## Handler/Callbacks for SAX (Simple API for XML) parse
## Jitao David Zhang <>,
## Copyrighted 2009, released, see '../LICENSE' for the license
## Description: Handlers to parse PSI-MI XML 2.5 files with SAX
## auxilary
null2na <- function (x)
if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0)
x <- as.character(NA)
else x <- unique(unlist(x))
## Handlers inherited from Rintact
# iListHandler for interactionList in psi25xml data
# adapted from Rintact
# interactionList
# interaction
# experimentList
# experimentRef
# participantList
# proteinParticipant
# proteinInteractorRef
# role
# interactionType
# names
# shortLabel
# xref
# primaryRef
iListHandler <- function() {
iList <- list()
pairvec <- ""
curEL <- 1
curPIR <- NULL
inI <- inEL <- inER <- inPL <- inPP <- inPIR <- FALSE
inRole <- inIT <- inNA <- inSL <- inXR <- inPR <- FALSE
startElement = function(x, atts, ...) {
if (x == "interaction")
iList[[ curEL ]] <<- list()
inI <<- TRUE
else if (x == "experimentList") inEL <<- TRUE
else if (x == "experimentRef") inER <<- TRUE
else if (x == "participantList") inPL <<- TRUE
else if (x == "proteinInteractorRef")
curPIR <<- atts
if (nchar(pairvec[curEL])==0)
pairvec[curEL] <<- paste(pairvec[curEL], curPIR, sep="")
else pairvec[curEL] <<- paste(pairvec[curEL], curPIR, sep=":")
inPIR <<- TRUE
else if (x == "role") inRole <<- TRUE
else if (x == "interactionType") inIT <<- TRUE
else if (x == "names") inNA <<- TRUE
else if (x == "shortLabel") inSL <<- TRUE
else if (x == "xref") inXR <<- TRUE
else if (x == "primaryRef") inPR <<- TRUE
endElement = function(x, ...) {
if (x == "interaction")
inI <<- FALSE
curEL <<- curEL + 1
pairvec <<- c(pairvec,"")
else if (x == "experimentList") inEL <<- FALSE
else if (x == "experimentRef") inER <<- FALSE
else if (x == "participantList") inPL <<- FALSE
else if (x == "proteinInteractorRef") inPIR <<- FALSE
else if (x == "role") inRole <<- FALSE
else if (x == "interactionType") inIT <<- FALSE
else if (x == "names") inNA <<- FALSE
else if (x == "shortLabel") inSL <<- FALSE
else if (x == "xref") inXR <<- FALSE
else if (x == "primaryRef") inPR <<- FALSE
text = function(x, atts, ...) {
if (inRole)
iList[[curEL]][[curPIR]] <<- x
dump = function() {
names(iList) <<- pairvec[1:length(iList)]
list(startElement= startElement,
dump=dump )
#experimentList for experimentList of psi25xml data
# experimentDescription[id]
# shortLabel
# fullName
# hostOrganism
# shortLabel
# interactionDetection
# shortLabel
# primaryRef
# participantDetection
# shortLabel
# primaryRef
eListHandler <- function() {
eList <- list()
inED <- inOrg <- inID <- inPD <- inNA <- inSL <- FALSE
inPR <- inSR <- FALSE
curEL <- 1
startElement = function(x, atts, ...) {
if (x == "experimentDescription")
eList[[ curEL <<- atts["id"] ]] <<- list()
inED <<- TRUE
else if (x == "names") inNA <<- TRUE
else if (x == "shortLabel") inSL <<- TRUE
else if (x == "hostOrganism") inOrg <<- TRUE
else if (x == "interactionDetection")
eList[[ curEL ]][["interactionDetection"]] <<- list()
inID <<- TRUE
else if (x == "participantDetection")
eList[[ curEL ]][["participantDetection"]] <<- list()
inPD <<- TRUE
else if (x == "primaryRef")
inPR <<- TRUE
if (inID)
eList[[ curEL ]][["interactionDetection"]][["primRef"]] <<- atts
else if (inPD)
eList[[ curEL ]][["participantDetection"]][["primRef"]] <<- atts
endElement = function(x, ...) {
if (x == "names") inNA <<- FALSE
else if (x == "shortLabel") inSL <<- FALSE
else if (x == "hostOrganism") inOrg <<- FALSE
else if (x == "interactionDetection") inID <<- FALSE
else if (x == "participantDetection") inPD <<- FALSE
else if (x == "primaryRef") inPR <<- FALSE
else if (x == "experimentDescription") inED <<- FALSE
text = function(x, atts, ...) {
if (inOrg & inSL)
eList[[ curEL ]][["orgShort"]] <<- x
else if (inID & inSL & inPR)
eList[[ curEL ]][["interactionDetection"]][["primaryRef"]] <<- x
else if (inID & inSL & !inPR)
eList[[ curEL ]][["interactionDetection"]][["shortLabel"]] <<- x
else if (inPD & inSL & !inPR)
eList[[ curEL ]][["participantDetection"]][["shortLabel"]] <<- x
else if (inED & inNA & inSL & !inOrg & !inID & !inPD)
eList[[ curEL ]][["expShortLabel"]] <<- x
dump = function() return(eList)
list( startElement= startElement,
dump=dump )
## NEW XML Interfaces, not used yet
#### auxilliary files
##GC_mockNA <- as.character(NA)
##xmlValueNullsafe <- function(x) {
## if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0)
## return(GC_mockNA)
## v <- xmlValue(x)
## if (is.null(v) || length(v) == 0)
## return(GC_mockNA)
## else
## return(unique(v))
##getNamedElement <- function (vector, name) {
## i <- match(name, names(vector))
## if ( {
## return(GC_mockNA)
## } else {
## return(el(vector, i))
## }
#### handlers
##psimi25NamesTypeHandler <- function(node, attrs) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockNamesType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## shortLabel <- xmlValueNullsafe(child$shortLabel)
## fullName <- xmlValueNullsafe(child$fullName)
## ## missing alias, TODO
## names <- psimi25NamesType(shortLabel = shortLabel,
## fullName = fullName)
## return(names)
##psimi25DbReferenceTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## ## missing attribute list TODO
## dbr <- psimi25DbReferenceType(list=list(),
## db=getNamedElement(att, "db"),
## id=getNamedElement(att, "id"),
## secondary=getNamedElement(att, "secondary"),
## dbAc=getNamedElement(att, "dbAc"),
## refType=getNamedElement(att, "refType"),
## refTypeAc=getNamedElement(att, "refTypeAc"))
## return(dbr)
##psimi25AttributeHandler <- function(node) {
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## attribute <- psimi25Attribute(iValue=xmlValueNullsafe(node),
## name = getNamedElement(att, "name"),
## nameAc = getNamedElement(att, "nameAc"))
## return(attribute)
##psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockAttributeListType)
## alt <- xmlApply(node, psimi25AttributeHandler)
## return(alt)
##psimi25AvailabilityTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockAvailabilityType)
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## ava <- psimi25AvailabilityType(iValue = xmlValueNullsafe(node),
## id = getNamedElement(att, "id"))
## return(ava)
##psimi25BibrefTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockBibrefType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## xrefs <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## attl <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(child$attributeList)
## bib <- psimi25BibrefType(xref=xrefs,
## attributeList=attl)
## return(bib)
##psimi25CvTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockCvType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## names <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$names)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## cvt <- psimi25CvType(name=names,
## xref=xref)
## return(cvt)
##psimi25OpenCvTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockOpenCvType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## names <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$names)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## att <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(child$attributeList)
## oct <- psimi25OpenCvType(name=names,
## xref=xref,
## attributeList=att)
## return(oct)
##psimi25ExperimentTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockExperimentType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## names <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$names)
## id <- as.integer(getNamedElement(att, "id"))
## attList <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(child$attributeList)
## bibref <- psimi25BibrefTypeHandler(child$bibref)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## idm <- psimi25CvTypeHandler(child$interactionDetectionMethod)
## et <- psimi25ExperimentType(name=names,
## attributeList=attList,
## id=id,
## bibref=bibref,
## interactionDetectionMethod=idm,
## xref=xref)
## return(et)
##psimi25XrefTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockXrefType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## pr <- psimi25DbReferenceTypeHandler(child$primaryRef)
## isSecondaryRef <- names(child) == "seoncdaryRef"
## if(sum(isSecondaryRef)==0) {
## sr <- new("psimi25DbReferenceType")
## } else {
## sr <- xmlApply(child[isSecondaryRef], psimi25DbReferenceTypeHandler)
## }
## xr <- psimi25XrefType(primaryRef=pr,
## secondaryRef=sr)
## return(xr)
##psimi25SourceHandler <- function(node) {
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## attr <- xmlAttrs(node)
## name <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$names)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## bibref <- psimi25BibrefTypeHandler(child$bibref)
## attL <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(child$attributeLite)
## release <- getNamedElement(attr, "release")
## releaseDate <- getNamedElement(attr, "releaseDate")
## sour <- psimi25Source(name=name, xref=xref, bibref=bibref, attributeList=attL,
## release=release, releaseDate=releaseDate)
## return(sour)
##psimi25BioSourceTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockBioSourceType)
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## names <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$name)
## cellType <- psimi25OpenCvTypeHandler(child$cellType)
## compartment <- psimi25OpenCvTypeHandler(child$compartment)
## tissue <- psimi25OpenCvTypeHandler(child$tissue)
## ncbiTaxId <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(getNamedElement(att, "ncbiTaxId")))
## bst <- psimi25BioSourceType(name=names,
## cellType=cellType,
## compartment = compartment,
## tissue=tissue,
## ncbiTaxId=ncbiTaxId)
## return(bst)
##psimi25InteractorElementTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockInteractorElementType)
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## id <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(getNamedElement(att, "id")))
## name <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$name)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## interactorTypes <- psimi25CvTypeHandler(child$interactorType)
## organism <- psimi25BioSourceTypeHandler(child$organism) ## NOT COMPLETE: ncbiTaxId DAZU! TODO. NOT SURE, SINCE TAXID IS CONTAINED
## sequence <- child$sequence
## if(!is.null(sequence)) {
## sequence <- xmlValue(sequence)
## } else {
## sequence <- as.character(NA)
## }
## att <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(child$attributeList)
## iet <- psimi25InteractorElementType(name=name, xref=xref,
## attributeList=att,
## interactorType=interactorTypes,
## organism=organism,
## sequence=sequence,
## id=id)
## return(iet)
####psimi25InteractorElementTypeListHandler <- function(node) {
#### if(is.null(node))
#### return(GC_mockInteractorElementTypeList)
#### res <- xmlApply(node, psimi25InteractorElementTypeHandler)
#### return(res)
##psimi25ExperimentListHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockExperimentList)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## eRef <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(xmlValueNullsafe(child$experimentRef)))
## eDes <- psimi25ExperimentTypeHandler(child$experimentDescription)
## ela <- psimi25ExperimentList(experimentRef=eRef,
## experimentDescription=eDes)
## return(ela)
##psimi25InferredInteractionParticpantAtomHandler <- function(node) {
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## participantRef <- quiteAsInteger(xmlValueNullsafe(node$participantRef))
## participantFeatureRef <- quiteAsInteger(xmlValueNullsafe(node$participantFeatureRef))
## obj <- new("psimi25InferredInteractionAtomParticipantAtom",
## participantRef=participantRef,
## participantFeatureRef=participantFeatureRef)
## return(obj)
##psimi25ExperimentRefListTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockExperimentRefListType)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## val <- quiteAsInteger(xmlApply(child, xmlValueNullsafe))
## obj <- psimi25ExperimentRefListType(object=obj)
## return(obj)
##psimi25InferredInteractionHandler <- function(node) {
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## isParticipant <- names(child) == "participant"
## part <- lapply(child[isParticipant], psimi25InferredInteractionParticpantAtomHandler)
## expRefList <- psimi25ExperimentRefListTypeHandler(child$experimentRefList)
## obj <- new("psimi25InferredInteraction",
## participant=part,
## experimentRefList=expRefList)
## return(obj)
##psimi25CvExperimentRefsHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockCvExperimentRefs)
## cv <- psimi25CvTypeHandler(node)
## expRefList <- psimi25ExperimentRefListTypeHandler(xmlChildren(node)$experimentRefList)
## obj <- psimi25CvExperimentRefs(cv = cv,
## experimentRefList = expRefList)
## return(obj)
##psimi25CvExperimentRefsListHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockCvExperimentRefsList)
## res <- xmlApply(node, psimi25CvExperimentRefsHandler)
## return(res)
##psimi25ExperimentInteractorHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockExperimentInteractor)
## stop("not implemented in psimi25ExperimentInteractorHandler\n")
##psimi25ExperimentInteractorListHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockExperimentInteractorList)
## stop("not implemented in psimi25ExperimentInteractorListHandler\n")
##psimi25FeatureElementTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockFeatureElementType)
## stop("not implemented in psimi25FeatureElementTypeHandler\n")
##psimi25InferredInteractionHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockInferredInteraction)
## stop("not implemented in psimi25InferredInteractionHandler")
##psimi25InferredInteractionListHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockInferredInteractionList)
## res <- xmlApply(node, psimi25InferredInteractionHandler)
## return(res)
##psimi25ConfidenceHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockConfidenceType)
## children <- xmlChildren(node)
## uni <- psimi25OpenCvTypeHandler(children$unit)
## value <- xmlValueNullsafe(children$value)
## con <- psimi25ConfidenceType(unit=uni,
## value=value)
## return(con)
##psimi25ConfidenceListTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockConfidenceListType)
## res <- xmlApply(node, psimi25ConfidenceHandler)
## return(res)
##psimi25ParameterTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockParameterType)
## stop("not implemented in psimi25ParameterTypeHandler")
##psimi25ParameterTypeListHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockParameterTypeList)
## res <- xmlApply(node, psimi25ParameterTypeHandler)
## return(res)
##psimi25HostOrganismHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockHostOrganism)
## children <- xmlChildren(node)
## bst <- psimi25BioSourceTypeHandler(node)
## erf <- psimi25ExperimentRefListTypeHandler(children$experimentRefList)
## obj <- psimi25HostOrganism(bioSourceType=bst,
## experimentRefList=erf)
## return(obj)
##psimi25ParticipantTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## attr <- xmlAttrs(node)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## id <- quiteAsInteger(getNamedElement(attr,"id"))
## name <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$names)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## interactorRef <- quiteAsInteger(xmlValueNullsafe(child$interactorRef))
## ## ATTENTION: not child$interactor, otherwise it uses partial matching!
## intera <- psimi25InteractorElementTypeHandler(child$interactor)
## interactionRef <- quiteAsInteger(xmlValueNullsafe(child$interactionRef))
## pim <- psimi25CvExperimentRefsListHandler(child$participantIdentificationMethodList) ## NOT FINISHED
## br <- psimi25CvTypeHandler(child$biologicalRole)
## erl <- psimi25CvExperimentRefsListHandler(child$experimentalRoleList)
## epl <- psimi25CvExperimentRefsListHandler(child$experimentalPreparationList)
## eil <- psimi25ExperimentInteractorListHandler(child$experimentalInteractorList)
## ## featureElementTypeList
## fetl <- child$featureList
## if(is.null(fetl)) {
## return(GC_mockFeatureElementTypeList)
## } else {
## fl <- xmlApply(fetl, psimi25FeatureElementTypeHandler)
## }
## ## hostOrganismListHandler
## holNode <- child$hostOrganismList
## if(is.null(holNode)) {
## return(GC_mockHostOrganismList)
## } else {
## hol <- xmlApply(holNode, psimi25HostOrganismHandler)
## }
## cl <- psimi25ConfidenceListTypeHandler(child$confidenceList)
## pl <- psimi25ParameterTypeListHandler(child$parameterList)
## pt <- new("psimi25ParticipantType",
## interactorRef=interactorRef,
## interactor=intera,
## interactionRef=interactionRef,
## participantIdentificationMethodList=pim,
## biologicalRole=br,
## experimentalRoleList=erl,
## experimentalPreparationList=epl,
## experimentalInteractorList=eil,
## featureList=fl,
## hostOrganismList=hol,
## confidenceList=cl,
## parameterList=pl,
## id=id)
## return(pt)
##getLogicalXmlValue <- function(node, default=FALSE) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(default)
## res <- as.logical(xmlValue(res))
## return(res)
##psimi25InteractionElementTypeHandler <- function(node) {
## if(is.null(node))
## return(GC_mockInteractionElementType)
## att <- xmlAttrs(node)
## child <- xmlChildren(node)
## id <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(getNamedElement(att, "id")))
## imexId <- getNamedElement(att, "id")
## name <- psimi25NamesTypeHandler(child$names)
## xref <- psimi25XrefTypeHandler(child$xref)
## availRef <- child$availabilityRef
## if(is.null(availRef)) {
## availRef <- as.integer(NA)
## } else {
## availRef <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(availRef))
## }
## availability <- psimi25AvailabilityTypeHandler(child$availability)
## experimentList <- psimi25ExperimentListHandler(child$experimentList)
## participantList <- xmlApply(child$participantList, psimi25ParticipantTypeHandler)
## ## inferredInteractionListHandler
## iil <- child$inferredInteractionList
## if(is.null(iil)) {
## return(GC_mockInferredInteractionList)
## } else {
## inferredInteractionList <- xmlApply(iil, psimi25InferredInteractionHandler)
## }
## isInteractionType <- names(child) == "interactionType"
## if(any(isInteractionType)) {
## interactionType <- lapply(child[isInteractionType], psimi25CvTypeHandler)
## } else {
## interactionType <- GC_mockCvTypeList
## }
## modelled <- getLogicalXmlValue(child$modelled)
## intraMolecular <- getLogicalXmlValue(child$intraMolecular)
## negative <- getLogicalXmlValue(child$negative)
## confidenceList <- psimi25ConfidenceListTypeHandler(child$confidenceList)
## parameterList <- psimi25ParameterTypeListHandler(child$parameterList)
## att <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(child$attributeList)
## obj <- new("psimi25InteractionElementType",
## name=name, xref=xref,
## attributeList=att,
## availabilityRef=availRef, availability=availability,
## experimentList=experimentList, participantList=participantList,
## inferredInteractionList=inferredInteractionList,
## interactionType=interactionType, modelled=modelled,
## intraMolecular=intraMolecular, negative=negative,
## confidenceList=confidenceList, parameterList=parameterList,
## imexId=imexId, id=id)
## return(obj)
##psimi25EntryHandler <- function(node) {
## children <- xmlChildren(node)
## sr <- psimi25SourceHandler(children$source)
## ## availabilityList
## avl <- children$availabilityList
## if(is.null(avl)) {
## al <- GC_mockAvailabilityTypeList
## } else {
## al <- xmlApply(avl, psimi25AvailabilityTypeHandler)
## }
## el <- xmlApply(children$experimentList, psimi25ExperimentTypeHandler)
## ## psimi25InteractorElementTypeList
## ior <- children$interactorList
## if(is.null(ior)) {
## iorl <- GC_mockInteractorElementTypeList
## } else {
## iorl <- xmlApply(ior, psimi25InteractorElementTypeHandler)
## }
## itionl <- xmlApply(children$interactionList, psimi25InteractionElementTypeHandler)
## attL <- psimi25AttributeListTypeHandler(children$attributeList)
## entry <- psimi25Entry(source=sr,
## availabilityList=al,
## experimentList=el,
## interactorList=iorl,
## interactionList=itionl,
## attributeList=attL)
## return(entry)
##resEntrySet <- NULL
##psimi25EntrySetHandler <- function(node) {
## attr <- xmlAttrs(node)
## entryset <- xmlApply(node, psimi25EntryHandler)
## entryset <- as(entryset, "psimi25EntrySet")
## esLevel <- quiteAsInteger(getNamedElement(attr, "level"))
## esVer <- quiteAsInteger(getNamedElement(attr, "version"))
## esMinorVersion <- quiteAsInteger(getNamedElement(attr, "minorVersion"))
## entryset@level <- esLevel
## entryset@version <- esVer
## entryset@minorVersion <- esMinorVersion
## resEntrySet <<- entryset
## return(entryset)
#### source for SAX
#### source
#### names
#### shortLabel
#### fullName
#### alias
#### bibref
#### xref
#### primaryRef
#### secondaryRef
#### xref
#### primaryRef
#### secondaryRef
#### attributeList
#### attribute
####psimi25SourceHandler <- function() {
#### sourceList <- list()
#### curEL <- 1
#### curPIR <- NULL
#### ## inN: in names
#### ## inB: in bibref
#### ## inX: in xref
#### ## inA: in attributeList
#### inN <- inB <- inX <- inA <- FALSE
#### ## inSL: in shortLabel
#### ## inFN: in full name
#### ## inAL: in alias
#### ## inPR: in primaryRef
#### ## inSR: in secondaryRef
#### ## inAT : in Attribute
#### inSL <- inFN <- inAL <- inPR <- inSR <- inAT <- FALSE
#### startElement = function(x, atts, ...) {
#### if (x == "names")
#### {
#### sourceList[[ curEL ]] <<- list()
#### inN <<- TRUE
#### }
#### else if (x == "bibref") inB <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "xref") inX <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "attributeList") inA <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "shortLabel") inSL <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "fullName") inFN <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "primaryRef") inPR <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "secondaryRef") inSR <<- TRUE
#### else if (x == "attribute") inAT <<- TRUE
#### }
#### endElement = function(x, ...) {
#### if (x == "names")
#### {
#### inN <<- FALSE
#### curEL <<- curEL + 1
#### }
#### else if (x == "bibref") inB <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "xref") inX <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "attributeList") inA <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "shortLabel") inSL <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "fullName") inFN <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "primaryRef") inPR <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "secondaryRef") inSR <<- FALSE
#### else if (x == "attribute") inAT <<- FALSE
#### }
#### text = function(x, atts, ...) {
#### }
#### dump = function() {
#### }
#### list(startElement= startElement,
#### text=text,
#### endElement=endElement,
#### dump=dump )
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