### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0
#' @title Select samples based on metadata
#' @description This function select samples based on information given in the
#' metadata
#' @usage select.samples(siamcat, filter, allowed.set = NULL,
#' allowed.range = NULL, verbose = 1)
#' @param siamcat an object of class \link{siamcat-class}
#' @param filter string, name of the meta variable on which the selection
#' should be done
#' @param allowed.set a vector of allowed values
#' @param allowed.range a range of allowed values
#' @param verbose integer, control output: \code{0} for no output at all,
#' \code{1} for only information about progress and success, \code{2} for
#' normal level of information and \code{3} for full debug information,
#' defaults to \code{1}
#' @keywords SIAMCAT select.samples
#' @export select.samples
#' @return an object of class \link{siamcat-class} with labels and metadata
#' filtered in order to contain only allowed values
#' @details This functions selects labels and metadata based on a specific
#' column in the metadata. Provided with a column-name in the metadata and a
#' range or a set of allowed values, the function will filter the
#' \link{siamcat-class} object accordingly.
#' @examples
#' data(siamcat_example)
#' # Select all samples that fall into an Age-range between 25 and 80 years
#' siamcat_selected <- select.samples(siamcat_example,
#' filter='Age',
#' allowed.range=c(25, 80))
#' # Select only female samples
#' siamcat_female <- select.samples(siamcat_example,
#' filter='Gender',
#' allowed.set=c('F'))
select.samples <- function(siamcat, filter, allowed.set = NULL,
allowed.range = NULL, verbose = 1) {
if (verbose > 1)
message("+ starting select.samples")
s.time <- proc.time()[3]
# checks
if (is.null(meta(siamcat))){
stop('SIAMCAT needs to have metadata for select.samples. Exiting...')
if (!filter %in% colnames(meta(siamcat)))
stop("! The filter name is not present in colnames of the sample",
" data. Stopping.\n")
if (!xor(is.null(allowed.range), is.null(allowed.set))) {
stop("Neither allowed.range nor allowed.set (or both at the same",
" time) have been provided, exiting!")
if (!is.null(data_split(siamcat, verbose=0)) |
!is.null(eval_data(siamcat, verbose=0)) |
!is.null(models(siamcat, verbose=0))){
warning("The machine learning pipeline has to be run again ",
"after filtering the samples")
if (!is.null(filt_feat(siamcat, verbose=0)) |
!is.null(norm_feat(siamcat, verbose=0))){
warning("Selcting samples may affect the results of feature ",
"filtering and normalization\nFor sanity, results from",
"previous analyses (e.g. filtered features) will be removed!")
siamcat <- siamcat(
validate=FALSE, verbose=0)
if (verbose > 2)
message("+++ checking allowed values")
if (!is.null(allowed.range)) {
stopifnot(length(allowed.range) == 2)
allowed.range <- sort(allowed.range)
stopifnot(allowed.range[1] <= allowed.range[2])
if (!is.null(allowed.set)) {
allowed.set <- sort(unique(allowed.set))
# get meta column
filter.var <- meta(siamcat)[[filter]]
if (!is.null(allowed.range)) {
if (!is.numeric(filter.var)){
stop('A numerical column is needed for allowed range. Exiting...')
if (verbose > 2)
message(paste0("+++ allowed.range = [", paste(allowed.range,
collapse = ","), "]"))
} else {
if (!any(allowed.set %in% unique(filter.var))){
stop('The allowed set has no overlap with the chosen
metadata. Exiting...')
if (verbose > 2)
message(paste0("+++ allowed.set = {", paste(allowed.set,
collapse = ","), "}"))
# select samples on range
if (!is.null(allowed.range)) {
s.idx <- ! & filter.var >= allowed.range[1] &
filter.var <= allowed.range[2]
if (verbose > 1) {
message(paste0("+++ removed ", sum(!s.idx), " samples with ",
filter, " not in [", paste(allowed.range, collapse = ", "),
"] (retaining ", sum(s.idx), ")"))
} else {
s.idx <- ! & filter.var %in% allowed.set
if (verbose > 1) {
message(paste0("+++ removed ",sum(!s.idx), " samples with ",
filter, " not in {", paste(allowed.set, collapse = ", "),
"} (retaining ", sum(s.idx), ")"))
s.names <- rownames(meta(siamcat))[s.idx]
# prune phyloseq object
physeq(siamcat) <-
prune_samples(x = physeq(siamcat), samples = s.names)
# filter label object
siamcat <- filter.label(siamcat, s.names, verbose = verbose)
e.time <- proc.time()[3]
if (verbose > 1)
message(paste( "+ finished select.samples in",
formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3), "s"))
if (verbose == 1)
message("Selecting samples finished")
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