
Defines functions cluster_analysis

Documented in cluster_analysis

#' @title Cluster Analysis
#' @description Analysis of the differentially expressed genes in the clusters
#' and their composition by a marker based approach.
#' @details If `dif.exp` is TRUE, then the function uses **edgeR** functions
#' **glmFit()** and **glmRT()** to find differentially expressed genes between
#' one cluster and all the other columns of `data`.
#' @details
#' If `dif.exp` is FALSE, then
#' the function skips the differential gene analysis.
#' @details
#' If the user does not set
#' `c.names`, the clusters will be named from 1 to the maximum number of
#' clusters (cluster 1, cluster 2, ...). The user can exploit the `c.names`
#' vector in the list returned by the **cell_classifier()** function for this
#' purpose. The user can also provide her own cluster names.
#' @details
#' `s.pval`  is the
#' adjusted (Benjamini-Hochberg) p-value threshold imposed to gene differential
#' expression.
#' @details
#' If `markers` is set, it must be a table with gene signatures for
#' one cell type in each column. The column names are the names of the cell
#' types.
#' @details
#' If `markers` is not provided, then the function skips the cluster
#' cell type calling step.
#' @details
#' If `write` and `dif.exp` are both TRUE, then the
#' function writes a text file named "table_dge_X.txt", where X is the cluster
#' name, that contains the list of differentially expressed genes.
#' @details
#' If `write` is TRUE and `markers` is provided, then the function writes in a second text
#' file a table containing probabilities of assignments of each cluster to a
#' cell type for each cell cluster. This cell type calling is performed as for
#' the individual cells without thresholding but based on the cluster average
#' transcriptome.
#' @details
#' Remark: this function can be used with any `data` table
#' associated with corresponding `genes` and `cluster` vectors, meaning that
#' advanced users can perform their own data normalization and cell clustering
#' upfront.
#' @param data a data frame of n rows (genes) and m columns (cells) of read or
#' UMI counts (note : rownames(data)=genes)
#' @param genes a character vector of HUGO official gene symbols of length n
#' @param cluster a numeric vector of length m
#' @param c.names a vector of cluster names
#' @param dif.exp a logical (if TRUE, then computes the diferential gene
#' expression between the clusters using **edgeR**)
#' @param s.pval a value, a fixed p-value threshold
#' @param markers a table of cell type signature genes
#' @param write a logical
#' @param verbose a logical
#' @return The function returns a list comprised of a table of differentially
#' expressed genes, a table of cell types, and a
#' table of cell cluster types.
#' @export
#' @import edgeR
#' @importFrom limma makeContrasts
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @examples
#' data=matrix(runif(1000,0,1),nrow=5,ncol=200)
#' rownames(data) <- c("A2M","LRP1","AANAT","MTNR1A","ACE")
#' cluster=c(rep(1,100),rep(2,100))
#' cluster_analysis(data,rownames(data),cluster,dif.exp=FALSE)
cluster_analysis <- function(data,genes,cluster,c.names=NULL,dif.exp=TRUE,
  if (dir.exists("cluster-analysis")==FALSE & write==TRUE){
  if (is.null(c.names)==TRUE){
    c.names <- paste("cluster",seq_len(max(cluster)))
  if (min(cluster)!=1){
    cluster <- cluster + 1 - min(cluster)
  if (length(c.names)!=max(cluster) | sum(duplicated(c.names))>0 |
      grepl("/",paste(c.names,collapse =""))){
    stop("The length of c.names must be equal to the number of
        clusters and must contain no duplicates. The cluster names must not
        include special characters")
  rownames(data) <- genes
  n.cluster <- max(cluster)
  z <- c(seq_len(n.cluster))
  class <- list()
  length(class) <- n.cluster
  diff.genes <- list()
  final.2 <- NULL
  types <- NULL
  k <- 0
  v <- NULL
  if (dif.exp==TRUE){
    dge <- DGEList(data,genes=genes)
    dge <- calcNormFactors(dge)
    if (verbose==TRUE){
      cat("edgeR differential gene expression (dge) processing:",fill=TRUE)

    for (i in z){
      if (verbose==TRUE){
        cat(paste("Looking for differentially expressed genes in", c.names[i]),
      cl <- as.matrix(cluster)
      cl[cluster==i,] <- 1
      cl[cluster!=i,] <- 2
      c <- factor(cl)
      design <- model.matrix(~0+c)
      cm <- makeContrasts(c1-c2,levels=design)
      y <- estimateDisp(dge,design,robust=TRUE)
      fit.y <- glmFit(y,design)
      lrt <- glmLRT(fit.y,contrast=cm)
      sel.r <- topTags(lrt,p.value=s.pval,adjust.method="BH",n=nrow(y$counts))
      if (length(sel.r)==0){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat(paste("No differentially expressed genes in", c.names[i]),
        v <- c(v,i)
      } else {
        k <- k+1
        resu <- sel.r$table
        resu <- resu[order(resu$logFC,decreasing=TRUE),]
        diff.genes[[k]] <- resu
        if (write==TRUE){
    if (is.null(v)==TRUE){
      names(diff.genes) <- c.names
    } else {
      names(diff.genes) <- c.names[-v]

  if (is.null(markers)==FALSE){
    final <- matrix(0,nrow=n.cluster,ncol=ncol(markers))
    colnames(final) <- colnames(markers)
    rownames(final) <- c.names
    for (i in z){
      tmp <- NULL
      for (j in seq_len(ncol(markers))){
        m.genes <- markers[,j][markers[,j] %in% genes]
        tmp <- c(tmp,sum(rowSums(data.frame(data[m.genes,
        tmp[is.na(tmp)] <- 0
      final[i,] <- as.numeric(tmp)
    final <- final/rowSums(final,na.rm=TRUE)
    final.2 <- final
    m <- apply(final.2,1,function(x) (max(x)-min(x))/2)
    for (i in z){
      final.2[i,][final.2[i,]<m[i]] <- 0
      c.type <- names(which(final.2[i,]!=0))
      if (length(c.type)==1){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat(paste(c.names[i], ": ", c.type, sep=""),fill=TRUE)
        class[[i]] <- c.type
      if (length(c.type)==2){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat(paste(c.names[i], ": ", c.type[1],"/",c.type[2],sep=""),fill=TRUE)
        class[[i]] <- paste(c.type[1],"/",c.type[2],sep="")
      if (length(c.type)>2){
        if (verbose==TRUE){
          cat(paste(c.names[i], ": Unconclusive (more than 2 cell types
                    attributed to the cluster)",sep=""),fill=TRUE)
        class[[i]] <- "Undefined"
    names(class) <- c.names
    types <- do.call(rbind,class)
    if (write==TRUE){
  res <- list(diff.genes,class,types,final.2)
  names(res) <- c("diff.genes","class","types","matrix")

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SingleCellSignalR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:17 p.m.