# SpatialDecon: mixed cell deconvolution for spatial and/or bulk gene expression
# data
# Copyright (C) 2020, NanoString Technologies, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
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#' Estimate a tumor-specific profile and merge it with the pre-specified cell
#' profile matrix (X)
#' Given the input of "tumor-only" AOI's, estimates an collection of
#' tumor-specific
#' expression profiles and merges them with the immune cell expression
#' training matrix.
#' The process:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item log2/normalized data from tumor-only AOIs is clustered with hclust,
#' and cutree() is used to define clusters.
#' \item 2. Each cluster's geomean profile is merged into the immune cell
#' profile matrix.
#' }
#' @param norm matrix of normalized data
#' @param bg matrix of expected background, on the scale of norm.
#' @param pure_tumor_ids Vector identifying columns of norm that are pure tumor.
#' Can be indices, logicals or column names.
#' @param X The training matrix
#' @param K the number of clusters to fit
#' @return an updated X matrix with new columns, "tumor.1", "tumor.2", ...
#' @examples
#' data(mini_geomx_dataset)
#' data(safeTME)
#' mini_geomx_dataset$bg <- derive_GeoMx_background(
#' norm = mini_geomx_dataset$normalized,
#' probepool = rep(1, nrow(mini_geomx_dataset$normalized)),
#' negnames = "NegProbe"
#' )
#' safeTME.with.tumor <- mergeTumorIntoX(
#' norm = mini_geomx_dataset$norm,
#' bg = mini_geomx_dataset$bg,
#' pure_tumor_ids = mini_geomx_dataset$annot$ == "Tumor",
#' X = safeTME,
#' K = 3
#' )
#' @importFrom stats dist cutree hclust quantile
#' @export
mergeTumorIntoX <- function(norm, bg, pure_tumor_ids, X, K = 10) {
# round up 0 values in norm:
min.nonzero <- min(norm[norm > 0], na.rm = TRUE)
norm <- pmax(norm, min.nonzero)
# subset data to only the pure tumor IDs:
norm <- norm[, pure_tumor_ids, drop = FALSE]
bg <- bg[, pure_tumor_ids, drop = FALSE]
# bg-subtract:
norm <- pmax(norm - bg, min(norm) / 20)
# fix K if too big:
if (ncol(norm) < K) {
K <- ncol(norm)
# case 1: want to use every column in norm as a separate profile:
# (includes case of just one column in norm)
if (K == ncol(norm)) {
tumorX <- norm
# case 2: if many tumor AOIs, get profiles for K clusters of data:
if (K < ncol(norm)) {
# cluster and cut:
h <- stats::hclust(stats::dist(t(log2(norm))))
cut <- stats::cutree(h, k = K)
# get clusters' geomean profiles:
tumorX <- c()
for (cid in unique(cut)) {
tumorX <- cbind(
exp(rowMeans(log(norm[, cut == cid, drop = FALSE])))
colnames(tumorX) <- paste0("tumor.", seq_len(ncol(tumorX)))
# align tumorX with X:
sharedgenes <- intersect(rownames(tumorX), rownames(X))
tumorX <- tumorX[sharedgenes, ]
X <- X[sharedgenes, ]
# rescale tumor X:
meanq90 <- max(mean(apply(X, 2, stats::quantile, 0.9)), 1e-3)
tumorq90s <- apply(tumorX, 2, stats::quantile, 0.9)
tumorX <- sweep(tumorX, 2, tumorq90s, "/") * meanq90
# merge:
out <- cbind(X, tumorX)
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