### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0
#' @title Make predictions on a test set
#' @description This function takes a \link{siamcat-class}-object containing
#' a model trained by \link{train.model} and performs predictions on
#' a given test-set.
#' @usage make.predictions(siamcat, siamcat.holdout = NULL,
#' normalize.holdout = TRUE, verbose = 1)
#' @param siamcat object of class \link{siamcat-class}
#' @param siamcat.holdout optional, object of class \link{siamcat-class} on
#' which to make predictions, defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param normalize.holdout boolean, should the holdout features be normalized
#' with a frozen normalization (see \link{normalize.features}) using the
#' normalization parameters in \code{siamcat}?, defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @param verbose integer, control output: \code{0} for no output at all,
#' \code{1} for only information about progress and success, \code{2} for
#' normal level of information and \code{3} for full debug information,
#' defaults to \code{1}
#' @export
#' @keywords SIAMCAT make.predictions
#' @return object of class \link{siamcat-class} with the slot \code{pred_matrix}
#' filled
#' @details This functions uses the model in the \code{model_list}-slot of the
#' \code{siamcat} object to make predictions on a given test set. The
#' test set can either consist of the test instances in the cross-
#' validation, saved in the \code{data_split}-slot of the same
#' \code{siamcat} object, or a completely external feature set, given in
#' the form of another \code{siamcat} object (\code{siamcat.holdout}).
#' @examples
#' data(siamcat_example)
#' # Simple example
#' siamcat.pred <- make.predictions(siamcat_example)
#' # Predictions on a holdout-set
#' \donttest{pred.mat <- make.predictions(siamcat.trained, siamcat.holdout,
#' normalize.holdout=TRUE)}
make.predictions <- function(siamcat,
siamcat.holdout = NULL,
normalize.holdout = TRUE,
verbose = 1) {
s.time <- proc.time()[3]
# if holdout is NULL, make predictions on data in siamcat
if (is.null(siamcat.holdout)) {
if (verbose > 1)
message("+ starting make.predictions on siamcat object")
# label
label <- label(siamcat)
if (label$type == 'TEST'){
stop('SIAMCAT can not predict on a reference object with a',
' TEST label. Exiting...')
# data.split
if (is.null(data_split(siamcat, verbose=0))){
stop('SIAMCAT needs a data split for predictions! Exiting...')
data.split <- data_split(siamcat)
# models
if (is.null(models(siamcat, verbose=0))){
stop('SIAMCAT does not seem to contain any models. Exiting...')
models <- models(siamcat)
# features
feature.type <- feature_type(siamcat)
if (feature.type == 'original'){
feat <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat)
} else if (feature.type == 'filtered'){
feat <- get.filt_feat.matrix(siamcat)
} else if (feature.type == 'normalized'){
feat <- get.norm_feat.matrix(siamcat)
rownames(feat) <- make.names(rownames(feat))
feat <- t(feat)
label.fac <-
levels = sort(label$info))
num.folds <- data.split$num.folds
num.resample <- data.split$num.resample
pred <- matrix(NA, ncol = num.resample, nrow = length(label.fac),
dimnames = list(names(label.fac), paste0("CV_rep",
i = 1
if (verbose == 1 || verbose == 2)
pb <- progress_bar$new(total = num.folds * num.resample)
for (f in seq_len(num.folds)) {
for (r in seq_len(num.resample)) {
test.label <- label.fac[data.split$test.folds[[r]][[f]]]
data <-[data.split$test.folds[[r]][[f]], ,
# assert stuff
stopifnot(nrow(data) == length(test.label))
stopifnot(all(rownames(data) == names(test.label)))
model <- models[[i]]
stopifnot(!any(rownames(model$task$env$data) %in%
# subselect features for each model
# needs to be added due to feature selection
data <- data[,model$features]
data$label <- test.label
if (verbose > 2)
message(paste0("Applying ", model_type(siamcat),
" on cv_fold", f, "_rep", r, " (", i, " of ",
num.resample * num.folds, ")..."))
task <-
makeClassifTask(data = data, target = "label",'quiet',
pdata <- predict(model, task = task)
p <- pdata$data[, 4]
names(p) <- rownames(pdata$data)
pred[names(p), r] <- p
i <- i + 1
if (verbose == 1 || verbose == 2)
pred_matrix(siamcat) <- pred
r.object <- siamcat
} else {
if (verbose > 1)
message("+ starting make.predictions on external dataset")
# check reference set
if (is.null(data_split(siamcat, verbose=0))){
stop('Reference SIAMCAT object should contain a data split.',
' Exiting...')
data.split <- data_split(siamcat)
if (is.null(models(siamcat, verbose=0))){
stop('Reference SIAMCAT object should contains models. Exiting...')
models <- models(siamcat)
feature.type <- feature_type(siamcat)
if (feature.type == 'normalized'){
if (normalize.holdout) {
if (verbose > 1)
message("+ Performing frozen normalization on holdout set")
siamcat.holdout <- normalize.features(siamcat.holdout,
norm.param = norm_params(siamcat), feature.type='original',
verbose = verbose)
} else {
warning("WARNING: holdout set is not being normalized!")
if (is.null(norm_feat(siamcat.holdout, verbose=0))){
stop('Holdout set has not been normalized yet!')
feat.test <- get.norm_feat.matrix(siamcat.holdout)
} else if (feature.type == 'filtered') {
if (is.null(filt_feat(siamcat.holdout, verbose=0))){
stop('Holdout set has not been filtered yet!')
feat.test <- get.filt_feat.matrix(siamcat.holdout)
} else if (feature.type == 'original'){
feat.test <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat.holdout)
rownames(feat.test) <- make.names(rownames(feat.test))
feat.test <- t(feat.test)
if (feature.type == 'normalized'){
feat.ref <- get.norm_feat.matrix(siamcat)
} else if (feature.type == 'filtered') {
feat.ref <- get.filt_feat.matrix(siamcat)
} else if (feature.type == 'original'){
feat.ref <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat)
rownames(feat.ref) <- make.names(rownames(feat.ref))
feat.ref <- t(feat.ref)
label <- label(siamcat.holdout)
# data sanity checks
stopifnot(all(colnames(feat.ref) %in% colnames(feat.test)))
# prediction
num.models <- data.split$num.folds * data.split$num.resample
pred <- matrix(NA, ncol = num.models, nrow = nrow(feat.test),
dimnames = list(rownames(feat.test), paste0("Model_",
if (verbose == 1 || verbose == 2)
pb <- progress_bar$new(
total = data.split$num.folds*data.split$num.resample)
for (i in seq_len(num.models)) {
data <-
model <- models[[i]]
data <- data[, model$features]
data$label <- factor(label$label, levels=c(label$info))
if (verbose > 2)
message(paste0("Applying ", model_type(siamcat),
" on complete external dataset", " (", i, " of ",
num.models, ")..."))
task <- makeClassifTask(data = data, target = "label",'quiet',
pdata <- predict(model, task = task)
p <- pdata$data[, 4]
names(p) <- rownames(pdata$data)
pred[names(p), i] <- p
if (verbose == 1 || verbose == 2)
pred_matrix(siamcat.holdout) <- pred
r.object <- siamcat.holdout
# print correlation matrix
if (verbose > 1)
message(paste("Total number of predictions made:", length(pred)))
correlation <- cor(pred, method = "spearman")
if (verbose > 1)
message("Correlation between predictions from repeated CV:")
if (verbose > 1)
message(paste("\tMin: ", min(correlation), "\n\tMedian: ",
median(correlation), "\n\tMean: ", mean(correlation)))
# print out time
e.time <- proc.time()[3]
if (verbose > 1)
"+ finished make.predictions in",
formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3),
if (verbose == 1)
message("Made predictions successfully.")
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