#' Function to assign ranksums to an expression matrix
#' This is a function to assign ranksums to a dataset
#' @param exprdata An expression matrix. Rows correspont to genes, columns to samples. Genes with multiple probes should be collapsed to a single row e.g. using most variable probe.
#' @param up A vector specifying rows of genes in the up direction.
#' @param dn A vector specifying rows of genes in the down direction.
#' @param ns A vector specifying rows of genes with an unspecified direction. These will be split using the pam function from the cluster package.
#' @param full.return A boolean specifying if the full result should be returned (T) or only the ranksum values (F).
#' @import cluster
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowSds
.sig.ranksum <- function (exprdata, up = NULL, dn = NULL, ns = NULL, full.return = FALSE)
if (length(dim(exprdata)) != 2)
stop("'exprdata' must be a matrix")
if (length(up) == 0 && length(dn) == 0 && length(ns) == 0)
stop("no indices were specified")
if (length(ns) > 0 && (length(up) > 0 || length(dn) > 0))
stop("both directional and non-directional indices were specified")
if (is.logical(up))
up <- which(up)
if (is.logical(dn))
dn <- which(dn)
if (is.logical(ns))
ns <- which(ns)
if (ncol(exprdata) < 2) {
if (isTRUE(full.return)) {
ret <- list()
up <- c(up, ns)
ret$rank <- 1
ret$pat.order <- 1
ret$gene.order <- c(up, dn)
ret$dat <- exprdata[ret$gene.order, , drop = FALSE]
ret$up.dn <- c(rep(1, length(up)), rep(-1, length(dn)))
else {
if (length(ns) > 0) {
row.sds <- rowSds(exprdata[ns, , drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
tmp <- row.sds == 0 | <- ns[tmp]
ns <- ns[!tmp]
if (length(ns) == 1) {
up <- ns
else if (length(ns) == 2) {
if (cor(exprdata[ns[1], ], exprdata[ns[2], ], use = "pairwise") <
0) {
up <- ns[1]
dn <- ns[2]
else {
up <- ns
else if (length(ns) > 2) {
diss <- 1 - cor(t(exprdata[ns, , drop = FALSE]),
use = "pairwise")
diss[which(] <- 1
diss[diss >= 1] <- diss[diss >= 1] + 1
clustering <- pam(diss, k = 2, diss = TRUE, cluster.only = TRUE)
up.cluster <- which.max(table(clustering))
up <- ns[which(clustering == up.cluster)]
dn <- ns[which(clustering != up.cluster)]
up.dn.cor <- cor(t(exprdata[up, , drop = FALSE]),
t(exprdata[dn, , drop = FALSE]), use = "pairwise")
if (sum(up.dn.cor < 0, na.rm = TRUE) < length(up) *
length(dn)/2) {
up <- ns
dn <- NULL
rm(diss, clustering, up.cluster, up.dn.cor)
if (length( > 0) {
up <- c(up,
ranksum <- double(ncol(exprdata))
col.counts <- rep(0, ncol(exprdata))
if (length(up) != 0) {
dat <- exprdata[up, , drop = FALSE]
ranksum <- rowSums(apply(dat, 1, function(x) {
rank(x, "average", na.last = "keep")
}), na.rm = TRUE)
col.counts <- colSums(!
if (length(dn) != 0) {
dat <- exprdata[dn, , drop = FALSE]
ranksum <- ranksum + rowSums(ncol(exprdata) - apply(dat,
1, function(x) {
rank(x, "average", na.last = "keep")
}) + 1, na.rm = TRUE)
col.counts <- col.counts + colSums(!
ranksum <- ranksum/col.counts
rank <- rank(ranksum, "average", na.last = TRUE)
if (full.return == FALSE)
if (length(up) == 0)
up <- NULL
if (length(dn) == 0)
dn <- NULL
gene.cor <- function(gene.idx, is.up, exprdata, pat.order) {
gene.expr <- exprdata[gene.idx, pat.order]
if (is.up == TRUE)
gene.expr <- -gene.expr
cor(gene.expr, seq_len(ncol(exprdata)), method = "spearman",
use = "pairwise")
ret <- list()
ret$rank <- rank
ret$pat.order <- order(-rank)
up.cor <- sapply(up, gene.cor, TRUE, exprdata, ret$pat.order)
dn.cor <- sapply(dn, gene.cor, FALSE, exprdata, ret$pat.order)
ret$gene.order <- c(up[rev(order(up.cor))], dn[order(dn.cor)])
ret$up <- up
ret$dn <- dn
ret$dat <- exprdata[ret$gene.order, ret$pat.order, drop = FALSE]
ret$up.dn <- c(rep(1, length(up)), rep(-1, length(dn)))
ret$ranksum <- ranksum
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