#' Reindex cluster labels in ascending order
#' Given an \code{\link[stats]{hclust}} object and the number of clusters \code{k}
#' this function reindex the clusters inferred by \code{cutree(hc, k)[hc$order]}, so that
#' they appear in ascending order. This is particularly useful when plotting
#' heatmaps in which the clusters should be numbered from left to right.
#' @param hc an object of class hclust
#' @param k number of cluster to be inferred from hc
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @examples
#' hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), 'ave')
#' cutree(hc, 10)[hc$order]
#' reindex_clusters(hc, 10)[hc$order]
#' @export
reindex_clusters <- function(hc, k) {
clusts <- stats::cutree(hc, k)
labels <- names(clusts)
names(clusts) <- 1:length(clusts)
ordering <- clusts[hc$order]
new.index <- NULL
j <- 1
for (i in unique(ordering)) {
tmp <- rep(j, length(ordering[ordering == i]))
names(tmp) <- names(ordering[ordering == i])
new.index <- c(new.index, tmp)
j <- j + 1
clusts <- new.index
clusts <- clusts[order(as.numeric(names(clusts)))]
names(clusts) <- labels
#' Wrapper for calculating biological properties
#' @param dataset expression matrix
#' @param labels cell labels corresponding clusters
#' @param regime defines what biological analysis to perform. "marker" for
#' marker genes, "de" for differentiall expressed genes and "outl" for outlier
#' cells
#' @return results of either
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
get_biolgy <- function(dataset, labels, regime) {
if(regime == "marker") {
res <- get_marker_genes(dataset, labels)
if(regime == "de") {
res <- get_de_genes(dataset, labels)
if(regime == "outl") {
res <- get_outl_cells(dataset, labels)
#' Find cell outliers in each cluster.
#' Outlier cells in each cluster are detected using robust distances, calculated
#' using the minimum covariance determinant (MCD), namely using
#' \code{\link[robustbase]{covMcd}}. The outlier score shows how
#' different a cell is from all other cells in the cluster and it is defined as
#' the differences between the square root of the robust distance and the square
#' root of the 99.99% quantile of the Chi-squared distribution.
#' @param dataset expression matrix
#' @param labels cell labels corresponding to the columns of the expression matrix
#' @return a numeric vector containing the cell labels and
#' correspoding outlier scores ordered by the labels
#' @examples
#' d <- get_outl_cells(yan[1:10,], as.numeric(ann[,1]))
#' head(d)
#' @importFrom robustbase covMcd
#' @importFrom rrcov PcaHubert
#' @importFrom stats qchisq
#' @export
get_outl_cells <- function(dataset, labels) {
chisq.quantile <- 0.9999
out <- rep(0, length(labels))
for (i in sort(as.numeric(unique(labels)))) {
n.cells <- length(labels[labels == i])
# reduce p dimensions by using robust PCA
t <- tryCatch({
PcaHubert(dataset[, labels == i])
}, warning = function(cond) {
}, error = function(cond) {
message(paste0("No outliers detected in cluster ", i, ". Distribution of gene expression in cells is too skewed towards 0."))
if (class(t) != "NULL") {
# degrees of freedom used in mcd and chisquare distribution
if (dim(t@loadings)[1] <= 6) {
message(paste0("No outliers detected in cluster ", i, ". Small number of cells in the cluster."))
} else {
df <- ifelse(dim(t@loadings)[2] > 3, 3, dim(t@loadings)[2])
mcd <- NULL
if (df != 1) {
mcd <- tryCatch({
covMcd(t@loadings[, 1:df])
}, warning = function(cond) {
}, error = function(cond) {
message("No outliers detected in the cluster. Error in MCD.")
if (class(mcd) != "NULL") {
# sqrt(mcd$mah) - sqrt of robust distance sqrt(qchisq(.95, df = length(mcd$best))) - sqrt of
# 97.5% quantile of a chi-squared distribution with p degrees of freedom
outliers <- sqrt(mcd$mah) - sqrt(qchisq(chisq.quantile, df = df))
outliers[which(outliers < 0)] <- 0
out[labels == i] <- outliers
#' Calculate the area under the ROC curve for a given gene.
#' For a given gene a binary classifier is constructed
#' based on the mean cluster expression values (these are calculated using the
#' cell labels). The classifier prediction
#' is then calculated using the gene expression ranks. The area under the
#' receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is used to quantify the accuracy
#' of the prediction. A \code{p-value} is assigned to each gene by using the Wilcoxon
#' signed rank test.
#' @param gene expression data of a given gene
#' @param labels cell labels correspodning to the expression values of the gene
#' @importFrom ROCR prediction performance
#' @importFrom stats aggregate wilcox.test
get_auroc <- function(gene, labels) {
score <- rank(gene)
# Get average score for each cluster
ms <- aggregate(score ~ labels, FUN = mean)
# Get cluster with highest average score
posgroup <- ms[ms$score == max(ms$score), ]$labels
# Return NAs if there is a tie for cluster with highest average score (by definition this is
# not cluster specific)
if (length(posgroup) > 1) {
return(c(NA, NA, NA))
# Create 1/0 vector of truths for predictions, cluster with highest average score vs
# everything else
truth <- as.numeric(labels == posgroup)
# Make predictions & get auc using RCOR package.
pred <- prediction(score, truth)
val <- unlist(performance(pred, "auc")@y.values)
pval <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(score[truth == 1], score[truth == 0])$p.value)
return(c(val, posgroup, pval))
#' Calculate marker genes
#' Find marker genes in the dataset. The \code{\link{get_auroc}} is used to calculate
#' marker values for each gene.
#' @param dataset expression matrix
#' @param labels cell labels corresponding clusters
#' @return data.frame containing the marker genes, corresponding cluster indexes
#' and adjusted \code{p-value}s
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @examples
#' d <- get_marker_genes(yan[1:10,], as.numeric(ann[,1]))
#' d
#' @export
get_marker_genes <- function(dataset, labels) {
res <- apply(dataset, 1, get_auroc, labels = labels)
res <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(res), ncol = 3, byrow = T))
colnames(res) <- c("auroc", "clusts", "pvalue")
res$pvalue <- p.adjust(res$pvalue)
#' Get marker genes from an object of \code{SingleCellExperiment} class
#' This functions returns all marker gene columns from the \code{phenoData} slot
#' of the input object corresponding to the number of clusters \code{k}. Additionally,
#' it rearranges genes by the cluster index and order them by the area under the
#' ROC curve value inside of each cluster.
#' @param object an object of \code{SingleCellExperiment} class
#' @param k number of cluster
#' @param p_val p-value threshold
#' @param auroc area under the ROC curve threshold
organise_marker_genes <- function(object, k, p_val, auroc) {
dat <- rowData(object)[, c(paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_clusts"), paste0("sc3_", k,
"_markers_auroc"), paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_padj"), "feature_symbol")]
dat <- dat[dat[, paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_padj")] < p_val & ![, paste0("sc3_",
k, "_markers_padj")]), ]
dat <- dat[dat[, paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_auroc")] > auroc, ]
d <- NULL
for (i in sort(unique(dat[, paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_clusts")]))) {
tmp <- dat[dat[, paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_clusts")] == i, ]
tmp <- tmp[order(tmp[, paste0("sc3_", k, "_markers_auroc")], decreasing = TRUE), ]
d <- rbind(d, tmp)
if(nrow(dat) > 0) {
} else {
#' Reorder and subset gene markers for plotting on a heatmap
#' Reorders the rows of the input data.frame based on the \code{sc3_k_markers_clusts}
#' column and also keeps only the top 10 genes for each value of \code{sc3_k_markers_clusts}.
#' @param markers a \code{data.frame} object with the following colnames:
#' \code{sc3_k_markers_clusts}, \code{sc3_k_markers_auroc}, \code{sc3_k_markers_padj}.
markers_for_heatmap <- function(markers) {
res <- NULL
for (i in unique(markers[, 1])) {
tmp <- markers[markers[, 1] == i, ]
if (nrow(tmp) > 10) {
res <- rbind(res, tmp[1:10, ])
} else {
res <- rbind(res, tmp)
#' Find differentially expressed genes
#' Differential expression is calculated using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test.
#' A significant \code{p-value} indicates that gene expression in at least one cluster
#' stochastically dominates one other cluster. Note that the calculation of
#' differential expression after clustering can introduce a bias in the
#' distribution of \code{p-value}s, and thus we advise to use the \code{p-value}s
#' for ranking the genes only.
#' @param dataset expression matrix
#' @param labels cell labels corresponding to the columns of the expression matrix
#' @return a numeric vector containing the differentially expressed genes and
#' correspoding p-values
#' @examples
#' d <- get_de_genes(yan[1:10,], as.numeric(ann[,1]))
#' head(d)
#' @importFrom stats kruskal.test p.adjust
#' @export
get_de_genes <- function(dataset, labels) {
tmp <- apply(dataset, 1, kruskal.test, g = factor(labels))
ps <- unlist(lapply(tmp, "[[", "p.value"))
ps <- p.adjust(ps)
#' Get differentiall expressed genes from an object of \code{SingleCellExperiment} class
#' This functions returns all marker gene columns from the \code{phenoData} slot
#' of the input object corresponding to the number of clusters \code{k}. Additionally,
#' it rearranges genes by the cluster index and order them by the area under the
#' ROC curve value inside of each cluster.
#' @param object an object of \code{SingleCellExperiment} class
#' @param k number of cluster
#' @param p_val p-value threshold
organise_de_genes <- function(object, k, p_val) {
de_genes <- rowData(object)[, paste0("sc3_", k, "_de_padj")]
names(de_genes) <- rowData(object)$feature_symbol
de_genes <- de_genes[!]
de_genes <- de_genes[de_genes < p_val]
de_genes <- de_genes[order(de_genes)]
#' Calculate the stability index of the obtained clusters when changing \code{k}
#' Stability index shows how stable each cluster is accross the selected range of \code{k}.
#' The stability index varies between 0 and 1, where
#' 1 means that the same cluster appears in every solution for different \code{k}.
#' Imagine a given cluster is split into \code{N} clusters when \code{k} is changed (all possible
#' values of \code{k} are provided via \code{ks} argument in the main \code{sc3} function).
#' In each of the new clusters there are \code{given_cells} of the given cluster and also some
#' \code{extra_cells} from other clusters. Then we define stability as follows:
#' \deqn{\frac{1}{ks*N^2}\sum_{ks}\sum_{N}\frac{given\_cells}{given\_cells + extra\_cells}}
#' Where one \code{N} corrects for the number of clusters and the other \code{N} is a penalty
#' for splitting the cluster. \code{ks} corrects for the range of \code{k}.
#' @param consensus consensus item of the sc3 slot of an object of 'SingleCellExperiment' class
#' @param k number of clusters k
#' @return a numeric vector containing a stability index of each cluster
calculate_stability <- function(consensus, k) {
hc <- consensus[[as.character(k)]]$hc
labs <- reindex_clusters(hc, k)
ks <- as.numeric(names(consensus))
kRange <- length(ks)
stability <- rep(0, k)
for (i in 1:k) {
inds <- names(labs[labs == i])
# sum over k range
for (k2 in ks) {
if (k2 != k) {
hc2 <- consensus[[as.character(k2)]]$hc
labs2 <- cutree(hc2, k2)
clusts <- as.numeric(names(table(labs2[names(labs2) %in% inds])))
N <- length(clusts)
# sum over new clusters, taking into account new cells from other clusters
for (j in clusts) {
inds2 <- names(labs2[labs2 == j])
s <- length(inds[inds %in% inds2])/length(inds2)/N/N/kRange
stability[i] <- stability[i] + s
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