# Copyright (c) 2008 Camille Maumet
# GPL >= 3 (LICENSE.txt) licenses.
#-------------------------- classifyNewSamples ---------------------------------
# This file contains all the function and methods useful to classify new samples
# Author: Camille Maumet
# Creation: March 2008
# Last Modified: 17 Jul. 2008
# Classify one or several new sample(s) stored in the file <newSampleFile>
# by applying the final classifier (genes found by performing an RFE on the
# whole data set or by thresholding the NSC on the whole data set) for a subset
# of <optionValue> genes or a threshold of <optionValue>.
# @param object (assessment) Object of class assessment
# newSamplesFile (character) URL of the file containing the new samples
# gene expression profiles(in columns)
# optionValue (numric) Size of subset (or thresholds) to be considered to
# build the final classifier. If missing, pick the one corresponding
# to the best error rate by one-layer of cross-validation. If this has
# not been performed yet returns an error.
setMethod("classifyNewSamples", "assessment",
function(object, newSamplesFile, optionValue){
# If the size of the subset has not been set we pick the best subset size
# according to the one-layer of cross-validation
if (missing(optionValue)){
if (is.null(getResult1LayerCV(object))){
stop("One external layer of CV must be performed before classifying a new sample without 'optionValue' specified: call 'runOneLayerExtCV'
or call 'classifyNewSample' with a non-missing 'optionValue' argument.")
} else {
# Select the size corresponding to the best subset
optionValue <- getResults(object, 1, 'bestOptionValue')
# Find the position of the subset in geneSubsets
model <- which(getFeatureSelectionOptions(object, 'optionValues') == optionValue)[1]
} else {
# Select the genes corresponding to the size 'subsetSize' if there is
# no subset corresponding to this size then the closest bigger
# subset is chosen
if (optionValue > max(getFeatureSelectionOptions(object, 'optionValues'))){
# If there if bigger subset the smallest subset is chosen arbitrarily
model = 1
} else {
model <- which(getFeatureSelectionOptions(object, 'optionValues') >= optionValue)[1]
# If the final classifier has not been find yet
if (is.null(getFinalClassifier(object))){
stop('You must run "findFinalClassifier" before classifying new samples')
# Read the new samples file
newSamples <- read.table(newSamplesFile, header=TRUE, row.names=1)
rownames(newSamples) <- rownames(exprs(getDataset(object)))
if (getClassifierName(object) == 'svm'){
newSamples <- t(newSamples)
finalClassifier <- getFinalClassifier(object, "models")[[model]]$model
relevantGenes <- getFinalClassifier(object, "models")[[model]]$modelFeatures
predictedClass <- predict(finalClassifier,newSamples[,relevantGenes])
} else {
if (getClassifierName(object) == 'nsc') {
finalClassifier <- getFinalClassifier(object, "models")[[1]]
thres <- finalClassifier$threshold[model]
predictedClass <- pamr.predict( fit=finalClassifier,
names(predictedClass) <- colnames(newSamples)
# Code useful for lda or naiveBayes, unused in current version ################
#else {
# if (getFeatureSelectionMethod(object) == 'rfe'){
# relevantGenes <- getFinalClassifier(object, "models")[[model]]$modelFeatures
# } else {
# if (getFeatureSelectionMethod(object) == 'nsc'){
# finalClassifier <- getFinalClassifier(object, "models")[[1]]
# thres <- finalClassifier$threshold[length(finalClassifier$threshold) - model + 1]
# mydata <- list( x=exprs(getDataset(object, 'eset')),
# y=pData(getDataset(object, 'eset'))[[1]],
# genenames=featureNames(getDataset(object, 'eset')),
# geneid=featureNames(getDataset(object, 'eset')) )
# relevantGenes <- pamr.listgenes(fit=finalClassifier, data=mydata, threshold=thres)[,1]
# } else{
# stop(paste("In 'classifyNewSamples' 'getFeatureSelectionMethod(object)' must be 'nsc' or 'svm' and not ", getFeatureSelectionMethod(object)))
# }
# }
# trainData <- getDataset(object, 'eset')
# noSamples <- dim(trainData)[2]
# #dataExprSet <- getDataset(object, 'eset')
# dftrainData <- (, 'eset'))[relevantGenes,])))
# dftestData <- ([relevantGenes,])))
# row.names(dftestData) <- paste("pred", row.names(dftestData), sep="")
# allData <-, dftestData))
# allData$type <- factor(c(as.character(pData(trainData)[[1]]),
# as.character(rep(pData(trainData)[[1]][1], dim(newSamples)[2]))))
# if (getClassifierName(object) == 'naiveBayes'){
# trainTest <- MLearn(type~., allData, naiveBayesI, trainInd=seq(1, noSamples))
# } else {
# if (getClassifierName(object) == 'lda'){
# print("lda classification")
# trainTest <- MLearn(type~., allData, ldaI, trainInd=seq(1, noSamples))
# }
# }
# predictedClass <- testPredictions(trainTest)
# names(predictedClass) <- colnames(newSamples)
# }
# Code useful for lda or naiveBayes, unused in current version ################
# Train the final classifier corresponding to the assessment <object>.
# @param object (assessment) Object of class assessment
setMethod("findFinalClassifier", "assessment", function(object){
optionValues <- getFeatureSelectionOptions(object, 'optionValues')
featureNames <- featureNames(getDataset(object))
if (getFeatureSelectionMethod(object) == 'rfe'){
# SVM and RFE
rfeModels <- x=aperm(exprs(getDataset(object))),
svmModels <- alist()
noModels <- length(rfeModels$TestedModels)
for (i in 1:noModels){
svmModels[[noModels-i+1]] <- alist()
svmModels[[noModels-i+1]]$model <- rfeModels$TestedModels[[i]]$model
svmModels[[noModels-i+1]]$modelFeatures <- featureNames[rfeModels$TestedModels[[i]]$modelFeatures]
getFinalClassifier(object) <- new( "finalClassifier",
} else {
if (getFeatureSelectionMethod(object) == 'nsc'){
thresholds <- getFeatureSelectionOptions(object, 'thresholds')
mydata <- list(x=exprs(getDataset(object)),
geneid=featureNames )
nscModels <- pamr.train(data=mydata,
getFinalClassifier(object) <- new( "finalClassifier",
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