# samrocN, author Per Broberg, version 31AUG02, modified 13NOV02, 27MAY04 , 07OCT05, 31MAY06, 10OCT06 #
# test version with permutation of residuals #
# PBG 25JAN07 #
samrocN <- function (data = M, formula = ~as.factor(g), contrast = c(0,
1), N = c(50, 100, 200, 300), B = 100, perc = 0.6, smooth = FALSE,
w = 1, measure = "euclid", p0 = NULL, probeset = NULL) {
if(is(data, "ExpressionSet")){data <- exprs(data);if(is.null(probeset)) probeset <- rownames(data)}
data <- as.matrix(data)
nrows <- nrow(data)
ncols = ncol(data)
utest <- Xprep(indata = data, formula = formula, contrast = contrast)
ss <- sqrt(utest$Vest/utest$k)
minss <- min(ss)
if (smooth) {
totmeans <- c(rep(1/ncol(data), ncol(data))) %*% t(data)
tv <- smooth.spline(totmeans, ss, spar = 1.5)
ss <- predict(tv, totmeans)$y
ss[ss < minss] <- minss
ssq <- quantile(ss, probs = seq(0, perc, by = 0.05))
ssq <- c(0, ssq)
ss <- sqrt(utest$Vest/utest$k)
diffs <- matrix(nrow = nrows, ncol = B)
sses <- matrix(nrow = nrows, ncol = B)
varses <- matrix(nrow = nrows, ncol = B)
pj <- numeric(length = nrows)
pts <- matrix(nrow = length(ssq), ncol = length(N)) <- matrix(nrow = length(ssq), ncol = length(N))
target <- numeric(length(ssq))
sam <- utest$design
nullmodel.residuals <- Xprep.resid(data = data, design = sam[,contrast==0])
nullmodel <- data - nullmodel.residuals
for (i in 1:B) { <-
utest0 <- Xprep(indata = nullmodel + nullmodel.residuals[,sample(1:ncol(data))], formula = formula, contrast = contrast)
diffs[, i] <- utest0$Mbar
ifelse(smooth, {
for (j in 1:nrow(data)) sses[j, i] <- ss[j]
}, sses[, i] <- sqrt(utest0$Vest/utest0$k))
for (i in 1:length(ssq)) {
dstari <- diffs/(ssq[i] + sses)
di <- t(utest$Mbar/(sqrt(utest$Vest/utest$k) + ssq[i]))
di.min <- quantile(abs(di), probs = (nrow(data) - N)/nrow(data),
na.rm = TRUE)
Fn <- ecdf(abs(as.vector(dstari)))
alpha <- 1 - Fn(di.min)
pj <- 1 - Fn(abs(di))
pt <- numeric(length(N))[i, ] <- alpha
for (j in 1:length(alpha)) pt[j] <- mean((pj < alpha[j]))
pts[i, ] <- pt
pfn <- matrix(nrow = length(ssq), ncol = length(alpha))
tone <- t(utest$Mbar/ss)
tnull <- diffs/sses
Fn <- ecdf(abs(as.vector(tnull)))
ps <- 1 - Fn(abs(tone))
if(is.null(p0)) p0 <- = ps)$PRE
if (p0 >= 0.999)
p0 <- 0.999
for (j in 1:length(ssq)) pfn[j, ] <- 1 - p0 * (1 - alpha) -
pts[j, ]
pfn[pfn < 0] <- 0
pfp <- p0 *
pfp[pfp == -Inf] <- 0
if (measure == "euclid")
criterion <- function(x, y, w) sqrt(x^2 + w * y^2)
if (measure == "sum")
criterion <- function(x, y, w) x + w * y
ifelse(pfn == 0, distances <- p0 * alpha/pts, distances <- criterion(pfn,
pfp, w))
target <- min(distances)
indices <- which(distances == target, arr.ind = TRUE)
indices <- indices[1, ]
snew <- ssq[indices[1]]
N.opt <- N[indices[2]]
di <- t(utest$Mbar/(sqrt(utest$Vest/utest$k) + snew))
dstari <- diffs/(snew + sses)
Vest0 <- as.numeric(utest$k) * sses^2
Fn <- ecdf(-abs(as.vector(dstari)))
pj <- (nrows * B * Fn(-abs(di)) + 1)/(nrows * B + 1)
fp <- p0 * pj
fn <- 1 - p0 * (1 - pj) - rank(pj)/length(pj)
errors <- fp + fn
if (is.null(probeset))
probeset <- paste("probeset", 1:nrows)
res <- new("samroc.result", d = as.vector(di), diff = as.vector(utest$Mbar),
se = as.vector(sqrt(utest$Vest/utest$k)), d0 = dstari,
p0 = p0, s0 = snew, pvalues = pj, N.list = as.integer(N.opt),
errors = errors, formula = formula, contrast = contrast,
annotation = as.character(date()), N.sample = ncols,
B = as.integer(B), call = as.character(,
id = as.character(probeset), error.df = as.integer(utest$f),
design = as.matrix(utest$design))
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