#' Quality Assessment Rqc function
#' Process a set of files and returns a list of quality control data. Files
#' must be FASTQ format, compressed or not.
#' Input files are read using \code{FastStreamer} and \code{FastSampler}
#' classes of \code{\link{ShortRead}} package. Process multiple files in
#' parallel using \code{\link{bplapply}} function of \code{\link{BiocParallel}}
#' package.
#' @param x input file(s)
#' @param sample It reads a random sample from files if this parameter is TRUE.
#' @param n Number of sequences to read from each input file. This represents
#' sample size if 'sample' parameter is TRUE, if not represents the chunk size
#' to read on each iteration. Default is read a sample of one million
#' sequences from each input file.
#' @param group group name for each input file.
#' @param top number of top over-represented reads. Default is 10 reads.
#' @param pair combination of files for paired-end reads. By default, all input
#' files are treated as single-end. For paired-end, please define a vector of
#' numbers where two index with the same value represent a pair. Examples,
#' single-end \code{c(1,2,3,4)} and paired-end \code{c(1,1,2,2)}.
#' @param ... other parameters
#' @return A named list of \code{RqcResultSet} objects, each one represents a
#' file.
#' @author Welliton Souza
#' @seealso \code{\link{rqc}}
#' @examples
#' checkpoint("Rqc", path=system.file(package="Rqc", "extdata"), {
#' folder <- system.file(package="ShortRead", "extdata/E-MTAB-1147")
#' files <- list.files(full.names=TRUE, path=folder)
#' rqcResultSet <- rqcQA(files, pair=c(1,1), workers=1)
#' }, keep="rqcResultSet")
#' rqcReadQualityPlot(rqcResultSet)
#' @aliases rqcQA
#' @exportMethod rqcQA
function(x, sample=TRUE, n=1e6, group=rep("None", length(x)), top=10, pair=seq_along(x), ...)
#' @describeIn rqcQA process a list of \code{\link[ShortRead]{FastqFile}} and
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{BamFile}} objects.
#' @inheritParams rqcQA
#' @param workers number of parallel workers
#' @exportMethod rqcQA
setMethod("rqcQA", signature(x="list"),
function(x, sample, n, group, top, pair, workers = multicoreWorkers())
if (length(x) == 0)
stop("Input files were not provided.")
filesNotFound <- x[!sapply(x, file.exists)]
if (length(filesNotFound) != 0) {
for (f in filesNotFound) warning(paste(f, "not found."))
stop("One or more input files were not found.")
if(length(group) != length(x))
stop("'group' argument must have the same length of files argument.")
param <- if (workers > 1) {
MulticoreParam(workers, tasks=workers, stop.on.error=TRUE)
} else {
files <- lapply(x, detectFileFormat)
rqcResultSet <- bpmapply(rqcQA, files, sample, n, group, top, pair,
names(rqcResultSet) <- sapply(x, basename)
#' @describeIn rqcQA automatically detects file format
#' (using \code{\link{detectFileFormat}} function) of input files then process.
#' @inheritParams rqcQA
#' @exportMethod rqcQA
setMethod("rqcQA", signature(x="character"),
function(x, sample = TRUE, n = 1e6, group = rep("None", length(x)),
top=10, pair=seq_along(x), workers = multicoreWorkers())
rqcQA(as.list(x), sample, n, group, top, pair, workers)
#' @describeIn rqcQA process only one BAM file.
#' @inheritParams rqcQA
#' @exportMethod rqcQA
setMethod("rqcQA", signature(x="BamFile"), function(x, sample, n, group, top, pair) {
param <- ScanBamParam(what = c("seq", "qual"))
yieldSize(x) <- n
con <- open(x)
if (sample) {
yield <- function(a) readGAlignments(a, param=param)
chunk <- mcols(reduceByYield(x, yield, c, REDUCEsampler(n)))
} else {
chunk <- scanBam(con, param = param)[[1]]
chunk <- ShortReadQ(chunk$seq, chunk$qual)
readQuality <- .readQuality(chunk)
readWidth <- .readWidth(chunk)
readFrequency <- .readFrequency(chunk)
cycleQuality <- .cycleQuality(chunk)
cycleBasecall <- .cycleBasecall(chunk)
if (!sample) {
chunk <- scanBam(con, param = param)[[1]]
chunk <- ShortReadQ(chunk$seq, chunk$qual)
while (length(chunk) != 0) {
readQuality <- .mergeReadQuality(readQuality, .readQuality(chunk))
readWidth <- .mergeReadWidth(readWidth, .readWidth(chunk))
readFrequency <- .mergeReadFrequency(readFrequency, .readFrequency(chunk))
cycleQuality <- .mergeCycleQuality(cycleQuality, .cycleQuality(chunk))
cycleBasecall <- .mergeCycleBasecall(cycleBasecall, .cycleBasecall(chunk))
chunk <- scanBam(con, param = param)[[1]]
chunk <- ShortReadQ(chunk$seq, chunk$qual)
fileInfo <- .fileInfo(x$path, group, "BAM", readWidth, pair)
top <- readFrequency[order(readFrequency$count, decreasing = TRUE)[1:top], ]
top$hash <- as.character(top$hash)
rownames(top) <- NULL
tbl <- table(readFrequency$count)
count <- as.integer(tbl)
occurrence <- as.integer(names(tbl))
readFrequency <- data.frame(occurrence, count)
lst = list(perFile=list(information=fileInfo, topReads=top),
perCycle=list(quality=cycleQuality, baseCall=cycleBasecall),
perRead=list(width=readWidth, averageQuality=readQuality,
new("RqcResultSet", .srlist=lst)
#' @describeIn rqcQA process only one FASTQ file.
#' @inheritParams rqcQA
#' @exportMethod rqcQA
setMethod("rqcQA", signature(x="FastqFile"), function(x, sample, n, group, top, pair) {
nthreads <- .Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, 1L)
on.exit(.Call(ShortRead:::.set_omp_threads, nthreads))
con <- if (sample) FastqSampler(x, n) else FastqStreamer(x$path, n)
chunk <- yield(con)
readQuality <- .readQuality(chunk)
readWidth <- .readWidth(chunk)
readFrequency <- .readFrequency(chunk)
cycleQuality <- .cycleQuality(chunk)
cycleBasecall <- .cycleBasecall(chunk)
if (!sample) {
chunk <- yield(con)
while (length(chunk) != 0) {
readQuality <- .mergeReadQuality(readQuality, .readQuality(chunk))
readWidth <- .mergeReadWidth(readWidth, .readWidth(chunk))
readFrequency <- .mergeReadFrequency(readFrequency, .readFrequency(chunk))
cycleQuality <- .mergeCycleQuality(cycleQuality, .cycleQuality(chunk))
cycleBasecall <- .mergeCycleBasecall(cycleBasecall, .cycleBasecall(chunk))
chunk <- yield(con)
totalReads <- countLines(x$path) / 4
fileInfo <- .fileInfo(x$path, group, "FASTQ", readWidth, pair, totalReads)
top <- readFrequency[order(readFrequency$count, decreasing = TRUE)[1:top], ]
top$hash <- as.character(top$hash)
rownames(top) <- NULL
tbl <- table(readFrequency$count)
count <- as.integer(tbl)
occurrence <- as.integer(names(tbl))
readFrequency <- data.frame(occurrence, count)
lst = list(perFile=list(information=fileInfo, topReads=top),
perCycle=list(quality=cycleQuality, baseCall=cycleBasecall),
perRead=list(width=readWidth, averageQuality=readQuality,
new("RqcResultSet", .srlist=lst)
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