
Defines functions genCopula

Documented in genCopula

#' Generate a copula instance
#' @param exprmt.design Number of batches, and batch vector
#' @param corMats List of correlation matrices
#' @return a list of copula instances
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
genCopula = function(corMats, exprmt.design){
  n.batch = rowSums(exprmt.design$exprmt.config)
  copList = lapply(names(n.batch), function(b){
    Z       <- rmvnorm(n = n.batch[b], sigma = corMats[[b]])
    Cpl     <- pnorm(Z)
    colnames(Cpl) <- rownames(corMats[[b]])
  Reduce(copList, f = cbind)

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SPsimSeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:09 p.m.