readSimFFPE <- function(sourceSeq, referencePath, PhredScoreProfile, outFile,
coverage, readLen=150, meanInsertLen=250,
sdInsertLen=80, enzymeCut=FALSE, chimericRatio=0.08,
localMatchRatio=0.1, windowLen=10000, matchWinLen=10000,
meanLogSeedLen=1.7, sdLogSeedLen=0.4, seedPassRate=0.78,
sdTargetDist=120, sameStrandProb=0.5, spikeWidth = 1500,
betaShape1=0.5, betaShape2=0.5, sameTarRegionProb=0,
chimMutRate=0.005, noiseRate=0.0015,
highNoiseRate=0.08, highNoiseProb=0.015,
pairedEnd=TRUE, prefix="SimFFPE", threads=1,
localChimeric=TRUE, distantChimeric=TRUE,
normalReads=TRUE, overWrite=FALSE) {
if(missing(sourceSeq)) stop("sourceSeq is required")
if(missing(referencePath)) stop("referencePath is required")
if(missing(PhredScoreProfile)) stop("PhredScoreProfile is required")
if(missing(outFile)) stop("outFile is required")
if(missing(coverage)) stop("coverage is required")
if(max(betaShape1, betaShape2) > 1) {
stop ("betaShape1 and betaShape2 should not be greater than 1")
if(min(betaShape1, betaShape2) <= 0) {
stop ("betaShape1 and betaShape2 should be greater than 0")
if (nrow(PhredScoreProfile) != readLen) {
stop("The number of rows in PhredScoreProfile should be the same as",
" the input readLen")
if (overWrite) {
overWriteFastq(outFile = outFile, pairedEnd = pairedEnd)
covFFPE <- coverage * chimericRatio / seedPassRate
covNorm <- coverage * (1 - chimericRatio)
if(pairedEnd) {
nSeedRegional <-
round(covFFPE * localMatchRatio * windowLen / readLen / 2)
} else {
enzymeCut <- FALSE
nSeedRegional <- round(covFFPE * localMatchRatio * windowLen / readLen)
reference <- readDNAStringSet(referencePath)
reference <- reference[width(reference) >= matchWinLen]
names(reference) <- unlist(lapply(names(reference),
function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][1]))
names(sourceSeq) <- unlist(lapply(names(sourceSeq),
function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][1]))
if (distantChimeric) {
allChr <- names(reference)
totalLen <-"sum", lapply(reference, length))
chrProb <- unlist(lapply(reference, length)) / totalLen
reference <- NULL
nReadsLocal <- 0
nReadsDistant <- 0
nReadsNorm <- 0
cl <- makeCluster(threads)
message("Using ", threads, " thread(s) for simulation.")
for (i in seq_along(sourceSeq)) {
chr <- names(sourceSeq)[i]
message("Simulating FFPE reads on the chromosome ", chr, "...")
fullSeq <- sourceSeq[[i]]
if (localChimeric) {
startPos <- NULL
simReads <-
foreach(startPos = seq(1, length(fullSeq),
.combine = "c",
.inorder = TRUE,
.verbose = FALSE,
.errorhandling = "remove",
.packages = c("Biostrings"),
.export = c("generateRegionalChimericReads",
) %dopar% {
fullSeq = fullSeq,
startPos = startPos,
windowLen = windowLen,
nSeed = nSeedRegional,
meanLogSeedLen = meanLogSeedLen,
sdLogSeedLen = sdLogSeedLen,
sdTargetDist = sdTargetDist,
meanInsertLen = meanInsertLen,
sdInsertLen = sdInsertLen,
enzymeCut = enzymeCut,
readLen = readLen,
chimMutRate = chimMutRate,
noiseRate = noiseRate,
highNoiseRate = highNoiseRate,
highNoiseProb = highNoiseProb,
pairedEnd = pairedEnd,
sameStrandProb = sameStrandProb)
readsToFastq(simReads = simReads,
PhredScoreProfile = PhredScoreProfile,
prefix = prefix,
prefix2 = "localChimeric",
chr = chr,
pairedEnd = pairedEnd,
outFile = outFile,
threads = threads)
message("Generated ", length(simReads), " local chimeric reads ",
"on chromosome ", chr, ".")
nReadsLocal <- nReadsLocal + length(simReads)
simReads <- NULL
if (distantChimeric) {
if (pairedEnd) {
nSeedDistant <- round(covFFPE * (1 - localMatchRatio) *
length(fullSeq) / readLen / 2)
} else {
nSeedDistant <- round(covFFPE * (1 - localMatchRatio) *
length(fullSeq) / readLen)
if (nSeedDistant > 1e+6) {
distWindow <- round(length(fullSeq) / (nSeedDistant / 1e+6))
nTimes <- ceiling(length(fullSeq) / distWindow / threads)
nSeedDistant <-
round(nSeedDistant * distWindow / length(fullSeq))
} else {
distWindow <- length(fullSeq)
nTimes <- 1
allStartPos <- seq(1, length(fullSeq), by = distWindow)
nReadsDistantChr <- 0
firstID <- 1
for (j in seq_len(nTimes)) {
tmp <- min(j * threads, length(allStartPos))
startPos <- allStartPos[((j - 1) * threads + 1):tmp]
simReads <-
foreach(startPos = startPos,
.combine = "c",
.inorder = TRUE,
.verbose = FALSE,
.packages = "Biostrings",
.errorhandling = "remove",
.export = c("generateDistantChimericReads",
"rbeta", "round",
) %dopar% {
fullSeq = fullSeq,
referencePath = referencePath,
startPos = startPos,
windowLen = distWindow,
matchWinLen = matchWinLen,
nSeed = nSeedDistant,
meanLogSeedLen = meanLogSeedLen,
sdLogSeedLen = sdLogSeedLen,
meanInsertLen = meanInsertLen,
sdInsertLen = sdInsertLen,
readLen = readLen,
allChr = allChr,
chrProb = chrProb,
chimMutRate = chimMutRate,
noiseRate = noiseRate,
highNoiseRate = highNoiseRate,
highNoiseProb = highNoiseProb,
pairedEnd = pairedEnd,
spikeWidth = spikeWidth,
betaShape1 = betaShape1,
betaShape2 = betaShape2,
sameTarRegionProb = sameTarRegionProb,
sameStrandProb= 0.5)
readsToFastq(simReads = simReads,
PhredScoreProfile = PhredScoreProfile,
prefix = prefix,
prefix2 = "distantChimeric",
chr = chr,
firstID = firstID,
pairedEnd = pairedEnd,
outFile = outFile,
threads = threads)
if (pairedEnd) {
firstID = firstID + length(simReads) / 2
} else {
firstID = firstID + length(simReads)
nReadsDistantChr <- nReadsDistantChr + length(simReads)
simReads <- NULL
message("Generated ", nReadsDistantChr,
" distant chimeric reads ",
"on chromosome ", chr, ".")
nReadsDistant <- nReadsDistant + nReadsDistantChr
if (normalReads) {
if (pairedEnd) {
nSeqNorm <- round(covNorm * length(fullSeq) / readLen / 2)
} else {
nSeqNorm <- round(covNorm * length(fullSeq) / readLen)
if (nSeqNorm > 5e+6) {
nSeqPerTime <- c(rep(5e+6, floor(nSeqNorm / 5e+6)),
nSeqNorm %% 5e+6)
nTimes <- ceiling(nSeqNorm / 5e+6)
} else {
nSeqPerTime <- nSeqNorm
nTimes <- 1
nReadsNormChr <- 0
firstID <- 1
for (j in seq_len(nTimes)) {
nSeqPerCluster <- round(nSeqPerTime[j] / threads)
simReads <- foreach(i = seq_len(threads),
.combine = "c",
.inorder = TRUE,
.verbose = FALSE,
#.errorhandling = "remove",
.packages = c("Biostrings"),
.export = c("addNoise",
) %dopar% {
fullSeq = fullSeq,
nSeq = nSeqPerCluster,
meanInsertLen = meanInsertLen,
sdInsertLen = sdInsertLen,
readLen = readLen,
noiseRate = noiseRate,
highNoiseRate = highNoiseRate,
highNoiseProb = highNoiseProb,
pairedEnd = pairedEnd)
readsToFastq(simReads = simReads,
PhredScoreProfile = PhredScoreProfile,
prefix = prefix,
prefix2 = "Normal",
chr = chr,
firstID = firstID,
pairedEnd = pairedEnd,
outFile = outFile,
threads = threads)
if (pairedEnd) {
firstID = firstID + length(simReads) / 2
} else {
firstID = firstID + length(simReads)
nReadsNormChr <- nReadsNormChr + length(simReads)
simReads <- NULL
message("Generated ", nReadsNormChr, " normal reads ",
"on chromosome ", chr, ".")
nReadsNorm <- nReadsNorm + nReadsNormChr
message("In totoal ", nReadsLocal, " local chimeric reads, ",
nReadsDistant, " distant chimeric reads, ",
nReadsNorm, " normal reads were generated.",
"\nAlltogether ", nReadsLocal + nReadsDistant + nReadsNorm,
" reads were generated.", "\nSimulation done.")
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