conditions <- c(rep("case",3), rep("control", 3))
fd <- data.frame(
EntrezId = rownames(mockRnaSeqData),
Symbol = unlist(mget(rownames(mockRnaSeqData), org.Mm.egSYMBOL,
GeneName = unlist(mget(rownames(mockRnaSeqData), org.Mm.egGENENAME,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
d <- DGEList(counts = mockRnaSeqData, group = conditions, genes = fd)
d <- calcNormFactors(d)
d <- estimateCommonDisp(d)
## Get an edgeR object <- exactTest(d)
min.pval <- min($table$PValue)/10
test_1dataframe <- function(){
df <-,
annotation.db='', pvalueCutoff=1, lfc=0, n=100)
checkTrue(nrow(df) == 100,
"100 rows are returned in coercing fit to data.frame")
df2 <-,
annotation.db = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 1, lfc = 0, n = 100)
checkTrue(nrow(df2) == 100,
"100 rows are returned in coercing fit to data.frame")
checkTrue(ncol(df2) == 5,
"5 columns are returned in coercing fit to data.frame")
checkTrue(all.equal(df, df2), "The same data.frame is returned for the calls with and without the annotation db")
annotation.db='', pvalueCutoff=min.pval, n=100),
"Returning a zero-length data.frame raises an exception")
edgeR.de2 <-
edgeR.de2$genes <- NULL
df3 <-,
annotation.db = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 1, lfc = 0, n = 100)
checkTrue(all(rownames(df3) %in% rownames(d)),
"rownames for the data.frame match the expression data when there is no annotation data.")
edgeR.de3 <-
edgeR.de3$genes <- edgeR.de3$genes[, 1, drop = FALSE]
df4 <-,
annotation.db = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 1, lfc = 0, n = 100)
checkTrue(all(rownames(df4) %in% rownames(d)),
"rownames for the data.frame match the expression data when there's one column of annotation data")
edgeR.de3$genes <- fd
rownames(edgeR.de3$genes) <- NULL
df5 <-,
annotation.db = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 1, lfc = 0, n = 100)
checkTrue(all(rownames(df5) %in% rownames(d)),
"rownames for the data.frame match the expression data when there's no rownames on the annotation data")
test_3toReportDF <- function(){
htmlRep <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage4",
reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory', title = "Test Report 4")
rep.df <- toReportDF(, htmlRep, countTable = d$counts,
conditions = conditions, annotation.db='',
pvalueCutoff=1, lfc=0, n=100, make.plots = TRUE)
checkTrue(nrow(rep.df) == 100,
"100 rows are returned in coercing fit to data.frame")
checkTrue(ncol(rep.df) == 6,
"6 columns are returned in coercing fit to data.frame")
test_3modifyReportDF <- function(){
htmlRep <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage4",
reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory', title = "Test Report 4")
rep.df <- toReportDF(, htmlRep, countTable = d$counts,
conditions = conditions, annotation.db='',
pvalueCutoff=1, lfc=0, n=100, make.plots = TRUE)
checkTrue(nrow(rep.df) == 100)
rep.df <- modifyReportDF(rep.df, htmlRep, object =,
countTable = NULL, conditions = NULL, make.plots = FALSE)
rep.df <- modifyReportDF(rep.df, htmlRep, object =,
countTable = mockRnaSeqData, conditions = conditions, make.plots = TRUE)
test_4publishHTMLReportRef <- function(){
htmlRep <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage4",
reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory', title = "Test Report 4")
publish(, htmlRep, countTable = d$counts, conditions = conditions,
annotation.db = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 1, lfc = 0, n = 100,
make.plots = FALSE, name = "DEtable")
test_5modifyhHTMLReportRef <- function(){
fives <- function(df, ...){df$Fives <- rep(5, nrow(df)); df}
htmlRep <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage5",
reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory', title = "Test Report 5")
publish(, htmlRep, countTable = d$counts, conditions = conditions,
annotation.db = NULL, pvalueCutoff = 1, lfc = 0, n = 100,
make.plots = FALSE, name = "DEtable", .modifyDF = fives)
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