#'Select candidate genes
#'This function can be used to independently select candidate genes from a given real RNA-srq data (bulk/single)
#'for the SPsimSeq simulation. It chooses genes with various chracteristics, such as log-fold-change
#' above a certain thereshold.
#' @param logCPM transformed matrix (if log.CPM.transform=FALSE, then it is the source gene expression data)
#' @param lfc.thrld a positive numeric value for the minimum absolute log-fold-change for selecting candidate DE genes in the source data (when group is not NULL and pDE>0)
#' @param t.thrld a positive numeric value for the minimum absolute t-test statistic for the log-fold-changes of genes for selecting candidate DE genes in the source data (when group is not NULL and pDE>0)
#' @param llStat.thrld a positive numeric value for the minimum squared test statistics from the log-linear model to select candidate DE genes in the source data (when group is not NULL and pDE>0)
#' containing X as a covariate to select DE genes
#' @param max.frac.zeror.diff a numeric value >=0 indicating the maximum absolute
#' difference in the fraction of zero counts between the groups for DE genes.
#' @param w a numeric value between 0 and 1. The number of classes to construct the probability distribution will be round(w*n), where n is the total number of samples/cells in a particular batch of the source data
#' @param group a grouping factor
#' @param pDE fraction of DE genes
#' @param n.genes total number of genes
#' @param prior.count a positive constant to be added to the CPM before log transformation, to avoid log(0). The default is 1.
#' @return a list object contating a set of candidate null and non-null genes and additional results
#' @importFrom stats lm glm sd coef
#' @importFrom utils combn
chooseCandGenes <- function(, group, lfc.thrld, llStat.thrld, t.thrld, w =w,
max.frac.zeror.diff = Inf, pDE, n.genes, prior.count){
# calculate fold-changes and t-statistics
logConst = log(prior.count)
m.diff <- apply(, 1, function(y){
l.mod <- lm(y~group)
t.stat <- max(abs(summary(l.mod)[["coefficients"]][-1, "t value"]))
#Removed as.numeric
fc <- max(abs(coef(l.mod)[-1]))
frac.z.diff <- max(abs(combn(tapply(y, group, function(yy) mean(yy==logConst)), 2, FUN=diff)))
c(t.stat = t.stat, fc = fc, frac.z.diff = frac.z.diff)
null.genes0 <- colnames(m.diff)[m.diff["t.stat",] < t.thrld | m.diff["fc",] < lfc.thrld ]
nonnull.genes0 <- colnames(m.diff)[(m.diff["t.stat",] >= t.thrld) &
(m.diff["fc",] >= lfc.thrld) &
(m.diff["frac.z.diff",] <= max.frac.zeror.diff)]
#For the ones exceeding the threshold,
statLLmodel <- if(length(nonnull.genes0)>=1){
vapply(nonnull.genes0, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), function(j){
fits = tapply([j,], group, function(Y){
mu.hat = mean(Y)
sig.hat = sd(Y)
#Bin counts
countY <- obtCount(Y = Y, w = w)
#Fit exponential density
llModel = fitLLmodel(yy = countY, mu.hat = mu.hat, sig.hat = sig.hat,
n = length(Y))
#define offset of carrier density
ofs = log(llModel$g0*length(Y))
list(ofs = ofs, llModel = llModel)
#Extract counts, offsets and midpoints, and concatenate
df = data.frame(
counts = unlist(lapply(fits, function(x) x$llModel$counts)),
mids = unlist(lapply(fits, function(x) x$llModel$mids)),
ofs = unlist(lapply(fits, function(x) x$ofs)),
groups = factor(unlist(lapply(seq_along(fits), function(l) {
rep(l, length(fits[[l]]$ofs))})))
l.mod.x = NULL; i = 5
#The different models to try
terms = c("mids", "groups", "groups:mids", "I(mids^2)", "groups:I(mids^2)")
while (is.null(l.mod.x) && i>=3){
form = paste("counts ~", paste(terms[seq_len(i)], collapse ="+"), "+offset(ofs)")
l.mod.x <- tryCatch(glm(form, family = "poisson", data = df),
error=function(e){}, warning=function(w){})
i = i-1
#Return squared sum of test statistics
sum.square.Z.X = if(!is.null(l.mod.x) && l.mod.x$rank == ncol(l.mod.x$R)){
Z.X <- summary(l.mod.x)$coefficients[, 3]
Z.X <- Z.X[grepl(names(Z.X), pattern = "groups")]
sum(Z.X^2, na.rm = TRUE)
} else{0}
} else{
nonnull.genes <- nonnull.genes0[statLLmodel>=llStat.thrld]
null.genes <- c(null.genes0, setdiff(nonnull.genes0, nonnull.genes))
#Throw warnings where needed
if((1-pDE)*n.genes > length(null.genes) && length(null.genes)>1 ){
message("Note: The number of null genes (not DE) in the source data is ",
" and the number of null genes required to be included in the simulated data is ",
". Therefore, candidiate null genes are sampled with replacement.")
if(pDE*n.genes > length(nonnull.genes) && length(nonnull.genes)>1){
message("Note: The number of DE genes detected in the source data is ",
" and the number of DE genes required to be included in the simulated data is ",
". Therefore, candidiate DE genes are sampled with replacement.")
if(pDE>0 & length(nonnull.genes)==0){
warning("No gene met the criterion to be a candidiate DE gene. Perhaps consider
lowering the 'lfc.thrld' or the 'llStat.thrld' or the 't.thrld'. Consequently,
all the simulated genes are not DE.")
list(null.genes = unique(null.genes), nonnull.genes = nonnull.genes)
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