth) <- names( assays )
#' colData <- DataFrame( method=colnames(assays[[1]]) )
#' groundTruth <- groundTruth[rownames(assays[[1]]),]
#' ## constructing a SummarizedBenchmark object
#' sb <- SummarizedBenchmark(
#' assays=assays, colData=colData,
#' groundTruth=groundTruth )
#' @exportClass SummarizedBenchmark
setClass( "SummarizedBenchmark",
contains = "RangedSummarizedExperiment",
representation = representation(performanceMetrics = "SimpleList",
BenchDesign = "BenchDesignOrNULL"))
setValidity( "SummarizedBenchmark", function( object ) {
if( ! length( object@performanceMetrics ) == length( assays( object ) ) ){
stop("The number of elements of the slot 'performanceFunction' has
be of the same length as the number of assays.")
if( !all( names( object@performanceMetrics ) %in% assayNames( object ) ) ){
stop("The names of the performanceMetrics list must match the names of the assays")
if( !all( sapply( object@performanceMetrics, "class" ) == "list" ) ){
stop("In the slot 'performanceMetrics', each element of the list must contain a list of functions")
permFunc <- object@performanceMetrics
for( i in names( permFunc ) ){
funcAssay <- permFunc[[i]]
for(j in names(funcAssay) ){
y <- funcAssay[[j]]
f1 <- all( c("query", "truth") %in% formalArgs( y ) )
if( !f1 ){
stop(sprintf( "The performance function '%s' for assay '%s' does not contain a 'query' and/or a 'truth' argument", j, i) )
otherArgs <- formals(y)[!names(formals(y)) %in% c("query", "truth")]
f2 <- any( sapply(otherArgs, class) == "name" )
if( f2 ){
missingDefaults <- names(otherArgs)[which(f2)]
stop(sprintf("The parameter(s) '%s' of the performance function '%s' for assay '%s' has/have no default values. Please specify defaults values.", paste(missingDefaults, collapse=","), j, i ) )
} )
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