
Defines functions Connecting

Documented in Connecting

Connecting <- function(full, society, conductance, number.of.clusters, labels.for_num.of.clusters, separation.factor, talk=TRUE)
    ## INTENTION:	###________________________________________________##
    ## 	Here, we look at the clusters 
    ## as outputs of civilized spectral clustering 
    ## and try to figure out which population is 
    ## divided to two or more by MISTAKE. 
    ## 	The CRITERIA we use is the connectivity between
    ## clusters compared to within connectivity.
    ## Technicaly, we look at some part of conductance matrix
    ## as an estimate for "connectivity".
    ## data structure;
    ## cluster[[]]	:	the list of indices for each cluster.
    ##					e.g. cluster[[3]] is the vector of indices
    ##					in cluster 3.
    ## components	:	a list, each element is a vector that includes 
    ##					the indices of clusters in each component 
    ## separation.factor:
    ## 				## This is a positive factor typically less than 1.
    ## The larger it is, it is more probable 
    ## that we divide the data into two or more components.
    ## If it is 0, we may not devide at all. 
    ## It it is +Inf, we just return the input clusters without 
    ## connecting any together.	

    ## Compute indices of points in cluster j from the output of civilized spcetral clustering
    number.of.clusters.from.spectral <- number.of.clusters			
    ## We get this many clusters from spectral clustering.
    ## The clusters
    labels <-labels.for_num.of.clusters[[number.of.clusters.from.spectral]]
    repres.cluster	<-list()
    cluster<- list()
    ## cluster[[3]] should be the indices of points in cluter 3.
    ## If this is not given, we compute it from the out put of 
    ## civilized spcetral clustering as follows.
    for(i in 1:number.of.clusters.from.spectral){
        repres.cluster[[i]] <- which(labels[society$representatives]==i) 
        cluster[[i]] <- which(labels==i) 

    ## Loading the original data
    n <- dim(full)[1]						    
    dimention <-dim(full)[2]					

    ## society
    nbhood <- society$nbhood
    repres.indices <-society$representatives
    community <- society$communities
    num.of.cummnities <- length(community)

    ## Weightening 
    conductance.matrix <- conductance$conductance.matrix
    sigma <- conductance$sigma
    ##if(talk) message(paste("sigma = ", sigma))

    max.conductance <- matrix( ,number.of.clusters.from.spectral, number.of.clusters.from.spectral)
    for (i in 1:number.of.clusters.from.spectral)
        for (j in 1:number.of.clusters.from.spectral)
            max.conductance[i,j] <- max( conductance.matrix[repres.cluster[[i]],repres.cluster[[j]]])

    ## ##connection graph
    ##This matrix represents a directed graph. There is a node for each cluster.
    ## If a cluster i tends to attach to cluster j, then we put a directed edge from i to j.
    connection <- max.conductance

    ## ## concatenatation
    ## visualized in picture 4
    ## If a node of the graph points to just one other node, we omit the first node.
    ## This is done technically by deleting its column and adding its row to the row for the 
    ## host node. We do this in order to remember which nodes had pointed to the deleted node.

    ## Components
    for (i in 1:dim(connection)[2])
        components.list[[i]] <-c(i)				
    ## For now, each component contains exactly one node.		

    ## concat functions
    ## We will delete nodes from this graph step by step by the following function.
    ## input.graph.matrix has an extra row at the bottom 
    ## which contains the indices of the vertices in the original graph of clusters.

    ## If both of two nodes have tendency to combine, we combine them.
    concat.two.sided <- function(input.graph.matrix){

        ## input check
        ## If input matrix is 2*1 then it will not be  of class "matrix".
        ## Because the last row just keeps the indices, 
        ## it means there is only one node that can not be concatinated more.
        if(class(input.graph.matrix) != "matrix"){ 	
            result <- list (input.graph.matrix, components.list)
        }##End if(class(input.graph.matrix) != "matrix").
        output.graph.matrix <- input.graph.matrix
        ## We would like to devide the label of outgoing edges from a node 
        ## by the label of the edge from the node to itself.

        within.connection <- diag(output.graph.matrix)
        ## Describes the connections inside the clusters.

        ## In the following lines, we will substitue the zero entries with a small value to avoid deviding by zero or producing NaN.
        absolutly.poor.clusters.index	<- which(within.connection==0)
        ##^ The clusters with zero within connection. 
        minumum.positive.connection <-  min(output.graph.matrix[output.graph.matrix!=0])
        ## This is the smallest positive connection in the whole graph. 			
        substitute.small.value <- minumum.positive.connection * min(separation.factor, 1)/2	
        ## We reduce it even more in case separation factor is so small and we
        ## still would like to connect the two nodes.			
        within.connection[absolutly.poor.clusters.index] <- substitute.small.value
        ##^ Replacing the zeros with the small value.
        ##End of substituting.

        normlizer.matrix.for_connection <- diag(1/within.connection)
        normalized.output.graph.matrix <- output.graph.matrix %*% normlizer.matrix.for_connection	
        last.row <-input.graph.matrix[dim(input.graph.matrix)[1],]			
        ## This row just keeps the components.
        for (i in 1:dim(output.graph.matrix)[2] ){	## for all comlumns,
            for (j in 1:dim(output.graph.matrix)[2] ){ ## for all comlumns,
                if ( (normalized.output.graph.matrix[i,j] >=1)  && (normalized.output.graph.matrix[j,i] >=1) && (i!=j) ) {	## high tendency
                    ##updating components
                    the.two.components <- c(last.row[i], last.row[j])
                    host <- max(the.two.components) 				
                    guest <- min(the.two.components) 				
                    components.list[[host]] <- union( components.list[[host]], components.list[[guest]])
                    components.list[[guest]] <- "vanished"
                    ##message("host"); message(host)
                    ##message("guest"); message(guest)

                    ## combine node i to node j.
                    output.graph.matrix[j,] <- pmax(output.graph.matrix[j,] , output.graph.matrix[i,])	## combining the rows.
                    output.graph.matrix[,j] <- pmax(output.graph.matrix[,j] , output.graph.matrix[,i])	## combining the columns.
                    output.graph.matrix <- output.graph.matrix[-i,]								
                    output.graph.matrix <- output.graph.matrix[,-i]								
                    ## concatinating of just one pair is enough for each call of this function.
                    result <- list (output.graph.matrix, components.list)
        result <- list (output.graph.matrix, components.list)
    }###End of concat.two.sided.

    concat <- function(input.graph.matrix){
    	## input check
    	if(class(input.graph.matrix) != "matrix"){	
            ## If input matrix is 2*1 then it will not be  of class "matrix".
            ## Because the last row just keeps the indices, 
            ## it means there is only one node that can not be concatinated more.
            result <- list (input.graph.matrix, components.list)
    	output.graph.matrix <- input.graph.matrix
    	number.of.columns <- dim(input.graph.matrix)[1]-1
    	last.row <-input.graph.matrix[dim(input.graph.matrix)[1],]
        ## This row just keeps the indices.	
    	for (i in 1:dim(output.graph.matrix)[2] ){	## for all comlumns,
            ##message(">>>>i : ");message(i)
            ## To figure out if this node should be omitted

            ## We would like to devide the label of outgoing edges from a node 
            ## by the label of the edge from the node to itself.
            matrix.without.last.row <- output.graph.matrix[1:number.of.columns,]	
            ## The last row contains the index of the node 
            ## which is not good for us here.	

            within.connection <- diag(matrix.without.last.row)
            ##^ Describes the connections inside the clusters.

            ## In the following lines, we will substitue the zero entries with a small value to avoid deviding by zero or producing NaN.
            absolutly.poor.clusters.index	<- which(within.connection==0)	## The clusters with zero within connection. 
            minumum.positive.connection <-  min(matrix.without.last.row[matrix.without.last.row!=0])
            ## This is the smallest positive connection in the whole graph. 			
            substitute.small.value <- minumum.positive.connection * min(separation.factor, 1)/2	
            ## We reduce it even more in case separation factor is so small and we
            ## still would like to connect the two nodes.			
            within.connection[absolutly.poor.clusters.index] <- substitute.small.value			## Replacing the zeros with the small value.
            ##End of substituting.

            normlizer.matrix.for_connection <- diag(1/within.connection)
            normalized.output.graph.matrix <- matrix.without.last.row %*% normlizer.matrix.for_connection			
            out.going.edges <- which(normalized.output.graph.matrix[,i] >= separation.factor )		
            ## This may include the i, itself.
            out.going.edges <- out.going.edges[ which( !(out.going.edges ==i)) ]		
            ## All out.going.edges excluding the point i , itself.
            ## strategy
            ## We could have two different approaches here:
            ##	1) if there is more than one highly connected node, stop combining for now.
            ##	2) combine with the node with maximum connection
            ## first strategy:
            ##if (length(out.going.edges) ==1)	## This node is connected to exactly one node other than itself.
            ##host.column <- out.going.edges[ which(out.going.edges >=1)  ]			
            ## This is the column of the node that i is connected to.			
            ## Then, we should concatinate i to the appropriate node.
            ## second strategty:		
            if (length(out.going.edges) >=1){
                connection.to.others <- normalized.output.graph.matrix[,i]			
                ## We would like to pick the most connected node other 
                ## than the guest itself.
                connection.to.others[i] <- -Inf
                ## Once the host.column is selected, the rest is the same.	
                host.column <- which.max(connection.to.others)
                host.row <- host.column	
                host <- last.row[host.column]
                ## gust will be omitted and its compoent will be added to host.
                ## We will do omitting by putting 0 in its row and column.
                ## so, if an entry in the lst row is 0, it means that the corespondig compunent is 
                guest.column <- i
                guest <- last.row[i]		
                ##message("guest: "); message(guest);message( "host"); message(host)
                ## adding the list of component of i to the list of host
                components.list[[host]] <- union(components.list[[host]] , components.list[[guest]])
                components.list[[guest]] <- "vanished"
                ##message("components.list:     >>");message(components.list)

                ## omiting the node guest.
                ith.row <- output.graph.matrix[i,]
                ith.column <- output.graph.matrix[,i]
                ## combining the omitted to the host.
                output.graph.matrix[host.column,] <- pmax(output.graph.matrix[host.column,] , ith.row )	## combining ith.row and host.column
                output.graph.matrix[,host.row] <- pmax(output.graph.matrix[,host.row] , ith.column )	## combining ith.column and host.row
                ## last row is an exception for which we should not take max.				
                output.graph.matrix[dim(output.graph.matrix)[1] , host.column] <- host		
                output.graph.matrix	<-output.graph.matrix[-i,] ## deletes the i'th row.
                output.graph.matrix	<-output.graph.matrix[,-i] ## deletes the i'th column.
                result <- list (output.graph.matrix, components.list)	
            }##End if (length(out.going.edges) >=1).
        }##End for (i in 1:dim(output.graph.matrix)[2] ).
	result <- list (output.graph.matrix, components.list)
    }##End concat <- function(input.graph.matrix).

    connection.with.indices	<- rbind(connection, 1:dim(connection)[2])	
    ## The extra row at the bottom contains the indices of 
    ## the vertices in the original graph of clusters.
    ## We concat edges untill there is no change.
    to.be.concatenated <- connection.with.indices	
    ##Main loop.
    repeat {	
        ##two sided
        repeat {
            concat.result <-concat.two.sided(to.be.concatenated)	
            concatenated.graph.matrix <- concat.result[[1]]
            components.list <- concat.result[[2]]
            if ( sum(to.be.concatenated)  == sum(concatenated.graph.matrix) ) break
            ## means we don't need to continue, since the matrix hasn't change.
            to.be.concatenated <- concatenated.graph.matrix
        }##End of two sided.
        ## separation.factor	
        concat.result <-concat(to.be.concatenated)	
        concatenated.graph.matrix <- concat.result[[1]]
        components.list <- concat.result[[2]]
        if ( sum(to.be.concatenated)  == sum(concatenated.graph.matrix) ) break		
        ## means we don't need to continue, since the matrix hasn't change.
        to.be.concatenated <- concatenated.graph.matrix

    ## building components 
    ## which is a list, each element is a vector that includes the indices of clusters in that component 
    components <- list()
    number.of.components <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(components.list))
        if(components.list[[i]][1] != "vanished"){	## this is a none-empty component.			
            number.of.components <- number.of.components +1
            components[[number.of.components]] <- components.list[[i]]
    ## points in the components
    components.points <-list()	## Each element is a vector of indices of points in a component.			
    component.of <- rep(NA, times=dim(full)[1]) ## For each point, we assign it to a component.							
    number.of.points.in_component <-c()	## How many point are there in each components?
    for (i in 1:length(components)){	## for each component,				
        components.points[[i]] <- cluster[[ components[[i]][1] ]] ## This was a BUG! components[[i]][1]
        for (j in 1:length(components[[i]])){	##each cluster in the component.
            jth.cluster <- cluster[[ components[[i]][j] ]]
            components.points[[i]] <- 	union( components.points[[i]] , jth.cluster)
            component.of[ components.points[[i]] ]<- i 
        number.of.points.in_component[i] <-length(components.points[[i]])
    ## plot(as.data.frame(full),pch='.',col=component.of)

    ## Reporting number of components
    if(talk) message("Number of components after connecting:")
    if(talk) message(paste("------------------------------------->", length(components)))

    ##____________________________________ E N D ______________________________________________
    ##nclusters.graph is the graph of clusters before connnecting is done.

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